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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. True, you spend most of your income on fucking toys. Whinging cunt. lol
  2. So Eric, you are all nice and cosied up with Bibble now, are you. Some people never learn do they. He is a Welsh grass, an avid shit stirrer, and you have a very short memory. Bon chance with it all.
  3. Ah, you are back from work. What was it, counting ballot papers . Very tiring.
  4. At 13 years old, would she have ever heard of him? Disgusting picture.
  5. And probably only 13 years old !?. It's surprising who you see in a park with a camera, isn't it. Disgusting...
  6. It is just a pity the cunts don't cover themselves up, get in the classroom, and fucking learn something useful. The tart in your pic is probably studying Sociology and will become another thick useless Social Worker. Fuck off.
  7. I think Stibby could be saved Punkers. If he can't embrace Catholicism, maybe he could ask Bubba about The Union of Welsh Baptists. You don't have to be bright, Bubba is a minister....lol
  8. Change your ways Stibby, or risk damnation.
  9. Alfie is a closet sausage jockey, and should renounce all his sins to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  10. For you Punkers, anything, after all you are a Catholic. It will amuse the locals. Dejeuner après?
  11. Halfway between Poitiers and Limoges, look for the blue sky, smiling faces, and fine restaurants. lol.
  12. Anybody else see May's speech outside No 10. Absolute bollocks, and she had to talk very loudly to be heard over the noise from a HELICOPTER hovering overhead. The first thing she wants to do next week is place stricter controls on people like Ape, and his stupid hobby. lol.....fuck off
  13. Yes, somebody on here mentioned you are a big prick.
  14. I ended up with a poisonous arsehole, but nobody forced me to marry her. Entirely my own fault.
  15. You haven't posted much lately Apematey, are you missing my repartee?
  16. I hope you will always sit on public transport with your legs apart, you daft old cunt. It would attract the flies, and allow other passengers to eat their shite burgers in peace.
  17. What a fiasco this all is Punkers, but then this is to be expected when, as a whole, people turn their back on God.
  18. What a mess you are making of things over there. Here I am relaxing with a nice expresso outside my local tabac, laughing my head off. I am sure that Snatch and Gong are doing likewise. What's for you now, Boris as P.M, remaining in the EU in all but name, celebrating Fat Abbot's miraculous return to good health?. Vivre....
  19. Edward removed it, he was obviously worried about the wrath of Rick coming down on him. Who can blame him, I have been on the receiving end, it aint nice.
  20. Yes, and it also lessens stench trench emmissions
  21. I thought there was a G in campaigning. The same as the G in Gormless
  22. I am also old (ish), and my Agent Immobilier , a young man of about 35, has successfully sold my farm, two houses, and a carp lake enterprise, for me over the last 15 months. His fees are considerably more than a U.K agent, but he did all the legal paperwork etc etc, leaving me to drink fine wine and go fishing. He is also an avid lover of geese. Top man.
  23. Sad loss indeed, it's a pity it wasn't you, you divvy cunt
  24. I have just called Punkers (they have let him keep his Harrods cellphone). He is doing well in the chokey. I read him your kind words, and he said 'Tell the thick cunt to shove his working class toy helicopter up his arse. lol' Please don't shoot the messenger Ape.
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