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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. That's fuck all , my cousins mate knows a girl down the local who was shagged by Barry Scott. Apparently afterwards he sprayed her gusset with Cilit Bang and shouted 'one squirt and the grime is gone'
  2. Well Scotty you asked for it , Diana Dors would have wrecked you. Now for some blatant name-dropping. My uncle was Diana's gardener in West Sussex , and at the age of 7 I fell in her garden pond. Diana dragged me out and gave me a hot bath. Very nice lady , I've met her , Big !!
  3. Don't be downhearted Swarm. Apparently she has a one in three chance of having a fatal asthma attack. Not bad odds
  4. Fucking hell indeed Mike. Surely you've done a typo. It should read DAMN Barbara Windsor. Pair of wrinkled tits with asthma. Cunt
  5. Must be an idiot if he's related to you cunt.
  6. Problem with your farmers . Try soaking them in bleach . Adopt caution though , hold your slack scrotum out of harms way. Bon courage.
  7. Asda are doing Brobat bleach today @ 80% off. get down there Eddie and get 100 bottles.
  8. Witheredscrote

    Bad Breath

    sorry swarm ,these two lowest forms of pond life know no passion. They need stamping on pdq like one would a cockroach. Talking of cockroaches , where's Frank.
  9. Witheredscrote

    Bad Breath

    Agreed. What a couple of cunts these 2 young shit stabbers are. It seems the more they write the less they have to say. There are plenty of rooms to let in Damascus. Have a Happy New Year Manky and keep your chain well oiled.
  10. So in summary Spotters , you give your grandson a very cheap knitted toy thus saving yourself money to buy loads of beer. Christmas cheer , my arse. Selfish cunt.
  11. Rebel doing the BT Infinity ads. Fucking hell , what a sad sack of thick shit she is. If she could actually do the splits her minge-piece would stick to the studio floor like a sink plunger on glass. It would take 3 paddies and a jack hammer to get her up. Fat cunt.
  12. don't be a cunt Baws , Tiny lives on a small planet millions of miles from earth. There she gives copious blowjobs to Major Clanger who is a notorious peado. Pay attention you prick
  13. Carbonated drink , whats that . Is it anything like champagne . I had some trouble with a Krug 2000 Clos du Mesnil this morning. Now that was a cunt.
  14. I thought 'The Clangers' were good this morning. The Iron Chicken is my favourite character but I must admit the Soup Dragon is a flid.
  15. Well done old chap. I can only apologise for Slackers tardy response. I am truly embarrassed . You will go far on this forum.
  16. Oh dear Slackers , you call this a cunting ?
  17. Congratulations on your first post Chick. In Bill Stickers absence I would like to welcome you to the forum. You can rely on me to give you any support you need. I will never ever ask you to drink bleach , rub broken glass into your scrotum or have anal sex with Frank. However I will take this opportunity to suggest that your next post contains at least 3 'cunts' and an 'arsehole' or 2. Bill & Deccs will be along all too soon for you I am afraid. Look out for Scotty , he is a right cunt. Have a very Merry Christmas cunt.
  18. You never would have or ever will . Apart from being white ,Tory and a racist , nobody outside Manchester would be able to understand a fucking word you said.
  19. Go on Gypps , hex the cunt , you know you have the powers
  20. Surely this should read ' Alternative Mid Winter Break Message '.
  21. Be fair Eddie , he probably has too much time on his hands , it is a general failing in most 'secure mental health units'. I feel the lad is turning the corner , he had a pop at me and didn't say bleach once. With QC I am reminded of the old proverb ' The sun is always brightest before it sets '. We live in hope.
  22. What a pathetic pre chistmas nom. Absolutely pointless. If I knew where you lived I would call round and macerate your eyeballs with my new Ronco rechargeable hand held blender.
  23. Warning of air pollution in the U.K. Is this Allah's way of helping his camel shagging ragheads feel at home ?. I hope 99% of it falls on Norwich.
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