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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. You heartless bastard, Lady P is wheelchair bound, riddled with arthritis, and hasn't been able to reach around and wipe her own arsehole for 20 years. After 50 years of loyal service to British Rail, she was made redundant as she could no longer bump start Delta Diesel locos on cold mornings. She might smell of piss and shit, and be an out and out fucking nuisance on here, but this time I will defend her. Fuck off.
  2. All very interesting, but I feel another photo of your growler would have been better.
  3. Much the same as Pansyknickers, he gives me the shits. On the other hand, looking at this site, at the moment it is a tad constipated, and in need of roughage to get things moving. I suggest that the mods release Decimus forthwith to solve the problem. Bubba is a butt plug.
  4. I bet you can't even smell your own name
  5. Report him, go on, report him. MC is like a breath of fresh shite
  6. Bye MC, see you in 6 months. Give my regards to Frank
  7. Why don't you use spell check you stupid cunt
  8. It's the big day today for Pippa. God bless the blushing bride. I am sure that I speak on behalf of all CC members in wishing her and James many happy years together... A double fuck off and lots of lols.
  9. Theresa May is to create a new internet that will be controlled and regulated by the government, (which roughly translated means private profit making agencies). She wants to restrict what people can post, share and publish online, also restrictions on search engines. Everybody's search history is to be collected. All very democratic. Will this be the end of CC?
  10. I really like his Bakewell tarts, the glace cherries are big.
  11. I couldn't agree with you more, but fuck off anyway.
  12. The dodgy cunt, along with all Volvo drivers, should be fed through a wood chipper
  13. Which reminds me of the sex mad Sperm Whale that bit the end of a submarine and sucked out all the seamen. lol & fuck off
  14. I admire the man, even if he is misguided. He is trying to do something with his life. As for you, it's bed 'til noon, BA sign on at 2.30pm, cash giro at the Post Office 4.00pm, and flat roof pub 'til midnight. What a full and fruitful existence. Fuck off you scrounging sweaty cunt.
  15. This morning the public are sitting in the same four buses and saying ' can you smell stale piss? '
  16. Exactly, the problem with our Neil is that he just doesn't think things through.
  17. And Bara Brith comes from Wales. One helping of that and you will realise why Bubba is such a boring cunt.
  18. Well you have to start somewhere you sad cunt.
  19. He has a big box of balsa wood and some glue, will this help the poor wretch?
  20. Then you are a stupid cunt.. lol .. fuck off ....
  21. You sure, two heirs to the throne present at the function. Security guards, body guards, armed police, helicopters, restricted flying zones, etc, etc. You are paying for that, not Daddy Middleton. If Ahmed charges you 50p too much for your kebab tomorrow, you will get annoyed.
  22. Thanks for putting me right Bawsy, I thought 'she' was a village in Cheshire.
  23. Well you are one of the 99% and should give a fuck about it. It is your tax that , in part, is paying for it. They eat caviar, you eat a kebab. Soppy Northern cunt.
  24. Bawsey, I think that with the aid of 1 kilo of fisting butter, a cardboard toilet roll tube, this little rodent could satisfy even Punkers.
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