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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. That told the little cunt TC, firm but fair.
  2. That sums him up Bibble. I wouldn't like to be the one to lift the lids on TC's drains. I can imagine he has pictures of Nilsen pasted on his bedroom walls.
  3. Fuck off you miserable northern type. Hopefully there will soon be electric 35 tonne lorries that can wipe out 10 of you peddling cunts in one hit.
  4. He was certainly guilty of bad singing. The Monkees were a shit band.
  5. I rather like the idea. Fucking cyclist won't hear them 'til its too late.
  6. We all know what you really need Gobbler, and it certainly isn't any of the above.
  7. You are torturing nobody TC, your glory days are over. The proof? All these boring fucking newbies scurrying all over the site like hungry cockroaches. Just pack up your rusty, unused hammers and fuck off. No offence.
  8. I had great admiration for her. Especially when she donated her pissflaps so that Niki Lauder could have new ears.
  9. It is definitely a Welsh thing, look at that short arse Robbie Williams. Charlotte Church looks like her minge hair is constantly moving north. Bubba is even worse, he looks like a moulting Chewbacca, but shorter
  10. His missus Susan Nillson must have married him for his looks. I just hope they haven't set up home anywhere near 'our' Neil. Poor old Andrew would spend all day trying to prise the fat cunt off her once he has sniffed her out. I would certainly like to back-scuttle her.
  11. Good days indeed Bubba, but all good things come to an end. Sadly I will soon be leaving you and moving onto another ethereal plane, which I hope will be free of anything Roop or Dinglike. Indeed a place where all true cunts can roam unfettered.
  12. Well if that is true, by my reckoning we have about another 15 months before we stop laughing at Bubba.
  13. How about you fucking off and giving us some peace
  14. Bawsy, that is the 2nd time I have seen this picture in 7 days, but mine was in black and white
  15. I wasn't aware that dentists employed people with learning difficulties Scotty.
  16. I wouldn't have thought so Bibble. I p.m'd Eddie some photos of my gite after Frank had left. The one of my cleaning girl trying to remove a wig from the U bend was especially disgusting.
  17. I am on some really good stuff at the moment. I,m buzzin' and my cannula is glowing in the dark.
  18. This soppy sod has lost the game at level 1. Fancy posting a 'like' on Roops post. What a grade A fucking loser.
  19. Don't think he is Snatch. Most poofs are quite erudite, this one seems more of a thick bender
  20. I always prefer cremations. At mine I have requested ' Stairway to Heaven ' just to piss you off...
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