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Bubba C

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Everything posted by Bubba C

  1. Are you a real doctor? Surely, the majority of people who work do it for the money? Do you? I know I do. How many friends/acquaintances can you say do their job for the love of it?
  2. Either that cunt has been on a 10 year come-down or he needs to find a new dealer. What a miserable, rat-faced cunt. Tennis doesn't seem to give a shit, doping, fixing, a very odd sport.
  3. Decs, now you've fucked the nom right up, and it was all going so well. He will no doubt be along to multi-quote it to death, contradict himself entirely and misunderstood jokes and references until he comes out with a hilarious playground insult, such as "ooooooo". I guess things are confusing if you're an autistic Yorkshireman who can no longer pull the fittest women in the land.
  4. I'd like to 'like' this for you, Roops, but I'm all out. That, and the fact that it's a fucking shit post that doesn't make any sense.
  5. Michael, I've never said you're more of a cunt than Ding, I would never do that to you.
  6. No, none of it matters, Mike. Hence why people (cunts) should stop shitting themselves and crying if a nom goes off at a tangent or if some cunt gets a ripping.
  7. Not at all, Mike, you say what you like, I'm a massive proponent of free-speech. Especially on here, even if I do often get vilified for speaking my mind. Reading the nom again, it appeared simply a light-hearted jab at your soft underbelly, nothing to get shirty about. After all, we all know the real cunt here is Ding.
  8. He's got a point, Mike. At least wait until 6 posts in before fucking up a nom. It's a bit fucking rich, don't you think? Crying about people doing it, then doing it yourself? Anyway, for what it's worth, I thought Decs was being quite complimentary about you....
  9. Fucking disgusting behaviour if you ask me. Get cunting if you want stuff to be cunted, rather than lurking in the shadows like a greasy sex-criminal, ready to pounce at the mere mention of your name, or to bleat on about how wonderful the old corner was. Wake up cunts, this is the corner now. If it was so brilliant, it wouldn't have changed, surely? Get a grip, or fuck off.
  10. I know I would, Spots. Admittedly these Hippocratic oath swearing cunts should remain ethical and morally sound, but fair play to them for making a few extra quid. Surely the cunts that buy them are more worthy of a cunting? Maybe the lazy cunts who need to practice more should fuck off/be cunted good and proper?
  11. Whatever works for you I guess.
  12. He's got you, Frank, how will you deal with this cretin? Be careful, he's articulate.
  13. Ah well, thanks for at least considering it.
  14. I do what I can for her affection, Edward. Can I have yours, please? It would mean the world to me.
  15. Thanks, Ed, but there's no need to give her anything like that, it gives her heartburn. Just some water, tap, and dry pedigree chum will suffice.
  16. Is she invited? She will be pleased.
  17. Cheers, Luke, I think. You utter cunt. If you could give that wispy little fairy, Eddie, a nudge about language lessons for me, that'd be great. His grasp of the Queens' English was/were/wuz, is, second to none.
  18. Good nom, Lukers. I am often a jump-the-gun kind of cunt and despise being made to look a cunt after the event, should I ever have flung wild accusations at people that turn out to misplaced. At the risk of taking this nom slightly off-topic, and as alluded to by your good self, am I allowed to discuss companies that ask for your card details to have a free trial, and then make it nigh-on impossible to cancel the cunt without a Turing machine type code-break to enter your details and/or a premium rate phone-call to some cunt who tries to sell more shit to you? You let me know, and I'll nom that shit myself if it displeases you. Your call.
  19. Who the fuck has been talking about me, Bill? I know people name-drop me to get noticed, but I only derail if something is shit. If someone wants an intelligent debate, great. If someone nom's something cunt worthy, I'll cunt it, a point I keep making, and a point others keep missing. Have I taken a cunting in my time? Most fucking definitely, and I welcome it, some of it is funny, and I'm not afraid to dish out praise and likes to anyone I deem worthy. I'll stop now, I've been drinking most of the day and not fully awake after trying to sleep it off, and fuck knows where I'm heading with this bollocks.
  20. Bubba C

    Electric cars

    I am guilty of cunting, yes. Have I ever cunted you? Don't think I have. In fact, I do believe that I subtley fought your corner earlier.
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