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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. He came to stay with me when his owners were on holiday. Why? What were you implying?
  2. Was that really necessary when people are having their dinner.
  3. Out of curiosity, I just typed; 'white kid stabbed by blacks' into Google. Guess what comes up? Pages of reports describing black people being stabbed by whites. We are witnessing the systematic demonisation of the Caucasian race, and the ongoing marginalisation of straight white men in particular, who are blamed for all the evils of the world and no longer have a voice. Any white man who disagrees with or challenges the opinion of gays or 'people of colour' is immediately shouted down as being racist, homophobic or whatever suits at the time.
  4. So rumour has it. Fnarr fnarr.
  5. I prefer the term 'artificial human' thats enough now. It's silly.
  6. I should imagine most murders in the US are committed using a .55 cal' elephant gun. Thanks chiefly to the national obesity crisis.
  7. I'll set em up. You knock em down.
  8. I used to look after an ex MPs dog. Beautiful German shepherd, with a set of standardised commands. I know what the attack and bring down signal is. If CGAS does too, he's likely telling the truth.
  9. Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man?
  10. It probably had less jihadis living there.
  11. Dangling cheese and tempting the mouse to wander into the path of the Welsh cat?
  12. Good point. That's not to say I don't feel sympathy for the Syrian kid being bullied, I genuinely do. From what I've seen, he was attacked by a coward who wouldn't have done a fucking thing if he didn't have back-up/audience. The boy knew he was outnumbered and stayed calm and took the shit with dignity. I don't doubt that he would have kicked the shit out of the bully had it been a level playing field. But you're right, white kids are bullied and assaulted by black gangs every day, but it's not newsworthy because it doesn't fit the PC agenda. I grew up around the edge of south London and despite being a big kid, 6 foot at age 15, I was well aware that if you saw a group of black cunts on a street corner, you made a detour, because it's guaranteed they're tooled up and hostile to white cunts. In the past 25 years, thousands of white kids have been stabbed or otherwise attacked, simply for being white and in the wrong place. But the only victim of racially motivated assault whose name will spring to the minds of the general public is Stephen Lawrence.
  13. I can imagine the TV advertising. A wholesome American family sitting around a table, the cute kid with the dimples pipes up; "Gee Dad, you sure are a spacker!"
  14. Of course they don't invite you, you're a kebab eating scoundrel and you don't tick any of their boxes for completing their ethnically diverse social circle.
  15. Yiz have lost yiz mind, 'that fell from whose pus sodden drawers' is feckin stupid. So it is, so it is. Yiz are all fukked PloppyWhacker
  16. There was a young girl from the Azores Her cunt was all covered in sores And the dogs in the street Used to lick the green meat that fell from her pus sodden drawers. Now that's culture.
  17. I'm assuming it wasn't the met commissioner who sat in a car and did nothing to assist a colleague being stabbed to death 8 feet in front of him either. Mind you, the fact that he managed to shit his pants, lock the car and cry his eyes out simultaneously does suggest a level of coordination above the average dibble, who would be hard pushed to pick the peanuts out of their own faecal matter while concentrating on the plot of teletubbies.
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