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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

    Be honest with yourself @Wolfie .. you are a big fat poof with a fixation about cocks. Cocks roll out of your mouth.

    I was going to be kind, Pen, but seeing as you keep trolling and can't keep your humungous schlong out of my affairs, you leave me with little choice.

    I noticed on Christmas Day you made the lion's share of comments, with Harold filling in a few gaps; I was wondering, therefore, why you didn't spend it with your trio or quartet of siblings? While you've confused the living hell out of everyone as to how many sisters, half-brothers or Jack Russells you've had or have, and what they died or didn't die from, your Christmas Day monopoly strongly suggests you're nothing more than a lonely, bitter old genderqueer with absolutely no-one or nothing in their life. In fact, this website is your life – and you're pretty shit at it at the best of times.

    I'm sure I speak on behalf of 95% of the Corner when I say retire yourself, you sad, piteous, useless, painfully sorry old butch.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Thinner skin than a 24 week neonate you, you big poof. I was up at 530 myself today, though the sun was already up here, and I like a cup of tea on the sundeck before the rest of the house stirs. 

    My “life as a civil servant” was surprisingly short, given that I spent the last 30 years of my life self employed. I too know the lies you tell yourself, that you’re somehow in control of your workload and working hours, when in actual fact you’re as in thrall to the next payslip as anyone else. Retirement, on the other hand, is a veritable dream of passive income. I recommend it. 

    But enough of that. I’m feel compelled to check - what is it you’re doing with teenagers at the ungodly hours of the day? I’m sure you’ll confirm said teenagers are the fruit of your withered loins before you set off the Corners’ Yewtree Information Device (YID) and all manner of unpleasantness ensues. But still, what do they need from you?

    I’ll spare you a thought next time I brew up, trudging about in the dark with a little yellow bag of dogshit in hand. Whatever makes you happy. 

    I’m off to the Tennis.

    I hope Father Christmas brings you a belated torn cruciate ligament, Dr Verbose.

    When you claim "before the rest of the house stirs", I assume you mean the only person you live with: your Aussie wife. Actually, I'm a little disappointed you've taken the Yewtree angle on this, especially as it would be obvious to anyone with more than three brain cells that dogs and teenagers et al. affect one's time on any given morning.

    And your mornings appear to involve "a cup of tea" rather than espresso coffee, yet you have the audacity to call me a big poof... Jeez. You do indeed sound like a retired old fart.

  3. 13 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Could be worse OCR, you could need to get up at 530am to eke out a crust like @Wolfie.

    Is it not still dark at that time of day? The very thought. 

    Of course, no one in the 24-hour daylit utopia that is Australia gets up at 5.30am before work. Not a soul – not even doctors or nurses.

    The difference between your life as a civil servant, in which you must have been ruled by a Third Reich iron fist for most of it, and mine, in which I have freedoms to choose when I work, is that I like to rise early. Dogs, teenagers and training before I decide to work – rather than a bureaucrat pulling my strings – all play a part.

    Go figure, presumptuous wanker.

    • Like 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    The Teague's overly contrived mask of nonchalant blarney has well and truly slipped yet again over the last 48 hours.

    I take great pleasure in the fact that he clearly wants to portray himself as a shoulder-shrugging, easy going Paddy, yet is unable to keep up the facade even when subjected to the mildest of ribbings.

    Like all of his kind, the bitter inferiority complex of his race shines brighter than the morning dew on a rotten lumper potato.


    Indeed. He's the most triggered, easily riled contributor on here – by some distance. 

    He's also second only to ginger flaps in the last-word merchant stakes, as he'll undoubtedly confirm...

    • Like 1
  5. On 22/12/2023 at 03:02, PANZER MURPHY said:

    I didn't have the dubious privilege of readin the wuggers latest haff baked little englander shite withers baby..has he been dragged out the back and shot in the face?..lol


    Ah, but you did. I know this because I was up for work at 5.30am the following morning – and noticed you were logged into this topic at precisely the same time, without doubt reading the comment I made about your ma via notification.

    You lying piece of shit Teague wanker. Lol.

    • Like 1
  6. On 20/12/2023 at 17:55, Decimus said:

    He's a right fucking queer, isn't he? I've never had this much attention from another man and I have to say he's coming across like he definitely wants both of our cocks in his arsehole at the same time. Even as I type I see he's just quoted me on another thread in yet more desperate attention seeking antics.

    I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about it, some would say I should be flattered, but as I'm not a raging fucking queen I have to say I wish he'd take his advances to someone more likely to reciprocate. Frank perhaps?

    The Yiddish bum-ferret has been so far up Frank's arsehole recently I'm surprised he can see where he's going. Perhaps the olive-skinned wanker's cavernous, Thamesmead-rooted rectum allows in just enough light for Captain Shit to navigate his next trolling endeavour. What a pair of mincers.

    • Like 3
  7. 14 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Wuggers baby ya seem to be laboring under the notion that i value anything that you say ..let me relieve ya of that buden ..any hows the mama doin..she gettin used to the rain...lol



    14 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Speakin of micks bally baby..we see the norn brethren starting to fight among themselves... havin thrown treeza under the bus rishi is about to throw wee Jeffrey under another bus again ..lundys everywhere in the ranks of unionizm...lol



    14 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Deserters decco baby...you lot shot yers..we just didnt give them cushy jobs in semi state companies...but i forgive yer ignorance for yer a product of an apallin educational system..read more...post less..lol


    You easily rattled, highly strung, utterly predictable Oirish wanker.

    Genuinely laffin... lololol.

    • Like 1
  8. 56 minutes ago, and said:

    You, shouldn't be standing anywhere, you, should be swimming, preferably with a Great White shark following your blood trail, you cunt.

    You, just can't stop, following and trolling, people, can you, you insecure, comma-clumsy, weirdo, troll?

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    I just saw the CHRISTMAS Radio Times £5.50 shite and ITV TV TIMES £5.00 shite. 

    Fascinating. Have you thought about rolling them up and stuffing each into your throat concurrently, to see if it stops you from breathing? Idiot.

  10. On 19/12/2023 at 17:33, and said:

    That's the sort of endorsement that's guaranteed to inflate my ego.


    @Decimus always assumes he speaks for everyone, the arrogant narcissistic cunt, his word is law around here, or so he thinks, and you're not allowed to deviate from that, surely you should have realised that by now?

    @Frank sometimes allows him to borrow an occasional phrase or anecdote, but only with the proviso it's washed and returned to it's rightful owner after it's been posted.

    Credit where it's due, Frank is 'the best on here'.

    Anyone might think you're attempting to groom Frank, Mr Shit. Perhaps the only thing preventing his narcissistic tendencies from succumbing to a Christmas holiday meet with you and a bottle of rohypnol might be his fear of coming to the following afternoon, waking next to a Dachsie 'horse' head on the pillow and sporting the kind of arsehole that would make Stuart Lubbock gasp. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:



    'Laffin' indeed. Any newbie might assume you're some easygoing, charming Dubliner cliché who washes off confrontation like water off a duck's back – but we all know it won't be long before your easily rattled nature starts getting the better of you, and you start posting your usual, nonsensical pro-IRA poppycock bollocks.

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  12. 17 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

    Fucks sake .What next ?.Men contacting each other to have parts of their anatomy  removed  , the old todger and knackers seem to have been the main target .They could have saved a lot of time,  effort and embarrassment and just  contacted my ex wife , she would have sorted it in an instant .

    Put up a link to illustrate the point you're trying to make, so readers aren't left wondering what the fuck you're going on about. This is an appalling nom.

    In spite of your shocking punctuation, perhaps only explainable by a malfunctioning keypad, others (including me) have been fairly merciful of your obvious shortcomings throughout the past few months – so don't take it for granted. You're still on probation.

    Get better or get gone.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Frank said:

    It probably doesn’t mean much, and, but you’re the only one on here that keeps me coming back for more. 



    44 minutes ago, and said:

    Frank, I know we've had our differences in the past, but, I'm touched!

    Obviously not in a Catholic Priest and @Decimus sordid sort of way.

    Just to be even slightly recognised by 'The Best' on here, makes it all worthwhile.

    Frank, you weedy, greasy, unibrowed dine-alone cunt. It's a shame there's not a hole in the ground, in which you can fulfil your quasi-homosexual relationship with the sickeningly obsequious Jew and bum each other into eternity. You could even share your little Dachsie as some kind of child substitute. At least you'd never have to pick up its shit.

    • Like 2
  14. 26 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I doubt he can remember, the last time he featured on it was in 2018, as we know from the screenshot.


    On a more serious note, I'm suspicious someone has hacked into my account Decs, as I recently attempted to modify my avatar to a ginormous pile of dogshit – only to immediately have it changed by a mysterious external power. I can't imagine someone such as Roops might have the authority to do this.

    I'm just doing the right thing by warning other punters their accounts could be at risk.

    • Like 1
  15. On 11/12/2023 at 17:33, and said:

    What's your problem @Wolfie can't you handle the competition?

    And it's all achieved without the need for dictionaries and Poodles 📖🐩


    Imagine my surprise to see yet another notification from the gay, shit-loving, insecure, obsessive dog-hating Jew.

    Actually, I'd like to call a truce... I need your help in advance as I'd like to know how to chronicle my next visit to the leaderboard. Lolololololol.

    • Like 2
  16. 9 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Do you mind if I change the subject for a moment. I'm half way through the first episode of The Old Devils a BBC 3 part adaptation of Amis's novel. I can't stop laughing. Does the professional Welsh man and author bed all four of his mate's wives on his celebrated return to the land of his fathers? It's a hoot. 


    On 20/11/2023 at 21:11, ChildeHarold said:

    Do you mind if I change the subject for a second from the incessant racism that permeates your cortex? The "dumbing down" which you allude to in your post is surely multi-causal and I would offer just a few potential contributory factors just for your opinion and would be interested in seeing any others.



    On 07/11/2023 at 18:42, ChildeHarold said:

    Would you mind if I just change the subject for the moment? I'm getting rather tired of my ChildeHarold tag. It was fun at the start capturing I thought my ironic Byronic outlook. But it attracted the sort of paedophilia slurs and abuse to which my explosions booted me off the site for some time.


    On 14/11/2023 at 17:00, ChildeHarold said:

    Do you mind if I change the subject for a moment? I hear there's a book out in Eire about stone lifting. Apparently it's a thing there with not just guys trying to lift the heaviest stone they can with an average weight between 45 and 75 lbs. I used to be able to lift a 56lb bag of spuds on my shoulder over the fruitandveg market when I was a strapping youth. Some of these stones are heavier than 75lb which is Geoff Capester territory. 

    Have you heard about it or is it a stupid minority thing pursued by a few lunatics pursued by their nurses. 


    On 24/10/2023 at 14:27, ChildeHarold said:

    Do you mind "and" if we change the subject for the moment? If the Arabs or Palestinians didn’t cause the Holocaust why were they expected to pay the price for Europe's guilt in 1944? Seems a bit odd to me. Just saying. 


    On 22/10/2023 at 19:49, ChildeHarold said:

    Wolfie you don't mind if I change the subject? What is your critical analysis of the recent pro-Palestinian demos in Britain. Do they in your opinion form a threat to the peace and security of the country? Just asking. 

    Fuck off you useless fucking prick. Stop repeating the same, mundane, monotonous horseshit comment in an attempt to divert others' justified assertions that you're the most tedious, boring fucking cunt this site's ever suffered. I can honestly say I never make it past the first couple of sentences in anything you've ever attempted to write.

    Get off the site you painfully unreadable, non-stop verbose dickhead.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

    That's a pity. I'll miss you.


    The only bigger snake haunting this site is the one dangling under Pen's floral dress. Slither away into the undergrowth, you shameless, sycophantic man-serpent cunt.

    • Like 2
  18. 5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It is better to block than to receive. That's fucking Christmas over for me. Take it or leave it. Business as normal. Corned beef sandwich on white bread lunch. Sausage and chips dinner. Jam sponge and custard desert. All those blocked messages not to look at. Bed. Fuck off. 

    While you might slowly be tapping into the more tolerant side of Eric and Decs, from my perspective I hope you choke on the corned beef sandwich before tackling your sausages and chips. God willing I'll no longer login after a few days absence and suffer post after post after post of your appallingly pointless, verbose, c-grade diarrhoea. 

  19. On 22/11/2023 at 19:36, LastoftheMullets said:

    You have already uploaded your decrepit physique for all to see on here and the lower part of your face looks like raw giblets, I can only imagine how horrific the rest of your saggy ballsack mug looks like.

    What a refreshing change to know you were looking at the physique of an adult, Reptyle.

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