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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Is that a threat? I’m not going to do it although it does sound like it might be fun.
  2. Was he a crash test dummy?
  3. Reported for homophobic hate speech and poor spelling too.
  4. Should have strangled it when she realised it couldn’t walk and saved them both the embarrassment later.
  5. My imaginary M4 is in immaculate condition and therefore not in need of any unsolicited repair work from any of these armchair TV mechanic wankers. In fact it was just this afternoon that I drove to Harrods to pick up some caviar and back, never dropping below 150 MPH with a 1933 Old Penny stood upright on the rocker cover the entire way. Mike Brewer is a fat little cunt and probably takes it up the arse when the cameras stop rolling.
  6. 🎶From the infinity pool to the sea🎶
  7. Don’t hurry back.
  8. Surely you can’t be serious Eric?
  9. What the fuck are you whinging about? You’re a fully Velcro’d up member of one of the protected categories, you hideous cross dressing, hormone blocking, cock swinging, five o clock shadow sprouting, hairy bollocks, XY till you die, Mrs Doubtfire fucking unnatural freak. Lololol. Fuck off.
  10. Reported for hate speech
  11. I’d let her come back if you swapped places with her. If there’s any cunt on the planet who’d look better in a fly infested shithole wearing a filthy niqab than her, then tell me who? Answer the fucking question you cunt.
  12. You’re definitely not the first (or the last) punter to wake up with a stinging ringpiece after a heavy night down at The Blue Oyster Club ELC.
  13. Hertfordshire isn’t what it used to be but I’m hopeful that will change when Grant Schapps gets kicked to fuck out later this year.
  14. Don’t waste your time trying to make Frank have any sympathy with Katie Hopkins ELC. He’s obviously aware of the fact she’s white and therefore doesn’t posses his holy grail ie an enormous black cock. The fake Greek cunt is an absolute fucking disgrace.
  15. No need for anyone to get bent out of shape and take up arms H, as the takeover of what used to be Britain is already underway, thanks to the sandal wearing, bearded space fairies, the ones you can spot 5 times a day on their knees with their face on the pavement, making moaning sounds very similar to Drew when he’s face down, throwing up outside Witherspoons at chucking out time on Giro day.
  16. It must have been hell for you out there, living it up like you’d only ever dreamed about, yet all the time knowing that you’d soon have to go back and resume your previous life in Jaywick for ever.
  17. Listen up PANZYMUSHFORBRAINSBABY. If it transpires that J-Don has indeed been historically dipping his wick into some unconsenting vessel, then I’m all for him being punished appropriately in accordance with the law. However at the moment he is ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and rightly so (a concept which Irish republicans haven’t ever taken onboard). This unexpected event rings a few alarm bells with me though. Firstly because he has been a Unionist MP for almost 30 years, and quite a divisive one within Ulster Unionism at that, so I find it very strange that his enemies weren’t able to neuter him previously as these allegations are said to relate to his activities many years ago. And Secondly, I’ve been told by a lifelong friend across the water that certain figures in the DUP are very very disillusioned, and even angry with him for the recent deal he brokered to allow the NIA to restart with the first ever Sinn Fein First Minister (Michelle O’Neil the slit eyed reptilian whore). I also find it strange that the exact charge (or charges) have not been revealed, just the date of the first court appearance (24th April). This in itself seems to lend itself to weeks of speculation, disinformation and misinformation ie the very thing that the media, the political establishment and their super rich puppetmasters have been relentlessly pushing as the biggest ‘threat to democracy’ ever faced. It’s almost as if now that they’ve installed their ‘dusky’ leader of choice in England, Scotland and Wales (all 3 unelected to the post) in Tony Blairs devolved utopian U.K. that they’ve turned their attention to Stormont (the final piece in the jigsaw), but unable to find a suitable jihadi, spook, poof, lezzer, tranny or (insert any fucked up deviant or weirdo of your choice) to complete the full house, they’ve set about creating internal conflict and thereby fatally wounding the Unionists who they’ve betrayed for decades as thanks for their loyalty. The so called ‘nationalists’ in the Republic (Sinn Fein etc.) have likewise let their mask slip and are fully onboard with mass Islamic immigration, declaring war on Irish patriots who dare to take to the streets when their children are raped or their neighbours are beheaded. According to Sinn Fein these angry people are ‘far right extremists’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ (notice a pattern emerging here?) It’s time for the silent majority to wake the fuck up, take to the streets and oust every last one of these traitors before the chance is gone. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Fuck off.
  18. Where the fuck is my pizza you Ubercunt?
  19. “I will as soon as I get this fucking arrow out of my eye”. (Circa 1066)
  20. Has he run out of blue Smarties already?
  21. He’s the best on here at that and the reason why I sometimes think abortion might not be wrong.
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