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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Err I don't think so me old China, where the fuck is that???
  2. Baws despite pulling me up on the occasional grammatical errors, your contributions are on the money! So yes mate your alright, take a deep breath! I'm sure Jewdy will tell you to fuck off though!
  3. Major Cunt

    Keith Flint

    I think it's definitely one of my favourite film's, the courtroom scene in the beginning is excellent! "Once Upon a Time in America" also.
  4. Major Cunt

    Keith Flint

    Never knew that about Chris Penn I just googled him, although I prefer his brother in Carlitos Way!
  5. With regards to Roops statement about new members targeting the usual whipping boys, she seemed to completely omit why this possibly happens. I think we can guess said whipping boys, who happen to put a target on their own backs by goading other members, derailing nom's, trolling, or in one case posting pure shit. She also left out the elephant in the room, which isn't a bariatric member (insert as applicable) but her lack of enforcing the rules on certain cunts infringements. While recovering from back surgery, I decided to join the corner after occasionally visiting. I also used to find Jewdy quite amusing, however old age and immigration and belligerence, has consumed him in my opinion. A shadow of the sometimes funny mobility scooter owning wideboy he used to be!
  6. I'm gonna second that motion. Onasanya could do very well in Nigerian politics, where corruption and stealing are rife.
  7. "You gotta pick a pocket or Jew"
  8. A combination of AIDS + Ebola would suffice Wizz!
  9. Withers is after a bit of BBC and I'm not talking about the world service either!
  10. Major Cunt

    Meghan markle

    They will no doubt be meeting up tomorrow, after getting there mobility scooters chromed and polished. Its the big Hastings meet that night. Expect a 30 minute drag race over half a mile, topless down syndrome suffers and colostomy bags full of white lightning!
  11. Cock? Wood? Say no more.
  12. I think we can all agree that Baker's career is well and truly fucked. I always thought he was a bit of a cunt, though that opinion is based largely on him being a big Millwall fan. He's appearance has morphed from Danny Devito into Michael Howard, who is also a total cunt. I reckon that he's gonna need a salvage submarine to recover any credibility from this. I also think Pen has got this site confused with POF or Tinder, also possibly Mature sex contacts. In another nom she mentioned her beaver, Billy's mouth, meeting at 2pm in a pub called the Cock and whatever else. I rest my case!
  13. Major Cunt

    Meghan markle

    Gyper's the closest you got to a sparkle was annually on bonfire night!
  14. Fucking hell Jewdy. Is it kicking out time already at the Darby and Joan club.
  15. Major Cunt


    You would have thought he'd be all over it, like an Arab waiter on a drunk blonde tourist. Maybe he doesn't want to incriminate himself, he prefers to stuff his poultry at home. No doubt at some point he will impart some vacuity on this nom.
  16. Major Cunt


    Word on the street is, he also muttered the same sentence to a council official, when he was asked to move his tent from Clapham common.
  17. Major Cunt


    Never really had a beef with Tesco's until I moved into the city centre, with one of there Metro shops being the closest for food. Its fucking overpriced for what it is however, along with a poor selection of goods, hit it at the wrong time and it's packed. I was at the checkout last time being served by a right stunner though, so thought when in Rome and all that. Was telling her she was the cutest girl I had ever seen working for Tesco, that she could win miss Tesco 2019, to which she replied I'm only gonna be here for the next 2 years. No wonder they only pay minimum wage.
  18. I was under the impression he was a helicopter pilot.
  19. Fucking hell Decs you really don't like him do you!😂
  20. Courtney was nominated due to being a cunt of epic proportions. With a medicine ball sized head adorned with a nose, straight from Goebbels propaganda ministry. He attempts to hark back to a time, when people could allegedly leave there doors open.( Never a back door though, Punkers types were around even back then) Which was all bollocks anyway. Compared to the likes of South American cartels and the Ruski mob, who never admit the existence of what there up to. Its purely based on the contradiction in Courtney's case of being a celebrity ganster.
  21. Withholding staples works equally well.
  22. I can't believe the cheek of the cunt to be honest. Adams should have fucked of to his allotment 40 odd years ago, long before my tenure on this planet started. Got himself a few acre's and greenhouses, and grown some organic ganja, then stayed the fuck outta terrorism/politics. Fact that he's free to walk the streets, while some old paratrooper is looking at jail time, smacks of the modern day hipocrisy sadly all to prevalent. Hopefully the boy's have stashed some of the Libyan Semtex on his plot, next to a detonator (being the Oirish it's plausible) giving him the fate he brought to others. Doubt if there let him have much fertiliser though.
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