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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. Personally, I'd prefer that you were given the old 'Yellow Star of David', but it's refreshing to see you still waving the flag of the persecuted tribe! I'm looking forward to another inevitable duel. Know what I mean? Shalom, and fuck off, obviously.
  2. I'm sure he would have relished the opportunity to be a colonial plantation owner, and would have been dribbling the word as he took a Ghanian slave girl up the chutney... the dirty old bastard.
  3. Indeed. I'm hardly surprised that they failed to mention him co-hosting the hugely popular 'Saint and Greavese' show as the timid banter would have the hemp trouser wearing, economic migrant flag waving snowflakes desperately emailing whatever muff diver heads that department. At the age of 40 I've suddenly become a bigoted dinosaur who's old school British values don't fit the narrative. Well, The Boy Buggering Corporation can suck my dick as I don't pay a license fee anyway. What the fuck can they do anyway? When you've already done a healthy serving of porridge a fine is hardly a deterrent. Fuck em, and the kikes too!
  4. You would have thought that Lady P would have sent Franco a discounted rail ticket so they could continue this mind numbingly boring exchange over a tube of KY and some Viagra, but it obviously seems the staff at Crewe's ticket office think she's also a massive cunt.
  5. Major Cunt


    Indeed, Uncle Ape. I've no idea why this cunts so enamoured with Frank. The man's been trotting out the same old material for donkeys years. I can only conclude that he's definitely on the spectrum, and I'm not talking about the Sinclair either!
  6. Major Cunt


    Apparently his party trick is to pot the brown whilst clenching the cue with his baboon-esque sphincter. It's a struggle these day's due to the influx of Africans settling in Edgware. He never attempts to pot the pink though.
  7. Major Cunt


    I'll send you my address, Frank, and I'll even keep my hands behind my back whilst you try. I will then snap your osteoporosis ridden body as I attempt to mail you back to the greasy spoon cafe in the smallest possible box. Second class of course. You prize cunt!
  8. Major Cunt


    Any interesting point, Franco. We have a terrible record against the kraut peninsula of Denmark. However, it's a new generation of English players who don't seem to fold under media pressure. It might be coming home!
  9. Major Cunt


    It's subjective, Jewdie. I'm sure that a man of your intellect can work it out.
  10. Major Cunt

    Rat Attack

    Considering your well established late night super strength lager rants it was the logical conclusion, and the free shifts at the Pink Oboe naturally produced the other service/product. You're not as smart you think, it's a common trait amongst most alcoholics... No need to thank me, obviously.
  11. Major Cunt

    Rat Attack

    What are you angling for here, Jewdz? A blowjob or a four pack of out of date Tenants Super?
  12. Major Cunt

    Rat Attack

    I'd be more concerned with your weekly trips to the synagogue, Jewdie. I hear there's an Al-Qaeda cell operating in South East London, and I wouldn't want any harm to come your way. I wouldn't be able to take the piss out of you if your medicine ball sized head was found rolling down a Plumstead pavement Shalom, you fat paraplegic wanker!
  13. Major Cunt


    I'm not watching any of the football over the whole taking the knee bollocks. I got into it with some fucking slag on Cuntbook after I pointed out the matter of 2 world wars and one world cup. Fuck the cup, I'm proud of the 2 world wars!
  14. Major Cunt


    @Trucking Funt, you've been suspiciously absent recently, and there's been several lorries stopped by customs carrying a few hundred kilos of the devils dust. Any coincidence?
  15. Major Cunt


    Fuck em. As long as they don't make it over here in the back of an artic I couldn't give a fuck. Did you forget to log out of Amnesty Internationals forum. Remember where you are, you stupid cunt!
  16. Major Cunt


    Fair point, but you ended up in a wheelchair due to the NHS refusing to pay for any more hip replacements resulting from your love of foreign cock. My sphincter stayed tighter than a kikes wallet button whilst incarcerated. Now who's the bigger cunt, Jewdie?
  17. Major Cunt


    It warms the cockles of my heart to know that the above phobias are still alive and kicking (no pun intended). I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that the working class has no problems with raspberries and the white wheelchair bound. How the fuck did the kikes manage to worm their way into the football euro zone anyway? I think it might have something to do with the neighbours, with the resulting tie against Syria involving Millwall vs West Ham circa 1976 levels of violence, but what the fuck do I know anyway. No need to thank me, obviously.
  18. Let's just hope they've made the Palace wheelchair friendly for the big day, or there's some fucking strong butlers... Shalom.
  19. Maybe the bit about the regular polishing of the pork sword, but the rest sounds more than plausible.
  20. That's fine with me, Jewdy. Turning up for work every now and again, a free bar, ripping the piss out of my expenses, reading a few letter's, and getting my cock sucked by some twenty year old left leaning female secretary... I think I'll email Kier Starmer with my plans for the new crematorium.
  21. Unfortunately not, Drew. The fat cunt will be whinging about Roops for the next six months until his liver finally packs up. I'd get a few more laps round Brands Hatch with your team mate if I was you...
  22. Not a fucking lot, bar alcoholism, Judaism, whinging like the persecuted, and the top carcass weight to speed ratio of mobility scooters. Give it a rest, you senile fat cunt.
  23. You ain't the only one suffering under the Fuhrer, Jewdz. So stop constantly fucking moaning about it. I replied to your post earlier only to log in and find it deleted. George Orwell predicted this shit many years ago, maybe you should read '1984', mate. All I said was that I had a pal who works for British Gas round your way, and he could probably knock you up a Treblinka replica, but being a red sea pedestrian you're probably too tight to pay the gas bill. Shalom Brother.
  24. Let's just hope that there's a ramp at the Corner's exit, or we might be stuck with Golda Mayer till ones fitted. What's all this bollocks about "breaking out the gimp. I reckon the old bastard necked a handful of viagra, and then fast forwarded to his favourite scene in Pulp Fiction. Jewdy, not only are you a simpleton, but also seem to have a fascination with S&M. You dirty old kike.
  25. I originally read your retort several day's ago, but was so staggered by it's bare faced hypocrisy I couldn't be asked to cunt you off then. "but some of us learn from history instead of trying to fucking change it." Really? How about the tribe ramming down our throats the questionable six million figure whenever it suits them? Doing exactly what happened to you under the Nazi jack-boot to the fucking Palestinians - illegal settlements, the blockade of medical supplies and essentials, and no cunt ever says fuck all. That's just one of the many reasons I hate your kippah wearing kin. Judging from your reaction about my joke regarding calling in a triggerman speaks volumes. I reckon you were so shook up that you filled about 4 adult nappies that night, and probably called the out of hours doctors for a heavy sedative. Think before you open your fat fucking mouth next time. You stupendously thick fucking idiot!
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