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Major Cunt

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Everything posted by Major Cunt

  1. You misinformed cunt, Eric. Me and the rasta are in the production game and have a little reminisce on this thread. The era we are talking about was a time of the races coming together with the help of ecstasy. Half of the producers and dj`s were white and no cunt was really acting black!
  2. Yep. Dj Crystl was way ahead of his time and was a big influence on Trace along with Voyager. True producers who arranged, engineered and produced their own tunes. Droppin Science and Splash/Juice were other favourites of mine too.
  3. Have you been secretly hacking my computer because i was actually in the process of remixing that but unfortunately couldn't find a clean copy of the original. Dj Nut Nut has disappeared off the face of the earth and there's no mention of where the original samples came from anywhere. It's a crying shame because the tune was shaping up beautifully. Played it to a few mates who gave it the seal of approval. One of my top ten tunes!
  4. Beautiful intro on that, Rass. You've actually just given me an idea on looping part of that which could fit in nicely preceding an amen break. Get your monitors ready for this bline!
  5. No wonder Frank`s such a fan of the sport. I could actually picture him sporting an erection whilst seated front row, not that anyone would want to bar Lord P. Anyways, i have a sneaking suspicion that Timmy was actually Paulie. Coming straight in with numerous references to nonces and starting vendettas with established players, and to top it all off he may potentially be Reptyle trying a new angle. It all aligns itself with me. The plot thickens.
  6. Can't say that I have, Fend. What was Coco up to in order for him to be portrayed worse than Eichmann? Attempting to fuck members of Jewdy`s clan at a death camp or kicking Soviet conscripts to pieces on the Eastern front? You can say what you like about Eichmann, but he managed the Third Reich's railway system like a magician even at the closing day's of the war. I reckon we fucked up badly selling our own rail franchises to the frogs. Personally I would like to see them nationalised again along with the utilities, but that's never gonna happen under a Tory government. Anyways, is it worth a read?
  7. There's certainly no shortage of three letter descriptives for the wheelchair bound rabbi.
  8. Indeed. The unjustified invasion of Iraq wasn't just about Halliburton stealing a few billion barrels of crude along with a fruitless hunt for nuclear weapons. It's real purpose was toppling an arab dictator that posed a threat to the tribe using the dual citizenship holding berg and stein clan that have weaselled their way into key Washington positions. Then you have the air campaign in Syria which was originally meant to include boots on the ground but was fortunately postponed by the Taliban's resistance, and sadly thousands of dead/amputee soldier's. Then luckily old Vlad didn't fancy loosing his one Mediterranean port and stepped in to prop up the Assad regime. You then have the deceased Libyan colonel and even a wheelchair bound piss head can join the dots. All the above mentioned countries were sworn enemies of the not so kosher state and are also now completely fragmented or failed states. The sad fact is that some countries can only be held together by tyrants for tribal or reasons of sect. All the time their fighting each other they're not looking at the kikes...
  9. It might be, HOC, might be... I forgot about you, but you certainly pass the litmus test.
  10. It seems as though we've been gifted a few thoroughbred numpties in the newbie stake's as of late. Now I've absolutely no problem with them having the punctuation skills of a six year old as long as they make me laugh or have an informed opinion. The above prerequisites seem to be missing in everyone bar Timmy. Maybe we should have some form of entrance test to weed out the fucking idiot's. I'm thinking a few questions with pointers to get them going. For instance - what are your thoughts on Jeremy Kyle? Were you previously a lurker and if so give three words to describe the Judge. I'd ask the Vulcan to do it but she's completely devoid of humour. What a shower of shit!
  11. Major Cunt


    Spot on. I'm not going to bother getting in to the 'in's and out's' of the merits and more importantly benefits of eating free range meat/produce, but my options pretty much mirror yours. The multicoloured, large font, look at my post, animal cruelty enthusiastic fucking idiot has once again been shown up. I'm actually staggered that he's denser than I originally thought and compliments the corey from Crewe perfectly. He's definitely swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool, but his comments on this thread have almost pulled him out. What an utter cunt!
  12. Major Cunt


    If there was a vote amongst the faithful regarding the punter they'd most like to see log off and take a bath with an electric heater then I'd wager heavily on you, Franco. Although like a tumor you've grown on me. This place wouldn't be the same though without your piss poor attempts at Machiavellian-esque shit stirring and being repaid with more hidings than an average northern housewife. You cunt!
  13. Major Cunt


    He's come straight in with a vicious prime Mike Tyson uppercut. Agreed about the ban, they should be worn as badges of honour. Hopefully he only gets 48 hours as a first offence. Definitely got a point about a few professing admiration for Savile on that thread. I honestly think that the filthy now then, now then, jingle jangle fucking beast was heavily involved in the occult. How the fuck did he have more protection than Prince Andrew? It's an interesting comparison when people knew of Savile's activities for year's.
  14. Major Cunt


    I like the cut of your jib, Tim. You'll do well here. Go forth, be strong*. © Terry Tibbs.
  15. Major Cunt


    You've certainly got the measure of that cunt. You're either a private investigator or a former Portuguese detective...
  16. Major Cunt


    Tell us a little about yourself, Timmy? Are you antisemitic, slightly racist, despise 🐐 fuckers, but most importantly able to string an amusing and coherent opinion on any MP/celebrity? Welcome to the Corner.
  17. Major Cunt


    How times have changed. The first reply I received was "welcome,fuck off and drink bleach" courtesy of Withers. This ignited a short feud where I suggested he had a nice bath with a three bar electric heater.
  18. Major Cunt


    I've no idea why he constantly chooses pastel coloured shorts that are more befitting on the habitants of Milan and toddler's. I'm guessing that it's a not so subtle way of displaying a prolapsed rectum to the not so discerning mack clad rambler's of Clapham Common. He's completely lost the plot. I'd suggest that he log's of permanently and concentrates more on not getting wig hair in builders 🥓. Follicular challenged, greasy spoon cafe owning, mid life crisis, fucking weasel. The complete cunt!
  19. And masons no doubt. The ranks of every constabulary from Strathclyde to Kent are filled with the above, but you only ever see them doing a bit of porridge when the crimes too big to cover up. They're normally just pensioned off and told to stay away from the Christmas party. Look at the amount of cozzers Savile had round his flat/in his pocket. I don't think hypocrisy quite cuts it.
  20. Major Cunt


    As hilarious as ever, Francis. You over the hill, tedious fucking idiot.
  21. Major Cunt


    Stickers was a funny cunt, normally at the expense of some newbie that was being driven to the point of launching their phone at a wall. Didn't you and him arrange a straightner on the old cobbles or a hospital carpark? It was way before my time but have definitely heard it mentioned. I'd could picture him turning up on a five geared hipster bike complemented by a beret and throwing down his Oxfam overcoat to reveal a Che Guevara t shirt, but I honestly don't think he had either the minerals or the intention to turn up. I'm still laughing my bollocks off at Fender being stood up for a second time, but credit where it's due.
  22. Major Cunt


    Good shout. Olly used to have me in stitches when I was just an occasional lurker. Him and the Judge had a hilarious feud when I first joined. This was pre zionist Jewdy, back in the day's when he was the Corners resident Nick Griffin with a blue badge.
  23. Major Cunt


    Unfortunately there's been a distinct lack of creativity on Fender's part in this amusing feud. I'll obviously be accused of backing one of the belligerents, but like I give a fuck. There's always a point where the oppositions king is in check after a chink in the armours been found. Intellect and a verbally devious nature are essential to winning any duel. @Carl Sway, I've just given you a slice of the play-book, so reboot your ZX Spectrum and pull your fucking finger out!
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