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CUNTS: Robinson’s jam - they killed off golliwog who I loved tons.


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 As a young girl I thought I’d grow up to marry him. Mrs ProfB Golliwog.


I saved the jam golliwog tokens & furnished me school blazer in some seriously cute g-wog broaches, not badges, they were v.good quality.


& I had the pot models of golliwog too - he’s be playing guitar, or a trombone - even drums.


You have no idea how many jars of raspberry jam me grandma purchased to keep me happy.


I liked it when she bought damson jam?post-145-0-28451600-1410802651_thumb.jpe

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 As a young girl I thought I’d grow up to marry him. Mrs ProfB Golliwog.


I saved the jam golliwog tokens & furnished me school blazer is some seriously cute g-wog broaches, not badges, they were v.good quality.


& I had the pot models of golliwog too - he’s be playing guitar, or a trombone - even drums.


You have no idea how many jars of raspberry jam me grandma purchased to keep me happy.


I liked it when she bought damson jam?attachicon.gifimages.jpeg


G-wog is doing the same dance as me  - we are made for each other.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Shut up grandad.


Have I told you lately, what a pleasure it is to have you on the Corner? 


Before you hurt yourself attempting to form an answer, the correct response is "NO!"  There is a reason for that, and I shall let you hurt yourself sorting that out, you daft cunt.

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Guest judgetwi

An interesting attempt to whip up some some quasi-subliminal Year 9 racism. The next thing you know some dimmo will be reminding us, yet again, that Guy Gibson"s dog was called n****r. Honestly! It's fucking true!

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An interesting attempt to whip up some some quasi-subliminal Year 9 racism. The next thing you know some dimmo will be reminding us, yet again, that Guy Gibson"s dog was called n****r. Honestly! It's fucking true!

I did wonder how many posts it would take before you jump on your racism high horse yet again.

It's people like you that had the Black & White Minstrels banned I should think.

You should go back and read some of your old posts which you have written about East Europeans coming to the UK. Double standards?

One other thing,did you know Guy Gibson's dog was called Nigger?


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Guest Alfie Noakes

I did wonder how many posts it would take before you jump on your racism high horse yet again.
It's people like you that had the Black & White Minstrels banned I should think.
You should go back and read some of your old posts which you have written about East Europeans coming to the UK. Double standards?
One other thing,did you know Guy Gibson's dog was called Nigger?

Yeah I agree, for it was I who innocently mentioned Gibson's dog to correct a previous poster. It was certainly not meant the way the schizoid judge read it. Perhaps hypocrite is appropriate here too, as you point out in his posts there is flagrant racism against eastern Europeans on many occasions. I would demand an instant retrial if judge was residing on any court case.
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An interesting attempt to whip up some some quasi-subliminal Year 9 racism. The next thing you know some dimmo will be reminding us, yet again, that Guy Gibson"s dog was called n****r. Honestly! It's fucking true!

Once worked with a twat who named his dog just that and made no attempt to disguise his delight at calling the dog in the park. Last I heard the cunt died in less than pleasant circumstances [the bloke not the dog].

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Once worked with a twat who named his dog just that and made no attempt to disguise his delight at calling the dog in the park. Last I heard the cunt died in less than pleasant circumstances [the bloke not the dog].

He was probably beaten senseless when he approached a couple of black people with a chain and asked them if he'd seen his n****r who's just escaped.

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An interesting attempt to whip up some some quasi-subliminal Year 9 racism. The next thing you know some dimmo will be reminding us, yet again, that Guy Gibson"s dog was called n****r. Honestly! It's fucking true!


Yes we know and there was the film in which the name of the dog was changed to "Digger" for PC reasons. Almost as bad as Wordbridge Publishing who reprinted the well known Joseph Conrad novella "The Nigger of the "Narcissus" - a Tale of the Sea" in 2009 as the "The N-word of the "Narcissus" " with "N-word" substituted throughout the text leading to them then being accused of censorship.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Yes we know and there was the film in which the name of the dog was changed to "Digger" for PC reasons. Almost as bad as Wordbridge Publishing who reprinted the well known Joseph Conrad novella "The Nigger of the "Narcissus" - a Tale of the Sea" in 2009 as the "The N-word of the "Narcissus" " with "N-word" substituted throughout the text leading to them then being accused of censorship.

Last time the dambusters was run on BBC a few months ago the dogs name was unchanged from its real name. I do recall seeing it in the mid nineties and they had badly overdubbed digger, but they have reverted back to the original so there's one in your eye judge you pious pratt.
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Guest judgetwi

I did wonder how many posts it would take before you jump on your racism high horse yet again.
It's people like you that had the Black & White Minstrels banned I should think.
You should go back and read some of your old posts which you have written about East Europeans coming to the UK. Double standards?
One other thing,did you know Guy Gibson's dog was called Nigger?

Oh fuck i have to explain it all again to the dimmos. Eastern Europeans are not a race they are a nationality. As are Yanks and the French but i don't see any cunt defending them on here, or anyone accused of racism because they slag them off. People like me,who have political objections to my country being flooded with cheap labour, undermining the living standards and bargaining position of the working class are labelled as racists by politicians to try and shut us up. Of course , they have a very good reason to shut us up because it is they and their friends who are making a fortune out of these poor cunts. Meanwhile taxpayers like me have to pick up the bill for the burden they place on public services.The rich cunts don't care because they don't pay fucking tax anyway. You and your pals are different. You hate people with a different colour skin ; it's all very primeval and based on your fear of the unknown. I don't know why you deny it when you wankers are constantly making childish remarks about golliwogs, the black and white minstrels and Guy Gibson's dog. If that's what you believe then fucking say so! By the way, Snitchbitch, don't even dream that you can shut me up. Thick cunt.
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Guest Alfie Noakes

To the judge - aren't xenophobia and racism pretty much the same thing?

Anyway, I have never stated what race I am from, pretty much mixed actually, like most people in this country who think they are all white, will have something in their ancestry that stops them being of pure white origin, whatever that really means. My fathers family can be traced to before 1616 in this country and there were some mixes of race and colour going since then amongst my ancestors.
So before you judge me again Mr TWI, getting on the 'you hate people of colour' bandwagon with me is a bit futile as I hate anyone who acts like a cunt towards the sick and vulnerable in this world, oh and of course brony keith. I don't care how different their skin colour is to mine. The Gibson dog thing was to make a point at how values change over time.
I am fully aware of the perceived derogatory meaning and slavery connections behind a white man using the word n****r (self edited to appease the judge).
With the hip hop culture using the word all the time it can feel like a bit of a nonsense that offence is still taken at the word, whatever context it is used in.

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