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Badly behaved brats


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In the shops - on the train - in the cafe - in the street -  yelling and whingeing...and the latest fad ,standing the little shits in supermarket trolleys - for fucks sake it never ends.
Often at the ideal height for a swift braced elbow smash right across the little fuckers kisser but with the slack jawed knuckle dragger or the alternative 'my perfect little darling'  parent usually in proximity the wiser option is to resist [although it's debatable if the cunts would notice anyway as they always seem to be involved in some crucial iphone text session, avvin' a fag or busy sending pictures of their genitalia to fuck knows who]
Maybe it's that these little cunts in waiting are a bit like farts - your own are ok but everyone elses are unbearable.


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Everything unpleasant about these vermin is amplified a thousand fold when travelling by train. I've moved carriage more than once in order to stay out of prison. You get a different sort in museums, usually called Oliver or Thomas, but they still deserve to be fed to the British Lions.

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The problem is exacerbated when the child is of adult years, and still demands to ride int he trolley, along with his plushies and katana. You just want to smack them one.

Fuck me I don't like you one little bit. Rubbish to the core.
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Guest KuntaCunty

Yep. It is times such as these that one has to feel for Broneyo's Mother.


If the picture he posted of her is accurate, it's times such as these one has to feel up Broneyo's mother. 

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Guest KuntaCunty

Fuck me I don't like you one little bit. Rubbish to the core.


That's a shame, Fwank.  I don't feel that way about you.  However shall I go on with this new information? 


Have a drink lads and lasses!  :lol:

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kids are kids and will act accordingly to their level of bad parenting received.

It used to be bad parenting until some medical fucker invented ADHD and Arsebergers. Now kids aren't evil little shits they are now afflicted with one of these and this admonishes the parents of being guilty of shit parenting.

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Guest KuntaCunty

It used to be bad parenting until some medical fucker invented ADHD and Arsebergers. Now kids aren't evil little shits they are now afflicted with one of these and this admonishes the parents of being guilty of shit parenting.


Somebody needs to make money from this.  So the brats get placed on Ritalin or some other medication.  Instead of actually taking it, they SELL it!  SO they are on the path dealing in drugs already, still badly behaved, and the drug companies get paid a small ransom for each prescription filled.  When the brat gets behind in school, it's off to the counselor for therapy, so some cunt with alphabet fucking soup behind their name gets paid a small ransom, the kid is still a brat, and the parents are still cunts for releasing the demon upon society.  The little shit drops from school, steals a fucking car, runs into a family of six, returning home from their footie practice, and the prison system now has a new cunt to house, clothe, feed, and tend to 24/7, the parents have probably begun making a new little shitcunt, so the cycle repeats, and certain cunts continue to get rich, quietly.

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Had a battalion of these miniature Krakatoa's afflict me on holiday this year.


You can tell their parents are 'Yummy Mummies' forever prattling on about 'me time' and Daddies alternatively fucking their secretaries and then the Third World on the Stock Exchange to get close to their kids except for the two weeks they have to forego the au pair, and actually try and integrate with these dwarf noise merchant strangers.


They haven't got a clue and so Adam, Piers, Toby and Jocasta are left to run riot like a Panzer Tank division through Poland, whilst the Parents (as we'll call them for handy reference purposes) deal with the horror by getting smashed at the bar.

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Had a battalion of these miniature Krakatoa's afflict me on holiday this year.


You can tell their parents are 'Yummy Mummies' forever prattling on about 'me time' and Daddies alternatively fucking their secretaries and then the Third World on the Stock Exchange to get close to their kids except for the two weeks they have to forego the au pair, and actually try and integrate with these dwarf noise merchant strangers.


They haven't got a clue and so Adam, Piers, Toby and Jocasta are left to run riot like a Panzer Tank division through Poland, whilst the Parents (as we'll call them for handy reference purposes) deal with the horror by getting smashed at the bar.

Or shove them in the creche for the fortnight.

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Guest Snatch

Or shove them in the creche for the fortnight.

Or leave them in the apartment while the parents go out for a piss up. Only to return to find one of the children has "mysteriously" disappeared.


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Or leave them in the apartment while the parents go out for a piss up. Only to return to find one of the children has "mysteriously" disappeared.


To link in with your previous post: its not just the parents at the lower end of the scale its the middle class parents. They're the ones who bring their kids into restaurants and cafes and let them run amok. "They let children into restaurants on the continent". Yes but their kids are well behaved and not little fucking animals like yours! See it all the time around here.

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