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UK's first Ebola Clinic opens in Sierra Leone

Guest cuntcrapper

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The usual crap from the usual useless white cunts. You can't educate these cunts and their personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired (have you ever been on the tube in the rush hour?) These useless white cunts moan about their governments throwing taxpayers' money at these countries but never ask why the politicians and their rich friends have been doing this for centuries. They assume the politicians are just plain stupid but they still line up to vote for the very same people. A pity these useless white cunts were born in the first place.

Humour from the "Let's go for an English" school of comedy appears to fall on stony ground here...

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Guest judgetwi

Took you a while to spout your normal bollocks Judge. You really do get on the tits of people with your holier than thou bullshit. I thought you would of appeared at least on page one of this thread moaning about the way our coloured brethren are portrayed on this site.

Let people have their opinion as,believe it or not,yours isn't the only one that matters here.

Now,you know where the door is. Fuck off again but this time stay fucked off.

Your boring,not liked by many and a total cunt.

Got it?



p.s. I await your normal "I'm more intelligent than everyone" reply.

Well you will be waiting for a long time Mr. Snitch. I have never claimed that. I don't have to ; people like you claim it for me. Thanks for that. "Not liked by many"? I would have thought "not liked by any". Under the circumstances i am disappointed. Seeking popularity on a fucking website teeming with fucked up creepy little nerds is not exactly a priority for me. You should be grateful that i only moan about  "the way our coloured bretheren are portrayed on this site." One phone call to the Metropolitan Police Hate Crimes Division would close this site for ever and have it's owner facing the Beak. Have a look at the BNP and EDL websites -- you won't find the words and ideas expressed on here. What would you and your pals do then Mr Snitch? You might have to live in the real world. Got it? Good. P.S. It's "would HAVE" not "would OF". I really fucking hate that.

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Well you will be waiting for a long time Mr. Snitch. I have never claimed that. I don't have to ; people like you claim it for me. Thanks for that. "Not liked by many"? I would have thought "not liked by any". Under the circumstances i am disappointed. Seeking popularity on a fucking website teeming with fucked up creepy little nerds is not exactly a priority for me. You should be grateful that i only moan about  "the way our coloured bretheren are portrayed on this site." One phone call to the Metropolitan Police Hate Crimes Division would close this site for ever and have it's owner facing the Beak. Have a look at the BNP and EDL websites -- you won't find the words and ideas expressed on here. What would you and your pals do then Mr Snitch? You might have to live in the real world. Got it? Good. P.S. It's "would HAVE" not "would OF". I really fucking hate that.


Fuck your a gay cunt. If you hate the punters, think the site is racist, and think your so far above it all why don't you just fuck off instead of whinging and complaining like a sensative little bitch. Let me guess, we should all fuck off blah blah blah. Newsflash cunt, we aint going nowhere so stop living in the past and hoping the site will return to the good old days when you and your mates all sat in a circle holding cocks. Make your fucking phone call to hate crimes and get laughed at instead of making idle threats you pathetic little faggot. 

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Say's Twi: "The usual crap from the usual useless white cunts. You can't educate these cunts and their personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired (have you ever been on the tube in the rush hour?) These useless white cunts moan about their governments throwing taxpayers' money at these countries but never ask why the politicians and their rich friends have been doing this for centuries. They assume the politicians are just plain stupid but they still line up to vote for the very same people. A pity these useless white cunts were born in the first place."The fucking anti-white racist.

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Personally, I am glad the UK has set up a hospital over SL. Anything that reduces the likelihood of infected people walking around London has to be good.

Having forthright views is one thing, but we must take responsibility for expressing them in an acceptable manner. A reminder to everyone that some of the language used here has been unequivocal and unacceptable and as a result, has had to be removed.

The nature of this thread has inevitably led to some shit flinging. Can we please try not to let it deteriorate further?

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Well you will be waiting for a long time Mr. Snitch. I have never claimed that. I don't have to ; people like you claim it for me. Thanks for that. "Not liked by many"? I would have thought "not liked by any". Under the circumstances i am disappointed. Seeking popularity on a fucking website teeming with fucked up creepy little nerds is not exactly a priority for me. You should be grateful that i only moan about  "the way our coloured bretheren are portrayed on this site." One phone call to the Metropolitan Police Hate Crimes Division would close this site for ever and have it's owner facing the Beak. Have a look at the BNP and EDL websites -- you won't find the words and ideas expressed on here. What would you and your pals do then Mr Snitch? You might have to live in the real world. Got it? Good. P.S. It's "would HAVE" not "would OF". I really fucking hate that.

Go on then,phone the law. They love grasses like you. I'm sure they'd love to read your old posts about Romanian Gypsies. You've got your head up your arse you fuckwit.

As for "me and my pals". Please do point out any racist comments I have made on this site. I mean really find something,not make up something and twist words to suit yourself.

I live in the real world you,unlike you. It's cunts like you that that are so blinkered on their outlook.

Take note of what has been written here Judge. Fuck off once and for all.

Fucking Grammar Nazi cocksucker.

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Personally, I am glad the UK has set up a hospital over SL. Anything that reduces the likelihood of infected people walking around London has to be good.

Having forthright views is one thing, but we must take responsibility for expressing them in an acceptable manner. A reminder to everyone that some of the language used here has been unequivocal and unacceptable and as a result, has had to be removed.

The nature of this thread has inevitably led to some shit flinging. Can we please try not to let it deteriorate further?

Then tell a certain user to let other users have their opinions.

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There is of course another way to deal with Ebola in Africa, and that is to send in the witch doctors. After all, not only do they claim to be able to cure anything thrown at them, many of the African people believe them too... I don't suppose that any of us can fully comprehend the seriousness of this current disease, however it can be argued that this is indeed an African problem, as it would have definitely been contained and manged had the outbreak been over here. It is not just the virus. It is the people, and the fact that they are black hasn't got anything to do with it. We can see by the aid that is being provided that good levels of hygiene and education can and does limit the spread of this disease. The African people may be poor and needy, but their poxy government is not. What the fuck are THEY doing about it, eh? Fuck-all but to rely upon hand-outs and every given opportunity. Many of the worlds richest of organisations and companies are African and the government is not skint, or at least it wouldn't be in the state that it is if they started to invest in their people's needs and educated their people how to live, properly. Ghettos, slums and poverty, should not exist at all in any country that has richness, and Africa is rich.

Africa is rich, indeed. It is their leaders that keep them poor.
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Thanks to your reference Camberwell Pikey, you PC cunt, my definition has been edited from the above, so darkies and stans can no longer be described for what they are - 'O Liberty What crimes are committed in thy name'...

This site is for cunting cunts. Their colour and race is immaterial. Please try and follow the rules .
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