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Druggies, pissheads and fattys to have their benefits stopped?

Stubby Pecker

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Guest DingTheRioja

Should many doctors, solicitors, executives, publishers, brokers, etc.etc. have their wages stopped for being massive junkies?
A lot would not be able to function without.


Knowing stuff from my previous career, and a lot of friends in the medical world, the NHS would collapse if you stopped all the doctors and nurses drinking/smoking/snorting/shagging themselves into total oblivion on their days off..


I couldn't do their job sober.. no fucking way...

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Knowing stuff from my previous career, and a lot of friends in the medical world, the NHS would collapse if you stopped all the doctors and nurses drinking/smoking/snorting/shagging themselves into total oblivion on their days off..
I couldn't do their job sober.. no fucking way...

They would collapse in a heap. A colleague of mine, a medical consultant is totally dependent on amphetamine, which he pops regularly. Even his recent heart attack didn't put him off.
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Guest Gong Farmer

From what I gather this new Government initiative concerns fat lazy bastards, stupefied drug parasites and pissheads, I'd go a step further by including Guardian and Daily Mail readers because most of the them are as equally dumbed down and as utterly wank as the aforementioned. 

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BrontyKeith will have to get a job and come off benefits.The fat ,obese,useless fucking cunt will have to join the real world. Lol.
Fatty cunt.

BrontyKeith? Has he travelled back in time, had a sex change, picked up a dose of consumption and moved to a windswept hovel on the Yorkshire moors? All in order to write the 19th century equivalent of 50 shades, for the delectation of desperate scullery maids? Or are you just a fucking illiterate cunt?
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Guest DingTheRioja

BrontyKeith? Has he travelled back in time, had a sex change, picked up a dose of consumption and moved to a windswept hovel on the Yorkshire moors? All in order to write the 19th century equivalent of 50 shades, for the delectation of desperate scullery maids? Or are you just a fucking illiterate cunt?


Don't you FUCKING DARE suggest he is anything to do with Ilkley Moor!

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Guest Gong Farmer

Only those lazy fat  parasitic cunts,pissheads and druggies that purposely perpetuate their condition have anything to worry about. Those with genuine health problems needn't worry........ for now.

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