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Free the Norwich One (down with this sort of thing)

Guest luke swarm

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Guest DingTheRioja

What's the thinking behind all of this carrying on, dingalong? If you've 'modded a few places', one might assume you'd have the foresight to let it fucking go on a Sunday evening. Idiot.

In the words of a supremely wise man... kill yourself, you worthless cunt...

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Guest Lady Penelope

 I first appeared on the corner circa September 2009. I came with others from another troubled forum, my first weeks here were traumatic as my various ids died one after the other, but I learned the rules and learned to keep fairly close to those rules. It is not all that difficult to follow those rules.


Edited by Lady Penelope
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Guest Bill Stickers

 first appeared on the corner circa September 2009. I came with others from another troubled forum, my first weeks here were traumatic as my various ids died one after the other, but I learned the rules and learned to keep fairly close to those rules. It is not all that difficult to follow those rules.


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 I first appeared on the corner circa September 2009. I came with others from another troubled forum, my first weeks here were traumatic as my various ids died one after the other, but I learned the rules and learned to keep fairly close to those rules. It is not all that difficult to follow those rules.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Stop Press! Apparently Norwich is the 4th most dangerous place to go out drinking in the UK. Doesn't say why though. Anyone care to come up with any comment or opinion on this fascinating fact.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Stop Press! Apparently Norwich is the 4th most dangerous place to go out drinking in the UK. Doesn't say why though. Anyone care to come up with any comment or opinion on this fascinating fact.

I'd suggest that you go out drinking in Norwich every night indefinitely. This will massively increase the probability of someone inflicting serious bodily harm or worse upon you.

If you want to go one better, swap Norwich for whichever hell hole is the 1st most dangerous place.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Stop Press! Apparently Norwich is the 4th most dangerous place to go out drinking in the UK. Doesn't say why though. Anyone care to come up with any comment or opinion on this fascinating fact.

It's because when they all drive home completely fucked out of their tiny minds, they forget to do a 90' turn every 400 yards and end up in a ditch, upside down...

Where's my fucking dinner?

In the fucking dog...

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Guest Bill Stickers

I'm afraid we are unlikely to see any new content from Decimus until this extraordinary interdiction is abandoned.

I suppose the question now is two-fold...

Is the site better with, or without Decimus?

Will Roops save more face by continuing to enforce the measure, or by removing it entirely?

I think we unfortunately know the answers to both of those questions.


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Guest luke swarm

I'm afraid we are unlikely to see any new content from Decimus until this extraordinary interdiction is abandoned.

I suppose the question now is two-fold...

Is the site better with, or without Decimus?

Will Roops save more face by continuing to enforce the measure, or by removing it entirely?

I think we unfortunately know the answers to both of those questions.


come on Frank you pathetic retarded cunt....lets have the usual insipid and weasel comment that you seem to think is wit.  Bill has left you a golden opportunity to have a dig at Decimus , your tormentor.

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Guest DingTheRioja

come on Frank you pathetic retarded cunt....lets have the usual insipid and weasel comment that you seem to think is wit.  Bill has left you a golden opportunity to have a dig at Decimus , your tormentor.

"tormentor" implies there is something to torment... not just an insipid amoebic goo...

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Guest Bill Stickers

come on Frank you pathetic retarded cunt....lets have the usual insipid and weasel comment that you seem to think is wit.  Bill has left you a golden opportunity to have a dig at Decimus , your tormentor.

I really have laid it on a platter for the quarter-witted spunk bucket haven't I?

My comment has left me exposed to an easy check-mate, if he infers that I have a sexual attraction for Decimus, and that we regularly bugger each other senseless.

But then again, Frank may not take the obvious route. He has been an unpredictable fellow since he suffered from severe oxygen deprivation when choking on a particularly large cock last year.

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Guest luke swarm

 He has been an unpredictable fellow since he suffered from severe oxygen deprivation when choking on a particularly large cock last year.

I was not aware that he and the Judge were acquainted and shared a common interest, I wonder if he prefers the Doner or the Chicken Kebab before they start mutual munching on "live" meat.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I was not aware that he and the Judge were acquainted and shared a common interest, I wonder if he prefers the Doner or the Chicken Kebab before they start mutual munching on "live" meat.

He said large cock...

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Guest Lady Penelope

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

I found myself booked to attend a wimmins demo one day last week .. they were quite miffed when I declined because the silly bitch they were protesting about had got a record for several counts of gbh.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I found myself booked to attend a wimmins demo one day last week .. they were quite miffed when I declined because the silly bitch they were protesting about had got a record for several counts of gbh.

I hope you gave 'em a slap for being nowty....?

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Well, there's nothing untoward in neither the Mod nor the Admin Control Panels for either you or Deebon. I have noticed that the servers have been out of synch with each other for the past few days but fixing that is beyond my pay grade.  I think that if you keep on trying it will register.

Mrs Roops. Why do you call me Deebon? Is there something wrong with your fucking 'M' key?

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Guest DingTheRioja

Mrs Roops. Why do you call me Deebon? Is there something wrong with your fucking 'M' key?

....the M key is exclusively used for the "Mod" command.... alledgedly..

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