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petrol prices


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Oil prices dipped below 30 dollars a barrel briefly yesterday with many experts predictions stating the price will end up nearer 20 dollars a barrel. In 2014 the cost was 115 dollars a barrel and prices at the pump were around £1.36 , the greedy cunts are still charging £1.03 now . Not heard any criticism or protests from Joe public. In fact people are happy with the price,  stupid cunts. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I can't speak for Manky but I really couldn't give a fuck as my regular mode of transport runs on effort and willpower. I also have gas central heating and a wood burner. Only a fucking Neanderthal would heat their home with oil.

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28 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

75 p is tax and VAT so the real greedy cunts are HMRC.

True the HMRC are kicking the motorist in the nuts, we pay the highest duty and vat in Europe, up to 60% of the cost, however as that percentage is pro rata the cost should be well below the levels it is at present. I really don't know how punkape can afford to run his Range rover on a estate agents salary 

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I think they should raise insurance premiums for motorists to pay for the floods they cause. 

On a sensible note, America coming on line with its energy resources seems to be fucking the towel heads up yet still the smelly unwashed cunts chain themselves up trees to prevent us developing our own energy resources. The tax raised on fuel duty is essential to the economy or else we couldn't reward the feckless for churning out brats or pay our elected representatives to live a life of luxury for doing fuck-all.

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9 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Of course we could always start charging road tax for cyclists.

You are one stupid cunt. Roads are maintained through general taxation. VED or Vehicle Excise Duty is based on the amount of pollution a car produces. Twat. Twat. Twat.

I am no hippy ecowarrior but see no reason for using a car for a 100 yard trip to the shops or a quarter mile school run in a little capsule, insulated from the world. No wonder there are so many fat fuckers around.

Embrace the weather and gentle exercise provided by walking and cycling.. You fucking lazy, polluting cunts.

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15 minutes ago, Manky said:

You are one stupid cunt. Roads are maintained through general taxation. VED or Vehicle Excise Duty is based on the amount of pollution a car produces. Twat. Twat. Twat.

I am no hippy ecowarrior but see no reason for using a car for a 100 yard trip to the shops or a quarter mile school run in a little capsule, insulated from the world. No wonder there are so many fat fuckers around.

Embrace the weather and gentle exercise provided by walking and cycling.. You fucking lazy, polluting cunts.

Fuck off swampy , you arrive at work stinking of b.o and drenched by the rain, still don't suppose the pit ponies mind too much.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
25 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Of course we could always start charging road tax for cyclists.

I do pay road tax as i also have two cars aswell as a bike. If anything I should get a rebate for not using my car.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Fuck off swampy , you arrive at work stinking of b.o and drenched by the rain, still don't suppose the pit ponies mind too much.

Southern puffs sweat.  I perspire and it smells lovely. The inside of most cars I see are full of shite. KFC boxes. Empty drinks containers. Receipts and papers. Dead prostitutes. Fucking health hazards. I would rather get to work refreshed and awake than sit half asleep in your toxic, germ incubator. You are allowed to wash and refresh on arrival at the Whippet Farm by the way.

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6 minutes ago, Manky said:

Southern puffs sweat.  I perspire and it smells lovely. The inside of most cars I see are full of shite. KFC boxes. Empty drinks containers. Receipts and papers. Dead prostitutes. Fucking health hazards. I would rather get to work refreshed and awake than sit half asleep in your toxic, germ incubator. You are allowed to wash and refresh on arrival at the Whippet Farm by the way.

I have read probably 90% of your posts on this forum and to my knowledge this is the first time you have mentioned whippets. Amazing and well done you.

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7 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

I have read probably 90% of your posts on this forum and to my knowledge this is the first time you have mentioned whippets. Amazing and well done you.

All part of our Northern heritage stereotype.

Coming soon-  black puddings, flat caps and tales from t'mill

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59 minutes ago, Manky said:

You are one stupid cunt. Roads are maintained through general taxation. VED or Vehicle Excise Duty is based on the amount of pollution a car produces. Twat. Twat. Twat.

I am no hippy ecowarrior but see no reason for using a car for a 100 yard trip to the shops or a quarter mile school run in a little capsule, insulated from the world. No wonder there are so many fat fuckers around.

Embrace the weather and gentle exercise provided by walking and cycling.. You fucking lazy, polluting cunts.

....and you are one stupid, gold plated, deep fried, industrial strength cunt if you think I give a brass shiny shite what you, with your lycra-clad, 'exaggerated sense-of entitlement, I-have-a-perfect-right-to-be here-except-when-it-suits-me-to-be-a-pretendy-pedestrian-and-go-on-the-pavement' attitude think about the state of fucking anything.

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1 hour ago, Manky said:

You are one stupid cunt. Roads are maintained through general taxation. VED or Vehicle Excise Duty is based on the amount of pollution a car produces. Twat. Twat. Twat.

I am no hippy ecowarrior but see no reason for using a car for a 100 yard trip to the shops or a quarter mile school run in a little capsule, insulated from the world. No wonder there are so many fat fuckers around.

Embrace the weather and gentle exercise provided by walking and cycling.. You fucking lazy, polluting cunts.

Oh and most cyclists are 'all the gear, no idea' twats, with more money than sense when it comes to cycling as a form of exercise

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17 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Oh and most cyclists are 'all the gear, no idea' twats, with more money than sense when it comes to cycling as a form of exercise

Do you know me? Yes or no, fuck off you knob.

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14 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

I know you can't read properly aneteed to re-sit your O' Level in Win dups and Piss-take exam, you short-fuse kick-off merchant

Believe it or not, I dont have a short fuse even though I am an ex ginger. ( grey now ). I dont need to read because my carer can. I am hear to assist intelligent debate, not to abuse people or take the piss.

Now, fuck off.

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99 pence a litre up here. Still should be lower but made up for by the fact that the area is on the verge of collapse due to the low oil price and thousands of stuck-up cunts are shitting themselves as their shallow, materialistic existence is hitting the skids fucking big style.

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12 minutes ago, Manky said:

Believe it or not, I dont have a short fuse even though I am an ex ginger. ( grey now ). I dont need to read because my carer can. I am hear to assist intelligent debate, not to abuse people or take the piss.

Now, fuck off.

Ah well - always let the arsehole have the last word

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