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Easter Rising Commemorations

Guest DrCunt

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Guest Bill Stickers

Without exception, everyone on this thread has proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are a truly biblical cunt.

A jury would convict on the charge of being a cunt with intent to cause cuntery. God himself will also pass judgement and deem you all to be cunts.

Perhaps if all the Irish and the Scots and English met up with Big Bollocks Billy Stickers for a night of Class As, they could put aside their petty differences about bible interpretation and island territory disputes. I'm talking an evening of £10 super gurners with a side order of squidgy black for those interested?

You fucking cunts.


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7 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Without exception, everyone on this thread has proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are a truly biblical cunt.

A jury would convict on the charge of being a cunt with intent to cause cuntery. God himself will also pass judgement and deem you all to be cunts.

Perhaps if all the Irish and the Scots and English met up with Big Bollocks Billy Stickers for a night of Class As, they could put aside their petty differences about bible interpretation and island territory disputes. I'm talking an evening of £10 super gurners with a side order of squidgy black for those interested?

You fucking cunts.


I'm in

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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

Absolute rubbish. No one in England, unless directly involved in those incidents, or with a prior bias towards the Irish, has any sort of opinion regarding those events. The only place in the U.K. that sectarian hatred exists, apart from occupied Ulster, is Scotland. I live in England, you don't, and I know for a fact that the vast majority of the population have not got a twisted, inbuilt, nasty hatred of the Irish like the Protestant Scots have. Your prejudice is shining through, Baws, majorly so. And if you want to try and refute my assertion that no English people actually give a shit about Ireland, don't kid yourself by using the example of the cunt with a Hitler avatar, or Ding, who in a fit of autistic rage has changed his divvy bouncing emoji to a parachute regiment emblem. Grow up.

I live in Wales and every fucker hates me.

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Guest DingTheRioja
20 hours ago, Decimus said:

I can't be arsed to multi-quote you and Baws, Ding, we'd end up on page 9 otherwise. The fact is, Baws is biased, no matter what he says, or how long he has spent in England. His attitude is typical of a dour Calvinist who has been politicised in the Kirk to hate the Irish without hesitation.

You though, Ding, are a sad fucking racist northern cunt. You've made it more than clear in your previous posts that you are a fucking bigot, blinkered by the fuck off massive St. George's cross bandana you wear on a daily basis. You've been cunted non-stop for the past three days, and quite rightly, for being a boring, weird, rambling spastic cunt. Now, as soon as I have taken a contrary view to the majority of posters on here, you've rubbed your clammy hands in glee and changed your avatar like some sort of spasticated child playing a game. Change your name as well to DingTheBandwagonJumpingCunt. 

You seem to be getting rather confused, I'm not racist, not in the slightest, I just hate cunts, doesn't matter if they are black, white, jewish, irish, ginger, BBC, welsh or even, shudder, Southerners... Cunts are cunts.

Cunts like the Micks who murder innocents for some neo-religious bollocks, or is that another load of Freedom Fighters in Pakistan?  A bunch of pricks who "want to throw off the yoke of western imperialism" by slaughering innocents having fun at a park.. or even a shopping arcade...

And cunts who apologise for them.


As for prejudiced bigots, like I said before, mirror...


6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

By the way, I couldn't give a shit about having the last word - as you yourself pointed out, I don't normally lower myself to arguing with dullards. However, since it seems to annoy you so much, I believe I can keep it up for a while yet.

Apparently I've run out of Likes

1 hour ago, cuntspotter said:

I live in Wales and every fucker hates me.

Have you tried moving?

No fucking where near me obviously....

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Just now, DingTheRioja said:

You seem to be getting rather confused, I'm not racist, not in the slightest, I just hate cunts, doesn't matter if they are black, white, jewish, irish, ginger, BBC, welsh or even, shudder, Southerners... Cunts are cunts.

Cunts like the Micks who murder innocents for some neo-religious bollocks, or is that another load of Freedom Fighters in Pakistan?  A bunch of pricks who "want to throw off the yoke of western imperialism" by slaughering innocents having fun at a park.. or even a shopping arcade...

And cunts who apologise for them.


As for prejudiced bigots, like I said before, mirror...


Apparently I've run out of Likes

Have you tried moving?

No fucking where near me obviously....

Fucking typical.

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11 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

As for prejudiced bigots, like I said before mirror...

Hence the parachute regiment avatar. The next time you fit and smash your head against the keyboard in lieu of using your fingers to tap out a thoughtful, reasoned response, head butt the bottle of cheap rioja that is ever present at your side, you stupid, clueless northern cunt.

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Guest MikeD
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Hence the parachute regiment avatar. The next time you fit and smash your head against the keyboard in lieu of using your fingers to tap out a thoughtful, reasoned response, head butt the bottle of cheap rioja that is ever present at your side, you stupid, clueless northern cunt.

Am I allowed to mention the fact that you two are arguing again?

Because the last time....fucking hell.

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