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Guest luke swarm

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7 minutes ago, mothra said:

Ponce (for Rick B's benefit)

noun: ponce; plural noun: ponces
  1. derogatory
    an effeminate man.
  2. a man who lives off a prostitute's earnings.
verb: ponce; 3rd person present: ponces; past tense: ponced; past participle: ponced; gerund or present participle: poncing
  1. live off a prostitute's earnings.
    "he was arrested for poncing on the girl"

It would have been quicker to have typed Ponce = Bill Stickers.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Tenuous point scoring aside, you really, really need to get your head out of your arse. Like most of The Corner's "hard nuts" who revel in personal abuse, you have a brittle ego and are very thin-skinned. I note you've now taken your le grande sulk encroiable postings to other threads...(pardon my franglais)

None of the above. I just loathe hypocrites. End of.

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Guest DingTheRioja
10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Talking of tossers, I would like to welcome our froggy flouncer back from yet another hissy fit induced extended sabbatical  that turned out to be for a period of time commensurate with that of an egg timer. I trust that his previous post was due to poor formatting on his part rather than through deliberate quote altering...

On a separate note, Manky has raised some oft-repeated and therefore uninteresting points of order, at least no one has tried to introduce Wing Commander Guy Gibson's dog into the fray. All of you are intelligent enough to know the difference between national terms of endearment (even the Canadians refers to themselves as "Cannuks") and terms which are disparaging through to those which are deemed unacceptable.


The term Canuck is only offensive, Canadians only call themselves it in the same way that the Afro-Americans call each other N****, they do it to take the sting out of the name, and try and "claim it back", not because they like it.

It is still a casual racist remark.

8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Tenuous point scoring aside, you really, really need to get your head out of your arse. Like most of The Corner's "hard nuts" who revel in personal abuse, you have a brittle ego and are very thin-skinned. I note you've now taken your le grande sulk encroiable postings to other threads...(pardon my franglais)

It's not tenuous, he can't call someone a dago but you can call him a frog?

They are one and the same in intent, casual racism.

1 hour ago, mothra said:

you can't say ponce. Rick B once gave someone some chokey for it. Perhaps he confused it with nonce

Might have been me... I had a few holidays due to misunderstandings about certain words/phrases...

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Guest luke swarm
2 hours ago, mothra said:

Negus, a beverage made of wine, hot water, lemon juice, sugar, and nutmeg was created by by colonel Francis Negus in the early 18th century. Though Col. Negus died in 1737, his namesake drink remained a popular fortifier on cold evenings.

complete balderdash..the term negus first coined in 1978 at WBA football ground the hawthorns.....with the now legendary anthem "theres only one arthur negus..one arthur negus..etc"

please stop spreading false facts Motty.

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31 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

complete balderdash..the term negus first coined in 1978 at WBA football ground the hawthorns.....with the now legendary anthem "theres only one arthur negus..one arthur negus..etc"

please stop spreading false facts Motty.

Yo ma negus dawg, drink that negus

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On 9/18/2016 at 4:06 PM, luke swarm said:

Last night in Madrid tomorrow tomorrow Pinky...moving on to Valencia on Tuesday...what's the name of that restaurant.....quite fancy trying suckling pig as it sounds lovely...can you remember?

Luke, I think you're treading into deranged territory here.  Punky's idea of suckling pig, is probably more like a disgustingly obese poof giving blowies in the gents at the gay bar for packs of fags.  It is Punkape, after all.  

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