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Another load of fucking shite.

The Beast

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7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember when I was a nipper, my aunt Beaulah said she was getting me a Thesaurus for my birthday. I thought "great, it will go with my Triceratops and T Rex models". I cried that night. Sniff😢


Wept, shed tears, sobbed, wailed, bawled, howled, sniveled, whimpered, whined you meant.

......'and some fell on stony ground'


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Anyway, back to the OP

Hang any label on a kid (bar 'poor parenting') and everyone's a winner. A lifetime's prescription of Ritalin / Prozac keeps the drug companies knee deep in gin and hookers, gets the mum and her idiot offspring out the door most ricky-tick so the GP can deal with the queue that's stretching round the block and winds the kid up like a Clockwork Orange to the point where he can be now dealt with as a malleable droid.

I'm sure our resident Doc, who comes up with those verbose but cruelly accurate and always humorous noms can testify. You're not allowed to be thick or gormless or tubby or spoilt these days. You've got to have some Acronym attached to you, before shuffling of to try to cut it in 21st Century Britain.

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9 hours ago, NORMAN WISDOM'S COCK said:

Finally, a proper cunting on The Corner!

All this stuff, along with PTSD, GCSE, AIDS, cancer, the holocaust etc. is all just a crock of old shit.

It's the same with dinosaurs. When I was young there were five; T. Rex, Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Pteradactyl. Now there's fuckin loads and they're all made up. 

Quite. Then these children become adults and the shit that should be dealt with by the criminal justice system is deemed psychiatric. Cue politician and royal cunts being all huggy and empathic with loons. Total abject failure and abnegation of societal and family ills.

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Guest Lady Penelope

Some of it is not new, back in 2001 a neighbour's 13 year old made several desperate calls to childline because his parents would not buy him a play station. The response to the lad's parents from childline was that they should consider buying him one as it was obviously causing him distress!

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18 minutes ago, Penelope said:

Some of it is not new, back in 3001 a neighbour's 13 year old made several desperate calls to childline because his parents would not buy him a play station. The response to the lad's parents from childline was that they should consider buying him one as it was obviously causing him distress!

I remember when one of my brothers decapitated three of my dollies. No child line in them days. It effected me in a bad way. I was psychotic, withdrawn, hated everyone and everything, no compassion for anyone, no empathy. So I chose the career that suited my Psyche: I went into medicine. 

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Guest Lady Penelope
5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember when one of my brothers decapitated three of my dollies. No child line in them days. It effected me in a bad way. I was psychotic, withdrawn, hated everyone and everything, no compassion for anyone, no empathy. So I chose the career that suited my Psyche: I went into medicine. 

Accountancy is the usual career path.

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Guest Lady Penelope
18 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember when one of my brothers decapitated three of my dollies. No child line in them days. It effected me in a bad way. I was psychotic, withdrawn, hated everyone and everything, no compassion for anyone, no empathy. So I chose the career that suited my Psyche: I went into medicine. 

I had a mix of jobs in my teens but by my early 20s I realised that "work" was not for me and explaining this to a employment advisor she suggested that I try the railway and I popped along to the local Railhouse when I was sent in a room and asked to take the "clerical exam" which did and was then offered a "Junior envelope hoarding clerk" (co1) role.which involved a 3 shift working rota .. we spent most of the night shift flicking elastic bands into the fluorescent light diffusers and groaning with distress at around 0300 when the messenger bought in a load of envopacks containing computer punch cards for us to check over.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Quite. Then these children become adults and the shit that should be dealt with by the criminal justice system is deemed psychiatric. Cue politician and royal cunts being all huggy and empathic with loons. Total abject failure and abnegation of societal and family ills.

imagine if instead of the phrase 'bite the bullet' some cunts thought it was 'bite the bullock'?

That'd be funny to see

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3 minutes ago, NORMAN WISDOM'S COCK said:

imagine if instead of the phrase 'bite the bullet' some cunts thought it was 'bite the bullock'?

That'd be funny to see

You could have people legging it down Whitehall after a loose bull, all trying to chomp their gnashers into its hind. Sport for all. A barstardized Spick event. 

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10 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Anyway, back to the OP

Hang any label on a kid (bar 'poor parenting') and everyone's a winner. A lifetime's prescription of Ritalin / Prozac keeps the drug companies knee deep in gin and hookers, gets the mum and her idiot offspring out the door most ricky-tick so the GP can deal with the queue that's stretching round the block and winds the kid up like a Clockwork Orange to the point where he can be now dealt with as a malleable droid.

I'm sure our resident Doc, who comes up with those verbose but cruelly accurate and always humorous noms can testify. You're not allowed to be thick or gormless or tubby or spoilt these days. You've got to have some Acronym attached to you, before shuffling of to try to cut it in 21st Century Britain.

Used to keep the army well stocked in the old days 

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Guest Lady Penelope
12 hours ago, The Beast said:

Quite. Then these children become adults and the shit that should be dealt with by the criminal justice system is deemed psychiatric. Cue politician and royal cunts being all huggy and empathic with loons. Total abject failure and abnegation of societal and family ills.

The unfortunate thing is that in a year or two's time when he is "cured" he will held up as a "disabled" achiever alongside other youngsters who have actually overcome very real physical disabilities.

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Guest White van man
41 minutes ago, Penelope said:

The unfortunate thing is that in a year or two's time when he is "cured" he will held up as a "disabled" achiever alongside other youngsters who have actually overcome very real physical disabilities.

Just put his PlayStation in the boot of the car and press lock. Cured.

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