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Big Sam's head. Fuck me isn't it huge ?

Guest Mungo Spudd

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Guest Alfie Noakes
3 hours ago, Mungo Spudd said:

Cardi S, I don't suppose you also have a head soooo fucking huge that your appearance in public startles the horses and upsets the children ?  Man needs to grow a beard. The people were spared Jimmy Hill's gargantuan chin for decades thanks to some superbly crafted facial hair. I mean we honestly had no idea what was lurking beneath. Why can't Big (bonce) Sam grow an afro or dreads ?   My basic problem is weird people acting like they're normal..Dermot O'Leary,40cm inside leg. Troy Deaney looks like somebody drew a face on a balloon. Garth Crooks malteser head, its an almost perfect sphere. Get back indoors the fucking lot of you.

And finally , I don't believe you are a real Cardinal.

Very true these people should be removed from the gene pool. I am a Cardinal in the Church of No God. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

No, don't think it didn't cross my mind though. I'm struggling to think of any more Starflid officers whose names fit.

With all of the different brand shows, that would be a daunting task.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve got one of Sams hats at home. I keep 12 stone of King Edwards in it and yes according to the makers label it is large size. So that is good enough for me and I will not be persuaded otherwise.

It's a Fedora, isn't it?

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I had a friend once with whom I had many a fun filled evening discussing the interesting and hugely hilarious differences in the vast array of hats through the ages  However we lost touch with each other when he blocked me on his phone and then moved address without leaving any contact details for me. He did however leave something called a nuisance injunction pinned to his door with my name on it which I thought was very nice as a farewell gesture.

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Football is for cunts and irons as big, toad faced turd Sam is a shining example.

Not content in having his ugly spud flashed over the back pages of the red tops on a daily basis, being the supremo of the national side and an extremely wealthy man from years at the trough (paid for by the thickest of cunts), he's happy to spread his arse cheeks wide for a couple to grand at the first asking.


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