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Mike Hunt

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Everything posted by Mike Hunt

  1. Not sure if it looked better on Trump.
  2. Shit, now I'm out of them again
  3. 👍 Outta likes. Must be more discerning in future.
  4. Phil's certainly got his eye on D'Acampo's avocado receptacle.
  5. Anyone who could predict this bloke's week must have a business selling winning lottery tickets. This cunt first somehow manages to crash his motor into the entrance to Number 10, which ranks alongside accidentally walking into Her Majesty's bedroom. Then the cops put him under the microscope as you'd expect and find he's a fully fledged pedo. That must be the most unfortunate pair of events since Mr Gadd took his hard drive into PC World. Or Mr Schofield deciding being a protege might well endow his credentials. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/man-released-after-downing-street-car-collision-uk-police-say-2023-05-27/
  6. Unless your name is Matthew McGreevy.
  7. Indeed, can't understand why using the word "simian" or "swinging" presents a threat, but "monkey business" is OK, as are "coon" and "sambo" in other posts on this thread. Also makes me wonder how many more of these unintended transgressions before I'm in the cooler. Maybe Mrs R can explain, or better still, produce a list of banned words.
  8. No, I'm one of several cunts in an Audi trying to knock them off.
  9. Cheapo fag's gear train. Get 2 for the price of 1 here:
  10. Do I need to guess the punchline 😁
  11. Thought you were going to say "Why do the LGBTQ+ brigade all have mental health/ID issues?" The quiet ones can carry on keeping their heads down, but the noisy ones and activists should do the decent thing and drop dead, preferably by midnight tonight. As Alan Sugar would say "I don't wanna hear another word from you lot".
  12. Thought he was still holed up in a caravan, waiting for another pikey to blast.
  13. This entitled, studious-looking tranny mong has got just what any normal person would think he would want more than anything - a bum ride. But he didn't get what he wanted and has to go solo, so he's now eager to leave Cockermouth for Transylvania, the Transvaal or anywhere else he can get his inner tube inspected by a foreign prick. 60m+ people will be waving you bye bye, you entitled little cunt. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-12127677/amp/British-Cycling-BAN-transgender-women-racing-female-competition-safeguard-fairness.html
  14. Morgan's in the right of course, but giving this entitled racist the publicity/notoriety he's been seeking to enhance their viewing figures is just wrong.
  15. This "intelligent" cunt is apparently unable to identify the inside of his own house. The Hackney native spends so little time in his palace that he can't seem to remember which hovel he stashed his bananas in. He therefore flits from house to house to find them, recording his efforts and uploading them in the hope someone online can remind him. However, the owners clearly weren't impressed with his amnesia antics, allegedly caused by a difficult upbringing and he ended up before the court, who were less than impressed with his monkey business. Which probably explains why he calls himself Mizzy (presumably the male version of Kizzy) cos the cunt can't even remember his very straightforward name. First name that springs to my mind for him is Kunta. https://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/23545451.tiktoker-mizzy-fined-court-entering-home-prank/
  16. Jesus Christ, I hope to God she's been photoshopped.
  17. I'd have been more chuffed if they'd landed on all the other islands.
  18. Mike Hunt

    Mrs McCann

    Just like the Freddie Mercury freak they framed for shooting the "nation's treasure" from Crimewatch cos they found 2 molecules of the same air she'd breathed in his pocket.
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