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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Then you lose the connexion with Cobbett! Don't say Harold-One Eye please! I'll see what the Tiddler says.
  2. Would you mind if I just change the subject for the moment? I'm getting rather tired of my ChildeHarold tag. It was fun at the start capturing I thought my ironic Byronic outlook. But it attracted the sort of paedophilia slurs and abuse to which my explosions booted me off the site for some time. Now that I am reading Richard Ingrams' book on William Cobbett, whom I long admired as the original establishment "thorn", I feel "Peter Porcupine" might be a better fit now? A change in avatar is not necessary; I worked long and hard to get the bitch to pose for me, after a series of breast enhancement operations for which I eagerly paid, for the present pencil, charcoal and white chalk life sketch. Anyway I think it would meet with Cobbett's approval. I run this by you in order to get your views given your avowed mission to sort out the shape shifters on CC. What do you think? 🤔
  3. Which cheek L or R of the Westminster arse?
  4. Well London local politics will always be left if centre, Red Ken and the GLC proved that. But hang on. Livingstone wasn’t that bad. He loved buses. The GLC managed and funded the South Bank Centre and it was fantastic in those years.... Great concerts, great exhibitions, great free events, lots of festivals and interesting discussion groups, not a fucking "Art for All" mediocrity which it is now. The National Theatre was also more cutting edge and provocative not the West End try out and include some blacks in the cast shite it does now. The arts around London, The Roundhouse, Southwark Playhouse, Young Vic, Royal Court Sloane Square etc etc were all subsidised and fucking great nights out. Everything now is a failing fucking mish mash of penny pinching privatisation and commercialisation and begrudging mean Arts Council funding which is just life support if not that. Do you know, I wouldn't swap anything for my teen years in London in the late sixties and seventies. Look at it now: a cunt. Only wish I'd had the cash and the foresight to buy a few of those rundown derelict terrace houses in zone 1, as close to London Bridge in the Borough as possible.
  5. At the risk of being covered in verbal abuse etc at the mere mention, but George Galloway said it in one short sentence: Tory and Labour are two cheeks of the same arse. I think Cobbett came to the same conclusion in the 1800s, Tory and Whigs, mainly then with corruption. (hang on?)
  6. I've never been to Cyprus either.
  7. I don't like alternative comedy either, give me Stepto any old day, any old iron, any old iron...
  8. This site is becoming a sordid kiss and tell casino populated by sex maniacs.
  9. Have you ever considered telling the whole world your life story in a book? Considering the fuckng shit out there I think it would do well. Get Ms Streisand to ghost write it for you.
  10. Do you want my spare tent 🎪? I know a good spot on the Strand with some highly productive bins nearby. I always find enough to make a tasty meal at night before the real fun and games start. Those late night party-goers heading for Charing Cross, they're a laugh and generous too. I'm sure you'll do well over here. LOL. PS Your tent has been tastefully redecorated by Grayson Perry and featured in a full article in October's Home and Country.
  11. There you go again, the old sibling aggro. Just man up and shut your gob.
  12. All things considered do any of you fellas need a tent? Perhaps you can share... BROKE BACK style...
  13. I just don't like a rotten lying bastard Johnson on a please-look-after-my-income-stream-in-the-future trip to Israel (public declaration of support etc etc) pontificating about demonstrations and Remembrance Sunday. This was the cunt who ordered 20 water crowd control canons that later had to be sold off cheap to Qatar, where incidentally, some of our retired police chiefs go to manage their police state.
  14. Johnson get the fuck out. Sunday 12 November belongs to EVERYBODY not just to one group of fuckers. If the High and Mighty think so much about Remembrance MAKE IT A FUCKING NATIONAL PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Make it a LONG WEEKEND let people have a Remembrance over Friday to Monday combined with a NATIONAL DAY which we don't have in this country unlike the rest of the West. So fuck off with the two faced reverence for the fallen heroes who are treated like shit by the government generally speaking when they leave the service.
  15. There is a shit throwing competition going on, who can plaster the site with the most bullshit per visit, between Zev and "and". I think Zev is gaining ground like the settlers on the West Bank where he probably comes from. I'm surprised he's got time to post given everything that's going on.
  16. Can I publicly testify against Zev also the piss artist formerly named "and". These two cunts are literally spray painting this site with shite. I sincerely believe Zev is a surrogate of Mark Regev Zionist spokesperson and is on a secret Mossad assignment to sabotage this site at all costs. They are both equivalent to a cupful of sugar in the petrol tank or a potato up the exhaust pipe - and we all know how uncomfortable that is.. er... don't we?
  17. The Marxist heads that be in that wokest of woke organisation I don't see any correlation between the two. Wokery is a side product of the market and liberal capitalism not hard left politics. In fact traditional Marxism promotes individual men and women's roles within secure and happy families while allowing women full equality as women. If all you do is regurgitate the one liners spray gunned by GBNEWS and TalkTV especially that pig Mike Shithead and Kevin Cunt face.
  18. This man is a God to me and has the power of life or death. I worship him.
  19. Well US pupils don't know about the Soviet space programme, Sputnik, Gagarin, the first woman in space, the first space station MIR... dinosaurs roamed the Earth at the same time as Adam and Eve were having apple pie, they won the Vietnam War, Korea and the USSR was incapable of developing it's own atomic bomb, they stole the secrets (just like the Yanks stole the British nuclear research in 1940) from America... 😛
  20. There will probably be a global tv station with all holocaust all the time. Nothing that crude. American PBS which is the equivalent of the BBC Persian Service broadcasting undermining propaganda in the Middle East night and day out of the British TV Licence. The actual irony is that Biden has painted himself into the dead end behind Netanyahu which is unravelling fifty years of pro-Israeli cover up and propaganda as we speak. Net result: the occupied territories and Zionist colonialism is now unviable. How they sort that out in concrete terms will be very interesting. I think Tel Aviv will part with territory like trying to get an extra Penny out of a pawnbroker. Old Shylock has been busy since 1967.
  21. The a fucking old girl or boy gets confused by the fucking crazy traffic layout (aka Elephant and Castle) and gets run down: Lendlease chalks it up to collateral damage* You know the GLC built subways for a very good fucking reason to keep pedestrians safe. The subways became crime ridden cos of Southwark Council not cleaning maintaining the lights, installing security such as cctv, and the fucking other reason CLOSING LICAL POLICE STATIONS, NO BOBBIES ON THE STREET, NO TOUGH SENTENCING, NO FUCKING DETERRENT TO YOUTH CRIME SOUTHWARK COUNCIL AND IT'S PRIVATE PROPERTY DEVELOPERS ARE ARSEHOLES AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ARSEHOLES FROM BOB MELLISH DAYS TO TODAY. THE FUCKING CUNTS HOW I HATE THE CUNTS.
  22. I tell you one I watched abroad in Spain (dubbed in Spanish of course) on hotel tv, Courage The Cowardly Dog, that is fucking surreal - you'd like it. (I know you're thinking he should have been out on the town enjoying the night life.... age my dear boy, age)
  23. I gather, through the grapevine, the councils are at it also. Isn't Southwark planning to introduce a lot of resident parking permit zones (£££yum yum 😋) and there's the LTZs planned for virtually everywhere? When I go through London (in a bus) I'm gobsmacked how you get these genetous two lane cycle paths which are empty most of the day and only get used during the rush hour meanwhile all day long traffic piles up and THIS IS MY BIG BEEF the bus and taxi lanes have been sacrificed to the cyclists' arses so 40 people on a bus trying to get to work or home are completely fucked over so the equivalent of twenty lycra clad a-to-b cyclists who arrogantly think they are "cyclists" in relation to how much they paid for their fucking bike, how fucking trendy it is, how fucking modded it is, the fucking cunts. The most ridiculous thing I saw was a lycra clad black muscle man with his helmet, visor sunglasses, gloves, serious look, adjusting his numerous straps, astride a..... wait for it...... Brompton folding bike! 😅
  24. The three original presenters were a motley crew of shits IMHO. Apart from a very small number of makes and even within them there are lemons, 99.9% of all cars produced are just large tin or plastic biscuit tins with bits of rubber at the corners. Worthless. A fucking ego trip for what? In my view the private motor car has a had a huge downside. Including the explosion in cunts in their mid thirties on 4 Diabetes pens a week prescriptions who are draining the NHS of cash and meaning cunts like me must wait 18 months for a hip replacement while the fucking drug companies are making record profits on back of endemic Diabetes. Fat cunts fucking getting up in the night to eat the guzzling pigs.
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