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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. ChildeHarold

    Roy Orbison.

    I'll take it. Jason Robards/"Side Winder" (code for the President) Monckton/Washington Behind Closed Doors
  2. I am just so fucking bored with the mediocrity of some of the hate posts and noms on this site that have no intetest level outside psychos and hang ups of which I regard you as one. A BIG one!
  3. It seems to me when genuine talent pops up in Britain you exile it to the Continent because of your Victorian hypocritical value system and repressed personalities. It's not a question of homosexuality it's about enjoying life. Something the British are outstandingly bad at.
  4. I don't know. Astra Zeneca has been rather busy round the world - despite failing to produce an effective vaccine in short time that is ready for approval/on the back of their share bonanza - snapping up green shoot research companies with promising futures PLUS a good old commercial tie up with Russian producers of their Sputnik Vaccine. The Oxford Vaccine - another fake news story and another British scam for short traders.
  5. ChildeHarold

    Roy Orbison.

    Is that shorthand or twit speech for "oral"?
  6. I pity the ten Stellas you rounded up from the phone book on Grindr.
  7. Why not the Spanish Costas? 22 C today in Murcia, sunny
  8. No they were itinerant caravan type people with low cultural and environmental horizons. Then, Hastings, as explained to me by an immigrant oldie from N. I. on the bleak pierless seafront, is very heaven. I think the whole south coast from Eastbourne to Ramsgate is a shit hole.
  9. There's a lot beyond you. Aaaaah Bisto!
  10. How about this? Land the helicopter on the side of a hill. Keep the rotor going. Get out and walk up the hill. What a headache!
  11. I'm surprised you get so inflamed about Philip Scofield's sex life. The more important question is why children's tv presenters are so comfortable in programmes presumably made for adults. Dumbed down and dumber.
  12. I knew a family who won 2 million on the lottery and the first thing they did was buy a house somewhere near Dover and decamped from London to there. It felt very odd and strange.
  13. One of the most appalling acts of artistic licence I have ever goggled at. My eyelids are nearly as red as that fucking leotard.
  14. You need a real life plane crash of your very own in 2021 to expunge the fictitious Corrie one.
  15. I heard Bill Roach on radio - he's got something or other out for Christmas - but it's all about past glory. It's shit now. As usual the advertisers have demanded 1/ FEMININE INTEREST STORIES 2/ YOUTH INTEREST to keep the telly advertising money rolling in.
  16. I think you mean "biblical". Are you an anti-Semite?
  17. It's definitely gone down the pan with the dying off of the old guard of believable sympathetic characters and the writing is just mundane. East Enders isn't an alternative because it was shit to start with and full of shouting. Also Londoners were portrayed by writers and the BBC who had no idea of London or Londoners. Very artificial from start. Whereas up until about five years ago Corrie retained a certain authenticity. The one I enjoy is Emmerdale becayse A. There's a lot of it like a regular injection B. It has no pretensions. It's a dream world with characters who driftbin and out with no reason, depth or destiny. It's my daily switch off sedative. I don't know what any of the story lines are, I don't understand any of it and I don't want to know. That's after three months of watching every day.
  18. Let me see, Your average Attainment Grade is D and your Effort Grade is A+ which indicates aspiration without talent. Your best subject is needlework with a bias towards Peruvian rug making using organised callt soyrced local materials. To date you have secured several large orders from Heals in Tottenham Court Road and Harrods. You are not a member of any after school clubs and refused point blank to enrol for the Juditsu classes we laid on esoecially for the fat softies to help them defend themselves against the beasts of the playground and (especially at night) the dorm.
  19. It's all about the alimony baby.
  20. Yeah - the sick bucket vote must have finally swung it because they, like most couples in any business or place of work, are so WELL IN.
  21. You fucking scum bag going for one of the most depraved occupations in modern Britain.
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