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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Public standards and decency have gone in Britain. The only places that maintain the infrastructure now are rich cunt areas like K&C and Westminster. Everywhere else is a fucking shit hole slum plus no police.
  2. I'd love to get the amount of admiration Nadine get's I've got her legs and I could easily get the tits and arse in Brazil on a two for one offer if necessary.
  3. I've amended my nom but I'm not withdrawing it or apologising for it you Channel 4 lover mother fucker.
  4. Doesn't this cunt operation get taxpayers money? I'm sure it did when it first started. Even if it doesn't now (and I don't believe it) why the fuck when you stream its shows there's a fucking Ad Break every five minutes when unlike other TV Apps like CBS and Play are genuinely "free" and hardly carry any ads? What is so precious and valuable about Channel Four and it's regional variants that requires so much featherbedding? Most of its shows are childish shockabillie reality or cheap panel games aimed at subnormal under 20s. Hey You! I'm throwing it out. Any subnormal under 20s on this site, of which I suspect there is a growing number, what's your view on Channel Four? Still cool or past it? When you start paying tax do you think it should have some of it? (Plus the incessant ads)
  5. I've seen KB with an Abercrombie and Fitch Y Front ad.
  6. That was their main defence in the UN against war crimes: how could the Holocaust victims be responsible for war crimes?
  7. Step out of this tiny island into the big wide world and you will find Britain is ALREADY an irrelevance. Nobody wants to be paid in sterling in Africa or anywhere else - the dollar is the only international currency. Britain's colonial legacy means many parts of the world do not quite have the high opinion of Britain you have. The Gibraltans have been fucked by Brexit - excluded from Schengen their economy and quality of life had been undermined - UK might as well give up the pretence and pass it back to Spain and stop looking after it for the Yanks. Do you honestly think any of our armed forces would last five minutes in an all out war with China? As a safe place to park vast sums of money - often corrupt money illegally got - London and its off shore network is still important. But for everything else we have next to no influence. The govt operates its foreign policy for Brits heads bragging about our power and influence to appease the fucking minority of cunts in the UK who are still living in the past or had somebody in the family serving in the past. It's all a fucking lie.
  8. In a nuclear world you have to build up mutual trust based on respect for other state's security priorities and systems. It seems to me the US-UK are constantly causing trouble needlessly and haven't stopped since 1990 creating instability all round the world. They are in a constant state of war or possible war both abroad and at home. It would be a big favour to everybody if the UK fucking gave it a rest and opted OUT of NATO, fucking got rid of most of its inadequate armed forces and declared itself as a neutral country. Whose fucking pot of gold are the cunts in Westminster guarding?
  9. You can use four fighter jets to in effect bully a third world bunch of renegades but even if you invested half of our GDP in the armed forces you ain't gonna have any impact on China in Taiwan, the Middle East or Eastern Europe. Those days have gone forever. I don't see how running after the USA helps either us or even them in the long run when security needs to be rebuilt on the basis of diplomacy.
  10. Or Mr Andrew Hill of the Shoreham Air Disaster now seeking to get his licence back.
  11. Clearly the world has turned to shit since The Donald was robbed of the Presidency. If anybody can dissuade me that voting for a second lot of much older Biden will only make things worse then I'll listen, but until then my vote goes to the Great Orange One.
  12. It seems like you've found this old thread stimulating.
  13. They look like perfectly normal young men to me. One is taking a birthday card possibly containing a postal order or HMV record token to his favourite Uncle. The other is proudly displaying his History homework on his way to the weekly RAF Cadets Club where he will hoist it up a very prominent flag pole to the melancholy sound of "The Last Post".
  14. I'm sorry Basil but you're going to have to explain "everything" I'm only asking that you clarify your description of M&s into main points. LOL
  15. 'Allo' Allo "keeping an eye", seems like trolling to me. But what do I know. .... Now back to the wind up... 😛
  16. They actually like older men who work with their hands.
  17. I still don't get it Basil. In every way isn't answering my question and delivery to Europe is a bit of a minor issue it seems to me. Could you please be more specific.
  18. You really are suffering from some sort of midwife crisis. Age is just a number, get over it. Jack Benny spent his whole life aged 39. As Marilyn Monroe said to him on the HMS Anabelle Haiwai cruise: "But Jack what about the age difference?" "Oh Marilyn (pouting) you're 25 and I'm 39 what's the problem?" "But when I'm 50 and you're 39 Jack!"
  19. I'm sure that wouldn't be allowed now, especially the toilet scene in the pub.
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