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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. That’s fighting talk where I come from…
  2. Check out his ‘tribal mutilation’ submission yesterday. Public school my arse.
  3. Wholeheartedly agree, Trucko. I detest the cunts and would be more than happy to brick up the tunnels and sink the ferry boats. I notice the blame game has started again. It’s all UEFA’s fault or the over zealous police, etc. Fuck them…isn’t it a bit odd that there was no problem at the Madrid end of the ground? There’s a golden opportunity for the government to halve the National benefits budget and the crime rate this sunday. These cunts are having a homecoming bus parade thing through their city. I suggest drones carrying anthrax, Ebola and napalm.
  4. I meant the whole packet…try it, spastic-twat.
  5. Try reading your last twenty posts. Same effect really.
  6. Ever cross your mind that even such disabled cunt is an improvement on living with you, dickhead?
  7. I’ve blocked your messages. You’re fucked now. Weird, refugee-activity stalking twat.
  8. We’re taking her for lunch in Brimstage then to the beach. This will by my last update to you. Never PM me again you fantasist oddball. I find your obsession with my guest disturbing. At least @Neil’s intentions are honest. Fuck off.
  9. Apologies…‘Sandy Glans Syndrome.’
  10. I’ve no idea, Killa. What I do know is their logic wouldn’t apply in Newcastle as it’s difficult to wander around a stinking hot desert for forty years with no available water to stave off SGS, up there.
  11. Be more careful with what you post then, go back, have someone read it out loud to you and do it again. You’re clearly the product of a failed comprehensive school you utter fraud.
  12. Don’t the kikes and another’s get it done as a cleanliness issue…de-smegging the helmet, etc? As opposed to the FGM freaks who do it to remove the pleasurable aspect of the act for women. Which is not something any of my two partners ever experienced anyway.
  13. I think you’ll find it is actually ‘genital mutilation’ you stupid cunt. How do you subjugate women by mutilating a tribe? Lol.
  14. True. My ex-wife had it done and the kids used it as a spacehopper. What a Xmas that was.
  15. Are you a darkie? You’ll be advocating FGM next you pre-historic imbecile.
  16. Spent a lot of time in Brazil, no need to Google timezomes being a widely travelled chap in your industry, as you know. I missed a full stop and I know that you’re a grammar cop, as well as a spanner-chimp. She’s having breakfast now (I know you’re interested.)
  17. Sadly, you’re quite right. Two hours ahead…Budapest. She’s still not awake. Thanks for your repeated posts re her situation. Not quite the terrible cunt that I had you down for, Apo. That said, Equatorial Guinea would have been a more accurate correction. There’s nowhere in Brazil that’s 2 hours ‘behind’ BST…so fuck off.
  18. Should’ve hit the sack when I suggested. What a mess you’ve made of yourself here. Chronic old sap.
  19. I’m sure I’ve asked him before but his posts are littered with scousery…which is worrying.
  20. She’s in bed. Two hours behind us so she’s had a long day. You’re one of the few on here to express genuine interest, for that I applaud you through gritted fists.
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