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Dyslexic cnut

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Everything posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. He was into Oasis and as far as Blur where concerned I think he was in denile.
  2. I met a nice giza there, got the ale in, pharaoh-nuff. Idolised his mummy and he was named after his dad. He was called ‘Russell.’ Guess what they called his dad?
  3. Careful now. Remember that she has that locator thing, MENSA membership, and an intimate knowledge of ferry timetables to Ireland. 🙄
  4. There only appears to be one member on here with intimate knowledge of this Eurovision thing, and you’re clearly it. What a peculiar and contradictory little runt you really are.
  5. Only the lower classes still use vacuum cleaners with bags. Oik.
  6. Strange times on the corner. Whilst the Vulcan is happy to issue threats about veiled nonce references to members, she can’t quite get a grip of previously banned deviants gatecrashing the party at whim? Odd with her being all clever and that. What a useless cuntess. She’ll be as sharp as a beachball the next time @King Billy yanks her chain however. Still, I suppose we’ve got Punkers back…for now.
  7. I got into a tiff with the good Doc more than a year ago about quacks and thieving pharmacists. He was very defensive. Clearly he’s had a rethink or he’s got sun induced Alzheimer’s. Stupid Abo-fucking cunt.
  8. I had to wait forty-five minutes to get served yesterday and the filthy look I was given by the paki cunt as he handed me my methadone. Pompous twat.
  9. Read that back and do it again you eucharistic eunuch.
  10. Macc is a dump but a two minute drive has you in Prestbury, Alderley Edge and Wilmslow which is where the mega-bucks is. Even@Earl of Punkape wouldnt get onto the local golf courses. @Eddie would have no chance.
  11. You watched it you vile cassock-lifting wrong ‘un. Like your bullethole, you’re busted. Fuck off. Lol.
  12. Middle and forefinger. Late-90s. Like a mouse’s ear.
  13. What a wormy little has-been. It’s painful to witness.
  14. Bit rich coming from you isn’t it? Or are you touting for business for your London syrup shop? I’m watching you, Frankie-boy.
  15. I’m a Royalist. I was upright and respectful today. I’m not comfortable with the shallow lack of respect for convention and pageantry on these pages. It’s infantile. That said, Penny Mourdant holding an erect sword for ten minutes with them beautiful Charlie-Wobblers? I spoffed and blew my beans on the remote. Mrs Cnut doesn’t believe I spilled my medication so tonight I’m in the spare bedroom. God Save the King.
  16. I edited this as I thought Eric posted it. Regroup…best I can offer. ATB…kinda.
  17. It was and you’re fucked. Trust me. There be beasts.
  18. This place is not Instagram. You are now officially fucked. Good luck when the monsters wake up.
  19. 7 bastard pm? Cunt’s basically teetotal.
  20. She’s at Beamish buying a ‘new fancy kitchen.’ 🤷🏿
  21. Kills. I take it all back.
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