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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Everything posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. I've been smoking a bit of strong skunk, I'm not sure what you mean KB.
  2. You seem to feel the need to be in charge, were you bullied at school? If you found a tenner on the street you'd hand it in wouldn't you? You must be old bill.
  3. I've made a cash donation to make up for my bad behaviour.
  4. You slated one of my nomination's the other day, saying it had already been done (I didn't bother to check before posting). As an obviously experienced member here I was keeping an eye out for one of your nomination's and here it is. What a pile of cunt. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  5. You can't even respond to correct post you wet wipe. Lol.
  6. Are those the receptive audience's that told you to fuck off before you ended up here? Where you have ended up being a useless cunt who everyone wants to fuck off. You total let down of a cunt.
  7. The tacky trashy cunts putting their Christmas lights up now are sad cunts. They are trying to cheer themselves up in advance if the oncoming great Covid depression. I am not involved the gay male escort business, I am a fine upstanding citizen who only breaks the law now and again. You wanna borrow a tenner to buy some food for your bare cupboards?
  8. Haven't been on the sauce long enough to fill in for him.
  9. Extinction Rebellendion are a disgrace, full of hippy, dirty, lefty, vegan, no good wrong un shitcunts. The way these cunts are going I won't be able to drive the Aston Martin I want in the next 10 years. What a bunch of selfish wankers getting in the way of my dreams, why don't they fuck off and protest in China or Russia...they don't because they know they'll get a slap and a beating. However when they bring parts of London to a standstill the Police dance with them and allow the cunts to police the streets. It's no wonder this country is going down the shitter. What a shite day weather wise eh? Nevermind I made loads of money.
  10. So you're a remainer as well as being a complete bellend. It's all making sense now.
  11. You thought you were in Jamaica but you were actually in Harlesden you thick cunt.
  12. You keep quoting Jamaica? Have you been? Also are you the cunt I heard about at Notting Hill carnival that famously got so scared whilst there that you shat your pants in the street and then ran to tell a police officer in the hope he would push all the shit back up your shitter.
  13. Quoted then replied Quoted then replied, you thick wanker. Lol
  14. 'so shut the fuck up and do as you're told little child' like you do, I bet you've grassed up a few neighbours haven't you and applied to be a Covid Marshall. You are an embarrassment.
  15. No I wouldn't, I am wealthy enough. A beautiful day in Notting Hill...
  16. Not surprising in these modern times, it's almost as bad as that cunt with a cunt commentator on match of the day. Or some female 'player' commentating on a Premier League match when she has neither the experience at that level or a fucking clue what she's talking about. On match of the day again. The BBC are cunts, they'll employ a transbender to replace Gary Lineker next.
  17. You obviously like being told what to do don't you Dyslexic cnut? If you can't tell that that policeman was power mad and using his position to bully then you are not only dyslexic but a dumb, thick, wrong un shit cunt. Which one are you then?
  18. Yet again you are demonstrating your lack of bollocks. Fuck off.
  19. I saw that video and that policeman was a total power mad cunt. Fuck him and his bending of the law to suit him so he didn't lose face. The young shit cunt in the car had every right to not comply with that policeman. Too many people do as they are told by police, you do not have to get in their car either when stopped. I am glad we have police and they are in an even more difficult job nowadays due to pc culture and camera phones but in this case that copper needed a beating with his own truncheon. The cunt.
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