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Old Chap Raasclaat

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Everything posted by Old Chap Raasclaat

  1. I had a skirmish with @Frank the other day, DC, He claimed to have me snookered, 'lol-ing' all over the place and generally making a cunt of himself. I think the like exchange he has with certain freaks (which helped his leaderboard climb) has gone to his head. He's visiting my page, every day it seems, he's also following me around the board replying to nearly all my posts that dont require his attention... It's like he's flipped.
  2. Panzer, you need a woman in your life old chap. Is your idea of a chatting up some bird to talk about... Brexit? I'm concerned you're a bit obsessed. Next time your in London or the West Country send me a PM, I'll teach you how to be confident and assured with the opposite sex. Save up a few Giro's and I'll get you some decent garments as well. I'll help sort your life out Panzer.
  3. Well done for celebrating St Patrick who was actually British (most likely English) and I've no doubt you were drinking Guinness, which is most likely Welsh. Lol. I recently bought a rather nice Diesel coat, Panzer, I'm sure you welcome the news that the Italian brand has won it's 30 year legal battle with diesel.ie, a poor Irish brand trying to compete with the superior Italian one. Forza Italia.
  4. Fuck off, you pissed up cunt.
  5. Please explain how and also my like to post being under 50%.
  6. Yet another post, I've never known you to be so prolific, you desperate to top leaderboard fucking wanker. As you would say, Frank... Less is more. Lol.
  7. Is that right? Well you keep biting every post I make, despite your 50% like to post ratio requirement you say I don't have but actually do. I love this site.
  8. Frank, you're on the leaderboard but still two away from the top. Last time I checked you were nowhere and now you're on 27. It's not surprising as you've been hanging around like a bad smell lately, posting any old shit. I have no doubt you're freak 'Friends' @Penny Farthing and @and have decided to feed your delusions of grandeur also. If you're not topping the leaderboard fairly then what's the point? Anyways, I won't forget this blatant manipulation and neither will the entire board. My only hope is topping the leaderboard will enable you to finally fuck off.
  9. Arse ones? @Frank will be pleased. Is he chipping in?
  10. What are you on about, Frank? I'm doing ok for 'Moron' as you put it, with a like to post ratio similar to yourself... A corner member for a decade or so and the self proclaimed 'Best on here'. First you're @ing me to come back as you clearly missed my wit, banter and put downs, you then go off on your usual 'Your'e not good enough' routine... You'll be telling me you 'Like me... a lot' next. Lol. Change the record, you narcissistic, senile old poofter. PS Do not use the word 'Moron' ever again here, you're not American and I won't tolerate it. Do you understand?
  11. Barbecue and I go way way back, RK. It's time for another revolution in Haiti... I went back there for a while l, spent some time on the frontline but they realised I was too important to potentially lose, hence me coming back to the UK to secure funding and help at the Haitian embassy... Pop in for a spliff and pint of rum if you're passing by. We don't bother with tea, coffee and biscuits.
  12. Keep out of it, Frank. I warned you yesterday, F1 is corrupt but not as corrupt as Cunts Corner which allows you to post your diatribe because of your pink pound donations. Stupid old poofter.
  13. Hello there, Hokey, my name is Raas and I've been about here for a while now and not had the pleasure of meeting you. Do you do the Hokey Cokey?
  14. You obviously think she'd like a shit sniffing, eating and collecting, never had a girlfriend cunt like you then. Lol. It's makes me laugh how obsessed you are, literally replying to every post I make. You big fucking girl and faggot to boot. Fuck off.
  15. It's not surprising William has been dipping his Royal maggot elsewhere, LCS. Kate has had three kids and must have a fanny only Raas and my massive schlong can fill up.
  16. Not too sure about the Lonsdale Benns myself, Eric, however I'm sure they'll look better than @Frank's awful, green, worn out Onitsuka Tigers. I can still remember his pitiful attempt at coordination with his cheap green socks. It was a disaster and it still makes me feel sick.
  17. Are you telling me she belongs to the Illuminati as well? What with being a professional photographer, the worlds number one International business consultant, Mensa member, photography consultant, Pfizer board member/shareholder where does she find the time?
  18. Evening, Frank. When you get a few minutes, browse my profile and look up my nominations... Mostly 4+ likes for each one. You can learn from me how to write a nomination, watch me closely Frank, I'll be on top the leaderboard in no time. It's effortless.
  19. Big Bollock, are you still off work after being made redundant from your imaginary workplace?
  20. Blimey, I've only been back 5 minutes and you're already quoting and @ing me like some obsessive weirdo, I reckon you're the most despised member on here and I'm sure you really want to stop posting here but stick around to show you're not defeated. You were defeated ages ago and I'll leave you to carry on quoting and @ing @Decimus, @Wolfie myself and others thus demonstrating you have nothing else to offer. Eat some more shit. Lol.
  21. Still @ing people with every post, eh. Fuck off, you useless piece of shit.
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