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Everything posted by scotty

  1. scotty

    pie and mash

    He got made redundant, there's a difference between that and losing your job. If my work suddenly ran out I'd get fuck all.
  2. I wish I'd known gyppo when I was younger. I like a bit of class, plus she'd have saved me a fortune in rohypnol.
  3. Have you considered supersize Tena for men, keith? No need to even whip your cock out, just drain away to your hearts content. And no arrest for indecent exposure!!
  4. scotty


    You're a jock bawsy, you'd do anything to avoid parting with money except eat a hummus salad.
  5. scotty

    Robbie Savage

    I'll see your ched evans and raise you an adam johnson.
  6. Not really, gyppo. She was funny in the vicar of dibley, and that's about her lot. She's also one of those women like vanessa feltz, who actually look more attractive carrying a bit of weight. When they get divorced and start shagging their fitness instructors, they lose the pounds and it never seems to suit them.
  7. scotty

    Robbie Savage

    Decent shout, that. Savages cretinous ravings on 606 make phil neville seem almost interesting, definitely a cunt.
  8. scotty

    Will Smith

    Will Smith is a monumental cunt. His apogee of cuntishness was reached when he made that fuckawful film 7 pounds ( iirc,) in which his character kills his mrs and several others by crashing his poxy motor while texting. He wasn't even pissed or on drugs, just using a phone, and wracked with guilt he gives away his house, money, bodily organs and life to make up for it. Typical behaviour of your average black american adolescent male, really. I spotted that one coming a mile off. Cunt.
  9. Is lady p picturing this buck toothed cunt in his Chelsea strip and sucking antonia de sanchas toes? I think we should be told. Either way, he's a cunt.
  10. Mumsnet is a den of relentless iniquity. I never would have believed that until someone on the sicki forum posted a couple of links, fucking hell! Filthy bitches, they should be ashamed.
  11. Its tempting to sign up just to post links from here. Out of interest ratter, do you go on there socially or for business purposes?
  12. I keep getting told I should get facebook and twitter accounts on my website. Good for business, apparently. These advisors clearly don't realise what I'm likely to post on them.
  13. Yes, he's a grade A cunt, nearly as bad as the Burrell cunt. Martin bashir seems almost palatable in comparison.
  14. I love it when roops gets all strict, gives me the proper horn that does.
  15. Got to confess, I've only just realised that the cunt died today. I wondered what the fuck Baws was blethering on about, I just assumed he'd been at the buckfast and evo stik. Again.
  16. The problem with owning more than one dog is the pack instinct. For years, we had a couple or three dogs, it was a nightmare whenever the doorbell rang and when I walked them the fuckers tugged so hard on their leads trying to get in front of each other I nearly dislocated my fucking shoulders. We just have the one saluki lurcher now, no noise, no hassle, no worries off the lead, great company, all the upsides of owning a dog without the fuss of multiple ones. And she's great in bed.
  17. If Spock was so fucking emotionless, why would he be irritated by anything? The pointy eared cunt.
  18. scotty

    Dejan Lovren

    If there is, you really ought to attend it, and offer your solidarity with Merseyside and the fallen 96. Don't bother to get a ticket, just show up and try to shove your way in.
  19. scotty

    Dejan Lovren

    Report back, won't you...
  20. scotty

    Dejan Lovren

    One of the mercenaries who jumped the Southampton ship last summer only to find that the bigger paycheque comes with a price. Lambert and Lallana have done ok, when they manage to get picked, but Lovren has had dogs abuse from the dippers since day 1. And now, pricelessly, he's missed the penalty which puts them out of Europe for this season. Can't stop, I'm off to the scouser forums to have a laugh and stir the shit. Fuck off Dejan, you are a fucking cunt and you've made me a happy man this evening.
  21. I've suddenly started getting email notifications whenever bawsy posts anything. The excuse is "because I'm following him", which is bollocks, never having used the follow button for anyone.
  22. He could hardly admit it, could he? Isn't that treason or something?
  23. Only after Henri Paul hit the bar...
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