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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    No they'd have got pissed and ended up at the wrong Pole.
  2. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    I once saw a pissed lass try and glass a copper with a Lambrini bottle when he tried to take it off her to pour down the drain. Beautiful.
  3. They're also Geordies, Punkape. Get yourself riled up about that too you sad little bastard.
  4. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    I'll admit I'm a bit jealous of Edinburgh in a way. All Newcastle has had going for it in the last 20 years is a shitty footbridge and an angel made out of scrap metal.... also Gateshead went and built a big reflective glass slug on their side of the river. Twats.
  5. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    'Course they were nice they were after your cash, Decimus.
  6. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    From my experience it's mostly tartan shops and beggars with a few old buildings. I will admit beautiful landscape though. Never seen anything like the Arthur's Seat.
  7. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    Only they cant be trusted with real independence so they have to stay walled off in their pretend little kingdoms and let the REAL country do the work.
  8. Roadkill

    Dave the worm

    Lucky bastard. I don't get to chill till after midnight.
  9. Roadkill


    Tell her to keep it in the house, keep it well groomed, and give it plenty of attention.
  10. Roadkill


    Holy shit ratcum you triggered a perfect A1 response and proved my thesis right!
  11. That's what it's getting like now with all the rich twats going over to Calais, apologizing on our behalf and comparing the old camp (which was supposed to be decommissioned months ago but they refused to leave of their own accord, hence why le bobbys were called in the first place) to fucking Auschwitz. As long as there's a famous person - or even just a person from a famous person's nutsack - preaching doom and shame down upon them from their soap boxes this feculent little tumor of misguided guilt and white shaming is only going to get worse. Funny no one ever went over there to interview them about their views on our culture and religion. But then they might have said something honest and not be able to play victim anymore.
  12. Roadkill

    Dave the worm

    It was when he said 'You just don't have it, it must hurt.' Looked identical to the sad egotistical shit Bills been spraying all day. If it's not him it's an uncanny resemblance.
  13. It's actually the horses doing that themselves. Makes it easier for the hooved twats to keep watch when the gyppos break into your house to nick all the copper piping.
  14. Horses are bastards anyway, them and the gyppos have been in cahoots for years.
  15. You would know. You're such a closet-case I bet there's not a sock left in there capable of bending five degrees in any direction before shattering. The prime breeding ground for whatever fetid little diseases your repressed little mind can dream up to unleash upon this chaos ridden world.
  16. I'd rather die than live as a filthy fucking Mackem. Those twats over the water voted to remain anyway so they'll probably all be wearing white robes and bending over at pre-sceduled times during the day to appease their Magical Sky Cunt even if they do get to survive.
  17. Shits going bad in the worst way possible, lads. A divided country that won't make simple decisions. A bunch of loonies on the doorstep who hate pretty much everything about our culture getting backed up by a bunch of wrongfully guilt riddled lefties totally blind to any reason. A shit-stain of a government that's focused entirely on the opinion of the minority and willing to do anything to appease them. A warmongering superpower getting ready to take full advantage of the shit-storm. And a choice of two useless twats getting voted in to the only other warmongering superpower that could hold them at bay. Oh and lots and lots of nukes for everyone to play with. I'm gunna get to work on my fallout shelter.
  18. I went to Edinburgh once. Stayed in a Travel Lodge just across the road from the train station in an alleyway that smelt of shit https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.9531874,-3.19215,3a,75y,268.94h,76.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-CzOU9ZN_i76-yvjNc6-ZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
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