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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. It's because the russkies couldn't give a fuck what anyone thinks.
  2. So did foot binding. Japan not Manchester
  3. My mate used tippex to whiten his teeth and they disappeared
  4. Who said I liked it? It was a piss poor attempt at levity.
  5. Is that what a tube driver sees when some cunt jumps in front of his train?
  6. Did he say he was black? No. So he wasn't a criminal. Just a cunt.
  7. The other night one of the ad breaks had; 2 commercials with black families, 2 with a mixed race couple, 1 with Meerkats, 1 with multiple people of all colours. There was only one ad with a white family and that was that Booking.com one where the family are going on holiday. The dad is overweight and clearly fucking thick and the son is about 12, thick and fucking obese. They are all acting like mongs trotting through the airport. No doubt if they'd had a black family depicted like this it would have been pulled for racism. Whether companies think they'd be deemed racist for not having any noirs in their commercials or what but its now fucking ridiculous as it looks like the UK is a predominantly black country.
  8. Couple of bottles of Malbec for me. Makes me sleep like a..........zzzzzzzzzzz
  9. Nicholas Cage made Roger Moore look like Albert Finney
  10. Given that the average Russian woman makes Fatima Whitbread look like Nelly Furtado, the Russian soldiers would rather fuck them than kill them
  11. Who loves ya baby!
  12. There were no moon landings. The moon is made of cheese. A lunar module would sink. I met Neil Armstrong in a pub(I didn't realise he was from Ebdon Bridge) and he told me they filmed the "landing" in Lanzarote because cheese doesn't make for a solid surface to land on.
  13. If the cunts had held on to their catches they would be on top in this test.
  14. Never heard her. Nor do I want to. Just had to Google the name and just looking at the bearded twat's photo is more than enough to tell me it is a cunt of the highest order.
  15. The tannoy messages would be interesting "Mine de raas gap, mon".
  16. As Sir Jimmy once said on a 1970s ad "This is the age of the train. Ughuhhughughu".
  17. Eric, I don't have a clue what the fuck you're talking about. My car has seats, a steering wheel and a radio and when I press the pedals it moves. That's the extent of my vehicular knowledge.
  18. No, it's true. For entertainment Pen uses her 1870s magic lantern to watch "saucy" pictures such as one of the 5th Earl of Stranraer showing his ankles.
  19. Just sellotape a bit of card over the cunt. Sorted You're welcome
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