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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I knew it. I fucking knew it.
  2. I loved curly wurlies. Terry Scott however, was a cunt
  3. The hatpin hidden in my hair is my preferred weapon of choice, with razor blades in the lining of my cloak for when a ruffian grabs hold of it (the cunt won't be playing subbuteo for a while) and a swift shin to the bollocks is in my armoury.
  4. Were they chatting Roland Garros up?
  5. He'd never get into Manky's house. He's house is harder than Krupps steal.
  6. Running is for irons. Or is that golf?
  7. There ain't no pigeon shit. Red Ken got rid of the pigeons.
  8. Punkers joined the army because he was told that it would make him feel a man.
  9. Does he still have his Radio 2 music show?
  10. Never heard of it. How does it go?
  11. camberwell gypsy


    How long have you been in the police force Jean?
  12. What about these poxy kids mincing around in Real Madrid and Barcelona shirts when they wouldn't know where the fuck Spain is. And don't get me started on English blokes wearing Brazil national team shirts. What the fuck is that about?
  13. The amount of Wimbledon semi finals he fucked up means he's probably the 2nd best Brit at Wimbledon in the modern era.
  14. African, heading up our best cycling team- I see what you did there MC. Have a like
  15. Could be worse: could have been Jaime Foreman (fat cunt from EastEnders, Layer cake and the racist taxi driver from The Football Factory).
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