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Everything posted by and

  1. Cunting politicians deserve to be harassed, especially those who decided to go against the wishes of the majority who could be arsed voting in the referendum. Fuck 'em, they take the pay, the aggro comes with the territory, if they don't like it they should get a proper fuckin' job!
  2. That would be because, the EU is not interested in sharing any of the 'good stuff' with us, it's only interested in taking the good stuff from us (oh, and telling us what we should do with it, if we ever find ourselves with any of the 'good stuff')
  3. Fuck me, you mean they're all different? I was worried there were fuckin' billions of the same tribe and they were going to take over the whole world. I've not been so relieved since I took a dump in a Primark changing room after a night on the cider and a Vindaloo supper!!!!
  4. The price of my hovel has just slumped, a big, bad, wolf blew a fuckin' hole in it!
  5. and

    The Raisin

    Is this the reason you wear a hat?
  6. ''Michael Schumacher's family has asked for understanding as it continues to keep details of his health private ahead of the seven-time Formula One champion's 50th birthday. In a statement published on Facebook on Wednesday, one day before his birthday, the family says: "You can be sure that he is in the very best of hands and that we are doing everything humanly possible to help him. Please understand if we are following Michael's wishes and keeping such a sensitive subject as health, as it has always been, in privacy." So why the fuck did you spunk this irrelevant arse drip all over social media, you cunts?
  7. and

    Chris Packham

    For over ten years Packham has been in a relationship with Charlotte Corney, owner of the Isle of Wight Zoo, although the couple live separately. Just sayin'
  8. Aw, what's wrong, Decs? For someone who talks like a cunty-big bollocks, you really are overly sensitive to a bit of gentle ribbing. That time of the month, is it?
  9. WTF is going on? It's the 2nd of January, I go to the supermarket to get some food, and the shelves are still piled up with overly-expensive, festering, festive shite, that should've been consumed a week ago. Happens every year, the lazy fuckers can't be arsed stocking their shelves with fresh produce until they've palmed-off the left-overs from fuckin' Christmas. Then we'll have the self-righteous snowflake cunts will be whining about food wastage and what about the homeless and starving children etc. Seems to me that if the manufacturers didn't waste time and money tarting up their packaging to look ''festive', they could sell 'normal' food at a reasonable price, instead of fleecing the gullible cunts that go completely gaga for anything with a picture of a snowman as soon as the calendar reaches mid-December. (incidentally, I don't shop at Asda, I just got a stock photo to illustrate my point, so fuck off)
  10. For me it's got to be the May cunt, failing in all departments to deliver on the Brexit vote, leave means LEAVE, out means OUT! And that goes for any cunt opposing the lawful termination of our subservience to the corrupt and controlling EU project. The EU must die, the sooner the better.
  11. Speaking from experience, no doubt.
  12. and

    Jane fucking McDonald

    That's Frank busted. What do you have to say about Jane?
  13. And they wonder why the pub trade is going down the shitter.
  14. The bald cunt doesn't look properly dressed without a tie!
  15. That's the problem these days, any cunt that's been on holiday abroad comes home thinking they're so cosmopolitan,wanting shite like peppers, garlic and spices in every fuckin' meal they eat, stinky-breathed cunts!
  16. That's great British hospitality for you!
  17. I did grow a pear, but I had to ram it up my arse, along with a banana and a gerbil, I had loads of fun at the office party 😉
  18. I couldn't agree more, well maybe if I tried a bit harder, then again, I am feeling a bit strained trying to decipher all this knob-speak, I'm at a loss to understand, WTF does it all mean?
  19. The brainless bint should've taken a supply of Yak meat. (I once reached the top The Great Orme in Llandudno, on a Mars bar and a can of Tizer, but I'm well 'ard) apart from climb mountains and shut-the-fuck up about their self-righteous snowflakery.
  20. So, I settled down to watch the BBC's version of Hercule Poirot . Not usually interested in historical drama about bloody foreigners, but it was Malkovich, who can usually put in a decent turn, so I gave it a go. Imagine my disappointment when I find the BBC had hired a writer to turn Agatha Christie's mystery story into some politically correct, bullshit propaganda, broadcast, probably to keep the LGBT brigade happy. If the BBC wants to waste my licence fee spouting that sort of shite, they should do it with their own specially written screenplays for twatty, bum-fuck rug-munching, right-on, snowflakes and quit fucking about with a classic crime author. What a shower of cunts !
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