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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Decimus

    Owen Farrell

    I first came across Carlton Palmer (ooohhh matron) during his stint as player-manager for Stockport County. Whilst I'd previously heard tell of his legendary inability to play football, seeing is believing and it wasn't until he disgraced the hallowed turf of Carrow Road that I realised how truly fucking shit he was. I know Graham Turner had a turnip for a head, but how the fuck did Big Carlt' ever get capped for England? Was it coz he woz black?
  2. You can fuck off with that shit, P. There isn't a Brit alive who your lot haven't claimed at some point as being 'Irish'. From Liam Gallagher to Steve Coogan and half of The Beatles and all of the 90s Ireland football team. MacGowan is one of yours so don't back track now, you fucking weasel, you're welcome to him.
  3. My old man rang me just now, no introductions or niceties, just a hoarse whisper down the phone "Did you hear who's dead?". Fully expecting it to be about MacGowan, he then followed up with "Jimmy Corkhill". Which leads me ask a similar question, why is it never Ron Dixon?
  4. 🎶You scumbag you maggot, you dead lousy faggot, no more Christmases you arse, last year's was your last.🎶 Good fucking riddance, he'll soon be deep throating McGuinness in Hell.
  5. Indeed, and a perfect way to convey that sentiment is to share a screen shot of ones first and only appearance on the LB three years ago with a whopping 12 likes. Lololololol You really are the gift that keeps on giving.
  6. Decimus

    Owen Farrell

    Hardly a surprise, anyone who plays rugby in my opinion is a massive queer.
  7. Decimus

    Dr Who Cunts

    I genuinely don't get these people's mindsets. They bang on about equality and representing all minorities regardless of character or role. Then they come out with this shit. Fuck the world.
  8. Decimus

    Dr Who Cunts

    Back on topic I recently watched the children in need Doctor Who mini episode as despite it being absolute dog shit since 2017, I bizarrely thought things might be different with a white, straight male back in the lead role. Within seconds I was disabused of that notion when the jock proclaimed that he was previously "A brilliant woman". Still, I didn't realise just how bad it was at the time. Spacker extraordinaire and all round wrong'un Davros was being played by a normal man. I assumed it was some shite that was explained away by it being set in the past before he transformed. Cue today when I found out that it was actually just a retcon because the BBFuckingC confirmed that the change was made because they considered it toxic in this day and age to portray someone in a wheelchair as being evil. Despite that being wholly patronising and incredibly insulting to anyone disabled as it implies they are inherently no threat and just good sheeple who will toe the line, it didn't escape my attention that aunty hasn't got any problems with displaying a white man as an evil, megalomaniacal psychopath, however. PUT A CHICK IN IT AND MAKE IT LAME AND GAY.
  10. It appears that you've somehow managed to quote @Snowy but with text from one of my previous posts included. Proof if any was needed that you are indeed the thickest cunt in all of Christendom. You sausage fingered, computer-illiterate, absolute fucking cretin.
  11. I wouldn't mind him as much if he just straight up admitted that he was a racist old cunt. It's probably not escaped your notice that he's absolutely obsessed with blacks, to the point he regularly posts videos that border on scientific racism and eugenics. He's even got a video where he claims that the blacks actually enjoyed slavery. I usually leave the cod psychology to your esteemed colleague, but I'd wager that he's been cucked at least a dozen times by some prime Mandingos.
  12. "Whoops there goes another Taffy bot". Lol. Fuck off.
  13. You cunt! You beat me to it, I'd literally just logged on with the intention of making the same comment to the filthy Kike. Good work.
  14. Are you still tuning in to that old Jewish shill on YouTube, Proper?
  15. Yes, I saw this. A man innocently having breakfast in his capital city rough handled by the police because he had "no right to be there" because he "may commit a crime". Fascist is definitely the operative word there. Whether you like or loathe Robinson, anyone with an ounce of sense should be disgusted that you can now be openly arrested for a thought crime that may or may not have necessarily been running through your head. And they said 'Minority Report' was a science fiction movie!
  16. You're in the big smoke aren't you, Bill? It's a shame that you haven't killed @Frank in a hit and run incident whilst pissed out of your nut. Although I'd wager that a defence of "I didn't see him" wouldn't fly up at the old bailey. Even twenty pints deep with your eyes closed it would be impossible to miss the most ridiculously dressed wanker in London staggering down Old Compton Street, 26 inch waist corduroys around his swollen ankles whilst sporting an arse that looks like the flag of Japan.
  17. Decimus

    Dr Who Cunts

    Being labelled a pervert by Neil of all people means that it's probably time to have a good look at yourself, for the safety of every man, woman, child, animal, vegetable and mineral within a one hour radius of your rusty transit van. As for the good Doctor him/her/itself, it won't be long until The TARDIS is recast as a portaloo with accompanying glory holes and gay Daleks exsperminating all over the paintwork.
  18. That's exactly what's happened, the world has changed and not for the better. Being left wing used to mean that in the first instance you believed in equality for all. Nowadays it's all about elevating one racial, gender or sexuality group above another and applying differing standards in how you police, educate, employ and represent them. That to me is about as far away from what I would consider true liberalism as it's possible to get. The new left has morphed into the old right and is so steadfastly dogmatic in its views that it more closely resembles fascism than anything else these days. I still consider myself to be a leftist, I believe in all races and people being given equal opportunities at birth and I don't think that anyone should be divided and treated differently based upon their race or creed. The irony is that if you believe in true equality these days you're far more likely to be called a far right bigot than a decent human being. What have we fucking become?
  19. The old bill have received some fair criticism in recent years and I can't say that I've ever really been a fan. From being treated heavy handedly as a 12 year old after shouting "pig" at a passing squealer, to subsequently having to wait two days for one to turn up after reporting a burglary 20 years later, they've never seemed to be able to work out what an appropriate level of response is. Now fresh off the back of another year of hushing up school kids getting flashed by state funded hotel guests and letting anyone black do whatever the fuck they want, the police have actually summoned the energy to arrest someone. In this case two 17 year old boys who committed a crime so heinous that you'll all be able to sleep well tonight in the knowledge that the boys in blue nicked these menaces to society within seconds of the report being made. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/nov/25/arrests-after-alleged-misogynistic-chanting-to-referee-at-birmingham It's definitely reassuring to know that Mrs D will have the police at her back the next time an angry white van driver quite rightly criticises her appalling female driving skills by shouting obscenities out of his Rascal's window. Conversely though, I doubt she'd see hide nor hair of the filth if he was black and decided to skip the personal abuse and just get straight down to stabbing/raping her. Fuck the police.
  20. When I heard the news that Venables had passed I did wonder how it would affect @ZEVs already fragile mental state, what with him being a massive fan of his work. Then I realised that it was Terry and not Jon. Lololololololoolllllllllll Fuck off.
  21. I've not really had much experience with the Dutch, but I've spent a fair amount of time in Belgium over the years. I've got plenty of time for the Flemish population and the Dutchophone areas of the country, but when it comes to Wallonia and the plastic frogs that inhabit it, I'd quite happily applaud it getting wiped off of the map with a couple of tactical thermonuclear missiles. Fuck off, Witherrssssssss.
  22. I don't take kindly to grasses, for reference just take a look at what I've reduced Withers to. If I so much as hear a whisper that you were responsible for the report I'm going to hit the fucking roof.
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