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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. As much as I dislike you, I'd be careful nailing your colours to this cunt's mast. As you're new here I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't aware that this is a previous member who defended another old hand who sent child pornographic fantasies over PM to Roadkill.
  2. The last time you logged in as Reptyle, it was your best friend's cousin who lived in a big house, and you didn't own a sports car then, but you'd once "seen one". After being absolutely annihilated for banging on about the successes of other people, you then proceeded to defend a member who was outed as a deviant nonce cunt. Since then, like the sinister little Jon Venables freak you are, you've been put in the admin witness protection programme. Five fake IDs later, just like Venables, you've blown your cover every single time by reverting to tedious type. Before you.get hounded off the site again by people who are still absolutely disgusted by your defence and friendship of a paedo, can you explain to us why you.stuck up for said nonce when he was writing beast fiction about a child shitting on him? Fuck off out of here before you get hunted down and have your legs broken, you creepy fucking pervert.
  3. Bearing in mind you have said that you were adopted, I've got a genuine question for you, Pen. If my wife and I were tragically unable to have children, and we decided to go on the adoption waiting list, I can hand on heart say that we'd wait until we were offered a child with a determinate sex and no disabilities. If a mutant child sans cock, balls or fanny was put before us, I'd tell them to sling their fucking hook. What persuaded your adoptive parents to accept a genderless freak of fucking nature into their home?
  4. Take it from someone who knows about multi IDs, Reptyle. The key is to create a character so utterly different to your original persona that you can blend in without suspicion. This is your fifth attempt at a new start, and short of waxing lyrical about your homemade Bristol stool chart, you'll always give yourself away by banging on about the south and Sharia law, despite your northern shit pit of a home being full of more Pakis per capita. How long until you tell us how much more considerably rich you are than us because you once saw an Aston Martin on a 15 year old rerun of Top Gear? Fuck off, everybody hates you.
  5. I'm half expecting Frank to create some sort of Father-Son YouTube travelogue channel, heavily plagiarising that similarly pretentious cunt Jack Whitehall. Picture it. Frank and the old man traipsing across Europe, Joe le Taxi heavily scripted as a "Fish outta water" type chancer, every other scene showing him screaming into some random dago waiter's face "DOOO YOOUUU DO EGG AND FUCKING CHIPS?" Frank pouting in the background, tutting and rolling his eyes like an overly contrived spastic fucking cunt.
  6. What with the old cabby cunt's fat, wotsit coloured fingers and your own brightly coloured and flamboyantly bent threads, I'd imagine that you both still had enough illumination to glare at each other with disgust across his ash strewn floor.
  7. Poor old Eric was half deafened by the frantic beeping of its electronic tag. Did you know that Southend is north-west of Somalia, and therefore by a cartographer's definition is actually a part of Greater Manchester?
  8. Great nom. The way you're going, you'll soon be getting sent to Coventry again.
  9. Apparently Roadkill and I are neighbours. Fucking idiots.
  10. With tedious predictability, the site's saddest and loneliest specimen has desperately tried to align itself with the current whipping boy. A routine so fucking tired that it makes Frank look aquafresh. Nobody wants to be associated with you, Pen, young DC like many others before him has found himself in the unenviable position of you being the only member willing to give him the time of day. If his stock raises around here he'll do what everyone else does, drop you like a stone and start calling you a vile, sinister, Norman Batesesque, crossdressing monstrosity. You're not wanted here. Take your dubious grasp of geography and fuck off to some tranny train spotters community forum.
  11. Indeed. In fact, the only definition that doesn't include Norfolk in the southern region is the bullshit one made up on the spot by DC and that mad old bat Tootsie. Next week on The Terrain, Toponymy and Tranny show, Pen and "her" sidekick will take us on a Hygge-fuelled tour of that marvellous Scandinavian country, Portugal. Fucking pair of stupid cunts.
  12. It clearly is, as nobody but you and the desperate childless and friendless tranny who has latched onto you consider it to be northern. As for any "cartographer" placing Norfolk in the north east, the only way that would happen is if they were drawing a map stood on their fucking head whilst out of their mind on smack.
  13. Hardly, you thick fucking cunt, if you drew a line that low down most of the country would be north of that line. You don't define the north of Italy as everything above Pisa, and you don't define the south of France as everything below Arles. It's not exactly a hard concept for most people to get their heads around, you find the mid point of the longest north south axis and you draw a horizontal line. You don't draw one that cuts the country into 25% and 75% unequal shares.
  14. Are you fucking stupid? Don't answer that, it may as well be a rhetorical question as it's apparent that you are. I've never heard so much fucking shit during my time on here, Norfolk is the southern part of the North East? Have you ever seen a compass, or a map of the country, you thick fucking cunt? As for banging on about longitude and latitude like some syphilis addled nautical wanker, if your spazzy little hands are capable of holding a pencil and ruler, work out the mid-point of the longest north to south axis in England, you'll find it's Morton in Derbyshire. Anything north of that (that's up on the map by the way), is north, and anything south of it (that's down on a map) is the south. As for there being a cultural difference between the north and the south, do your own fucking research. There are thousands of articles that talk about the north/south divide and what it entails. Coincidentally, you'll find that Norfolk isn't included as part of the north in any of them, mainly because they were written by people clever enough to understand how to interpret a fucking map. Jesus wept, Pen and yourself are both living up to the stereotypes of your fellow northern scum, mainly being pig fucking ignorant and thick as fucking shit.
  15. Apart from some demented, 6'4, childless freak of fucking nature who dresses up in women's clothes (you), literally no one else in the world thinks Norfolk is in the north. Do a Google image search of "The North of England" and apart from a few jocular ones which includes everything above London, you'll see Norfolk is in the south. Show me one official government map which for statistical purposes includes it in the fucking shit hole region of the country you were born in and I'll say you were right. Until then, shut your prattling fucking mouth, you've got all the geographic talent of a dyspraxic flat earther.
  16. It's only a website, Frank. Lol.
  17. It was called Norfolk by virtue of it being north of Suffolk. By your own deluded and thick as fucking shit definition, north London is therefore as northern as the two up two down where you spent your formative years dressing up in your mother's clothes, you sinister tranny cunt.
  18. Part two is coming soon, Aitch, the sequel no one asked for or wanted. Fuck off.
  19. Sooty got 25 to life for grooming little cousin Scampy and selling crack to Soo. Sweep went state witness, but was found dead in a pool of blood and spunk. Matthew Corbett was found at the scene looking sheepish with claret up to his elbow, but abused his white privilege to get away with community service.
  20. They bypassed millions of square miles of lush, fertile lands in order to float on a few hundred logs until they reached a desert shithole full of poisonous shit that could kill them. I'd say that the abo's are a perfect example of the idiotic degeneracy of our black cousins.
  21. I've got a theory on blacks, which I'd say was quite persuasive, but most people would label as pseudoscientific racism. I don't deny the overwhelming evidence that we all originated in Africa, and that the human race was originally black skinned. What I would say is this. Some of our Homo Sapien ancestors had the gumption to up sticks and leave Africa. Pioneers and adventurers, they had the mental and physical wherewithal to go forth and conquer the harsh and empty lands of Europe and Asia. Battling the elements and nature, they tamed their environment and evolved physically and mentally in the unforgiving surroundings of their new home. The rest of humanity who stayed in Africa were the lazy dregs of our species, they had no vision, no ambition and no drive to further and better themselves. Fast forward a few thousand years and blood will out. The lazy, unadventurous, uninspired relicts of ancient humanity are still squatting and shitting in the same rivers that birthed humanity. Here endeth the lesson, that's why blacks are fucking useless.
  22. Mongumental Idiot and Pen are cast out of the same mould as the aforementioned Philip Proudfoot. A couple of Cilla Blackesque fucking wankers who wax lyrical about how great the north is, despite getting the fuck out of there at the first opportunity to move to the land of milk and honey.
  23. Of course it fucking is, it's certainly not northern, and it's definitely not in the midlands. Culturally and in every single way that matters, it's in the south. Don't try and associate us with the disgusting cesspool of your birth.
  24. I had a similar experience after getting off a train at Liverpool Street and popping over the road to Dirty Dick's for a pint. Some star struck, northern fucking wanker blinded by the bright lights of the capital was at the bar looking like a befuddled 12th century peasant who had just time travelled to the distant future. Upon ordering his drink, which came to a grand total of £4.50, he proceeded to bellow "'OWWW BLOODY MUCH?!" as if he'd been asked to hand over his entire life savings.
  25. I'm absolutely fucking sick of it. On top of it all, our mighty leaders, with their customary smugness, have given us "permission" to mix with three other households at Christmas, as if we're lab rats and that's some sort of special treat. I won't be told by some fat fucking buffoon and his coterie of cousin fucking, upper class old Etonians who I can and can't see over the festive period. There'll be 40 of us over seven seperate households spending Christmas day together at my parents. I'd like to see the 6 or seven coppers on duty in our immediate area that day try to break it up. They can only impose this shit by the consent of brainwashed and terrified sheep. I suggest everyone else who can stand the sight of their family rebels and does the same as me. Fuck 'em.
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