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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Stubby is gonna drop a fucking bollock when he logs on and reads it.
  2. "Dougie" is actually "Drew" in Spacklish.
  3. Decimus

    BBC Cunts

    Do you not think that a pervy cunt accusing other pervy cunts of being hyporcrital is just a tad... Hypocritical?
  4. Indeed, it's where he first bumped into Mrs. N.
  5. Mrs. N has no doubt got a strong gag reflex after being ridden by your fat, fucking sweaty hulk for the past 30 years. However, it's a bit much to expect her to keep down her chicken McNuggets and fries whilst wearing a tarpaulin drenched in hooker blood and terrier spunk.
  6. Always a frown, With Gordon Brown.
  7. Somewhere over the rainbow flag.
  8. I hope that you weren't fathering Ding. If so you've got a lot to fucking answer for.
  9. Yes, your May 15 1976 address to the Oxford Union has gone down in history. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society may disagree, but I firmly believe that the fine students of that wonderful society really did behold the missing link that fateful day.
  10. @Manky like other years, I won't be buying a poppy, but I'll certainly be remembering your fallen King Edward peeling brothers in my own way. Lol Fuck off.
  11. Decimus

    Road works

    I originally typed "grown a couple of inches" but following legal advice I hastily edited the post.
  12. Decimus

    Road works

    Don't get me fucking started on this shit, leaving my house to go anywhere by car at the moment takes that long that when I eventually get home my youngest son has grown a foot. Fucking Caister high street dug up with no pre-warning or explanation as to why, the main roundabout road out of Yarmouth to Norwich is being dug up and down to one lane traffic until January, the fucking quay has got roadworks, and then when you get to Norwich you've got the joys of the knock on effects of the NDR works. And that's without taking into account my fucking Postwick rounabout nemesis. By the time I've gone around a glut of the pointless circular bastards, I'm just about ready to vomit by the time I reach Thorpe, and that's even before I see you by the side of the road, eating a foot long Greg's pasty and masturbating furiously.
  13. The original multi-ID scandal and Admin sensationalist expose. Featuring four big hitters Bill, Bawsey, Punkape and Frank, plus minor nonentities Agent Peabrain and Couldn't Give a Shit. Like the Kennedy assassination, everyone can remember where they were on the fateful 7th of December 2015.
  14. Decimus


    I've heard that Toyota have produced a video that teaches their Rav4 drivers the intricacies of the English language.
  15. It's Drewsday and there's a nomination about the incompetence of social workers. I'm expecting big things from you tonight, you drunken Barnardo's cunt.
  16. Comedy gold! Up your game, you useless cunt.
  17. Indeed. Cockfingers, what the fuck are you playing at? The clique is shoaling like a group of enraged piranhas and Fender is almost dead in the water with his pants down. Join the feeding frenzy.
  18. It looks like a post-op Ronald McDonald, minus the make up and plus a spastic's watch.
  19. Personally, I absolutely fucking love it when developers outmanoeuvre councils by getting around legislation regarding social housing percentages on new build estates. My first property in my early 20's was a new build, and at the time I wasn't aware of LA planning regulations. So despite being proud of owning my own home at a young age, I might as well have lived on a council estate. One in every five homes was populated by single parent slags with rotating boyfriends, and the children who ran wild during the evenings were reminiscent of Fagan's ragged, malnourished disciples. If it was up to me, I would implement social segregation and apartheid and decree that any cunt too poor to purchase a house and who has to resort to renting, is not allowed to live within a radius of five miles of a home owner. Fucking scum.
  20. Or a stupid fucking wanker who acts with complete incredulity when confronted with the fact that driving within London isn't the sort of ambling cruise enjoyed by the likes of Toad of Toad Hall
  21. Awful nomination. Akin to a stupid cunt moving next door to The Ministry of Sound and then complaining about the noise. Fuck off and stop whingeing about our God given right to celebrate the torturing and death of 17th century left footers.
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