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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. I never believed it would be spent on the NHS, the same as I didn't believe the majority of propaganda that came from the leave campaign. The fact is though, the public were deliberately misled and a lot of people did believe it. Shameless backtracking over semantics by the likes of Boris Johnson does not hide the fact that the Leave campaign sent fleets of buses around the country with massive slogans on the side regarding 350 million a week being spent on the NHS. A complete con and one that a lot of gullible people fell for.
  2. He's about as funny as evening raconteur session hosted by Albert fucking Ross. Hills is only marginally more entertaining than the other two, the cottaging Hobbit and the Jeremy Beadle handed flid.
  3. I doubt it. All it's taken in the past is a single drunken Icelandic man in a rowing boat to send our esteemed fishing fleet packing. Your optimism is refreshing, but it might soon be tempered by the gristle and low quality of Bolivian beef you'll be chewing on once we're out of the EU.
  4. It's interesting to get the perspective of someone actively involved in the NHS. We've got Proper, but so far his input has been limited to making tasteless but semi-humorous jokes about miscarriages. With the recent addition to our ranks of @White van man and his Brexit hardon, we might be able to sort the funding crisis imminently. On that note, WVM, where is our £350 million a week NHS extra dosh?
  5. Decimus

    June Kenton

    Alby, the trail of breadcrumbs that you have scattered over every single one of your fucking godawful posts points directly back to Pen. Whether this is deliberate obfuscation, or you genuinely are that disgusting, piss soaked whore is irrelevant. You're shit and I want you dead regardless.
  6. Decimus

    Dennis K

    You cunt. I'd literally just typed "Stubby?" when it flashed up "Bubba C has replied".
  7. Eddie, you're the most loveable racist on this site. No matter what you say, I can't ever bring myself to get angry with you. Never change.
  8. Decimus

    Dennis K

    A nom for the ages. Don't tell me that on the rare occasions that you are sober enough to drive you are not apoplectic with rage whenever faced with the Postwick white elephant.
  9. @Frank as you know, I patrol these pages in an earnest attempt to highlight and destroy the overt racism that is prevalent on this site. However, I've never stopped to consider that there is bigotry hidden in possibly every single post that you have submitted, even allowing for the many references to darkies you have previously made. Thankfully Eric has brought this to my attention. Consider yourself blackballed from receiving further complimentary 'likes' from the clique until further notice.
  10. I agree to an extent. In principle I believe in universal health care for everyone, regardless of age, circumstance or means. The American system is anathema to me, and medical treatment should be a right, not a privilege. But in the cold light of day, our current system cannot continue the way it is without either increased funding or prioritising treatment to certain groups. Personally I'd be willing to pay more in NI contributions to enable the NHS to provide universal care for all, but the current government doesn't appear to have the will or inclination to increase funding. Something has got to give.
  11. You're a doctor, so you might disagree with me based on the whole "do no harm" spiel, but aren't all these old cunts the problem? I'm not a medical professional, but as part of my role I do get given information regarding certain peoples medical situations. It's astonishing to read through the number of ailments some of my elderly referrals suffer from. It's often not singular, one recently suffered with type 2 diabetes, blindness, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis and vascular dementia. For a start, the quality of life for that particular person must be absolutely abysmal, but the cost to the health service in prolonging their life must be astronomical, especially when said person had barely any history of paying into the system. It's by no means an isolated incident, and I've come across countless other cases of elderly people with a whole spectrum of severe health problems. I'm not advocating leaving them in a corridor to die, but what is the sense in spending millions of pounds on prolonging the agony of people like this when the money could be better invested in treatments for younger, healthier members of the public who are better able to pay into the system once treated?
  12. Your top two posts so far.
  13. Albert, whilst I'm not doubting your obvious deductive abilities and razor sharp intellect, I feel that it needs to be pointed out that the addition of "Man" to his screen name gives the game away a bit. You stupid fucking cunt.
  14. Decimus

    Dennis K

    I'd rather that he didn't.
  15. Credit where it's due, don't tell me you didn't laugh at "Shitty Pecker", I certainly did. Lol.
  16. Decimus

    Dennis K

    Almost as bad a first effort as "Edinburgh Cuntzil" or "Evening All". Kill yourself. Immediately.
  17. Decimus


    The most simple solution would be to wrap the cord around your throat and hang yourself.
  18. Tim Farron is my cunt of the moment. A despicable bible-bashing tosspot.
  19. Not Blair's finest moment, Farage in this instance was spot on in calling out his support of Turkey, which was no doubt influenced by American pressure at the time. I've made no secret of my admiration of Mr. B and I realise I'm probably a lone voice on this site with regards to it, but his stance on the Turks was a fucking disgrace.
  20. Shut your cunting mouth, you stupid fucking French cunt.
  21. It's a well known fact that I'm in charge of the 343 bottle banks within our district. My acquaintance with Drew began when I discovered him face down and semi-conscious in the Yarmouth branch of Aldi's bottle bank, desperately sucking at the dregs of am empty K-Cider vessel. He's made similar subsequent appearances at 156 receptacles on my patch.
  22. Reported for polluting the planet and killing the bees and whales. Reported for being racist. Reported for being sexist. Wolf, I've sorted it.
  23. You construct your sentences with the similar amount of care that you afford the heavily stained raping mattress that you casually chuck into the back of your van on most evenings. Anyway, welcome, you're not Albert fucking Ross so you'll do for me.
  24. You haven't seen anything yet. When and if the floodgates are opened up to admit 80 million Turks, the continent will implode. I voted remain, but I'll thank everyone that voted leave if Turkey is ever admitted, for saving the country from being saturated with the barbaric, backward scum that inhabit that festering shit hole.
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