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Everything posted by southerncunt

  1. I doubt many people on here post while sober. Only one bottle? Softcock.
  2. I only smoke after numerous drinks, and its one or two fags. The rest of the time I have no interest. When I worked in a hospital it used to amaze me how many half dead cunts used to trundle out the front with their IV drips for a gasper. One silly cunt even had an operation for stomach cancer and was back on the durries. And his breath smelled like a horse had been eating cat shit for a month then dumped in his mouth. You could smell it from 6 feet away.
  3. I would have hoped those two terms were mutually exclusive, Gongers.
  4. "let alone grasp" would be more grammatically correct. Plus the bait at the end of the lesson. You let yourself down, Frank.
  5. Everybody knows at least one Aldridge Prior. Its just the level they attain that varies!
  6. Fear indeed. If you were desperate enough to go spelunking on a specimen like that, then you better take a miners helmet and 30 feet of medium gauge chain. I doubt there exists a duration of abstinence long enough for me to consider having a crack at that. I suppose I could trial the experience by standing downwind of a tannery while licking a 9 volt battery wrapped in stinging nettles. But then again, maybe not.
  7. You want to drive in Melbourne. Every cunt has a dirty big 4WD. Biggest cunts on the road anywhere. I have driven in England, and its a fucking fairy tale compared to here. And you think you have a problem with speed cameras? They are fucking everywhere here, and have a 4 kmh tolerance, which is lower that the 10% speedo error allowed for in the design rules. Money grubbing cunts. Driving in Melbourne can inhale a phallus. And I ride a bike too. Take a photo of that, why don't you. Cunts
  8. I am not against newbies, quite the contrary. What I am against, is new posters of low, and in Bohica's case zero wit.
  9. Mods! Bohica is bereft of wit AND humour, and is a pointless waste of oxygen! Try harder. Much harder. At the moment you are like a Tyrannosaurus trying to wank. You just can't get there.
  10. Fuck that. Newbie good/humourous - welcome. Newbie semi illiterate fucking idiot - open season.
  11. Try some good northern real ales and the sun will shine on your life... I'll give you that, Manky. You may not believe an Aussie, but I loved the real ales when I was over there for work. And you blokes do the best pubs in the world. Ours are poker machine filled shitholes, with fuck all variety on tap. Carlton Draught, or VB. Fuck that.
  12. Could not sniff his own arse out of a flower bed. If brains were dynamite he wouldn't have enough to blow his nose. Tail light. Not bright enough to be a head light. Wouldn't trouble the scorers on Sale of the Century. That's it for me until the next dumb cunt....
  13. The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead
  14. What are your thoughts with regards to drinking a full bottle of 14.5% abv red wine and pulling up ok in the morning? I did it yesterday, and even rode 15 km in to work on a pushbike. Just to get the smell out, mind you. Should I be proud of my liver, or just chalk it up to a freak event? I reckon if I did the same on beer, I would have been well fucked. Whisky would have been worse. Have any of you fine people had a similar experience?
  15. I would argue that we convicts have a case, too. Not that I could be bothered, what with all the surfing, fishing, camping and associated other outdoor activities in the bright sunshine that take up my time.
  16. Keying a car is a cunts act, full stop. But plenty of cunts do it, even some of the salt of the earth in this fine forum. It is for this reason I never dispute a car park in a shopping centre. Having said that, I did once let the tyre down on a great big fucking 4WD at the shops once after the cunt took my spot then sauntered off after I protested. Conveniently, he had his spare mounted on the back of the car like a complete cunt, so I unscrewed the valve on that while I was at it. No actual damage, but it fucked him over. The bully 4WD driving dick rash. I recommend it. I was on a high for days. I don't get out much, obviously.
  17. Why the fuck do dirty cunts do that? I am sitting in there having a shit, so I am not exactly well placed to comment on cleanliness, but bogeys on walls is just beyond the fucking pail. I expect the bottom of the bog to look like the deck of an aircraft carrier, but the walls should be covered only in graffiti, poorly drawn cartoons and jokes. Not shit mined from some bored filthy cunts beak.
  18. Somewhat random Bill, but a good nom none the less. To be unwittingly festooned with an errant skronky is well up on many peoples lists of things that are a bit not good A bit like easing out a fart when you are pretty sure you won't be disturbed then some cunt comes in to ask you something. That is a right cunt too.
  19. Most marshmallows stuffed up one nostril, or worlds stickiest bogey?
  20. southerncunt


    Nothing against Scruff personally, but I think he is the only one on here for whom the cricket means anything. By rights I should be pissed off because we lost the ashes, but it seems the cricket talk annoys even the English! At least his one trick pony is something I am interested in, not like some of the shite I used to see from Punkape and Brony.
  21. southerncunt


    Give it a rest. One trick pony
  22. Soppy cunt? Stupid careless cunt more like it. I am more concerned with how many fingers were involved. You may have been going at your own arse like someone trying to steal gumballs from a machine, you dirty bastard.
  23. southerncunt


    Every cunt who drives a dirty great big 4WD should at the very least pay extra registration. Fucking road hogging complete fucking boofheaded cunts. If VW is doing this, they all are, and no mistake. I am just surprised the krauts got found out first.
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