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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. Don't we know some poor cunt who married one of these? The stuff of nightmares
  2. I see the evil one has hit HS with the ban hammer to the tune of 6 months. Lol. Clearly the silly cunt can't take a joke regarding my light ribbing as to his alleged liking for taking up the shitter. The correct response was of course to laugh at lads banter and think of something equally crude to fire back at the pecker. That's what gains a bit of respect here, not going straight in for vile abuse of family members and quote altering to make me look like a nonce. I also see the sinister cunt has form for same thing just a short time ago, thus proving my thick as fucking pig shit theory.
  3. If you look like you're straight off one of withers dinghy's from um bongo land, how the fuck is some silver spoon old woman who, lets face it, isn't going to be the most 21st century savvy or tolerant person, going to tell that you are indeed a union jack waving patriot? The fact this kind of shite makes the news is a joke. Most fuckers here, including Asians, other duskys and various ethnics couldn't give a fuck about this deeply offended, reverse racist. I'll wager most Asians in the UK, think people who dress like its downtown Nairobi should fuck off there pronto. Others here have quite rightly pointed out her hypocritical stance regarding her battered blacks charity. If she and her ilk had half a braincell, perhaps they could look into the stats and come to the conclusion that these women are thick as fuck for shacking up with such cruel and violent men in the first fucking place. If you invite this type of cunt into your life, you've only got yourself to blame. I bet my bollocks there isn't a charity exclusively for white women who get batted to fuck by their lovely black men folk.
  4. I make one humorous comment regarding your liking for taking up the wrong ‘un and you respond with some ill advised comments regarding my family I think most will see who’s toys came out of the pram
  5. It’s clear you can’t fucking read. I take exception at your vile comments regarding my family members. You can verbally abuse me all you like, it’s part of the game that others have played here for years. Most, however, have the basic intelligence not to overstep the mark.
  6. Unfortunately, I don’t expect the Calypso boys to be too much trouble for the canary yellows. They’ve got some batsmen who can stay in all day, but none that’ll really scare the sandpaper mob. Have you noticed you much less starc swings it these days? And of course him and his mates weren’t aware of any wrongdoings as they clearly don’t look at the fucking ball in their hands…
  7. I couldn’t give a fuck what shite you decide to fling my way- I’ve endured far worse for far nastier cunts than you. I do however, draw the line at having a pop at other punters wives and kids, a line you’re obviously too fucking thick (or lazy) to be aware of.
  8. Balls? The deviant cunt probably nails them to the work top for sexual gratification whilst ramming an oversized cucumber up his wrong ‘un
  9. If the authorities get their unfortunate hands on your smoking hard drive, they’ll need asbestos gloves and a lead box to store it in lol
  10. Fucking watch your tone; Eddie’s a mate
  11. Less than half these days. Panzy and his kinfolk are out breeding your lot
  12. Reported for quote altering and inferring I’m a paedo Your comments speak for themselves and I’m sure most have made there minds up
  13. Even though our edd is as black as a dogs guts, being over 18 he doesn’t actually carry a knife. Being the sporting chap that I am, I actually helped him into roops waiting car after the sound thrashing a handed out. Fuck she’s ugly
  14. I’d shudder to think ‘where you want me’ you creepy maggot Baws warned me about your beast like nature, but like a silly cunt, I didn’t listen and gave you a fair go. We’ve had some borderline, darkweb lurking types here before and you’re clearly in the brony/ereptile/pete league
  15. Eddie’s in no shape for fuck all. The pasting I gave him in the park on Monday has left him clinging to life. His lips are massively swollen
  16. 12. Do not make sexual references about other members' family and relatives.
  17. Rattled and clearly no ability of self restraint. I guess the teeth marks in the bedstead remark was to all to close to home. See you in a few weeks. I’m sure you’ll find something depraved to occupy your time. Perhaps reading the site rules might help you to avoid making a right cunt of yourself…
  18. Wales is a lovely place. It’s the retarded, fuckwit natives that’s the problem. Very much like Scotland and Norn Ireland, as I’m sure you’ll testify to
  19. King billiam was right about one aspect of the famine. The brain dead slopes where all told to go out a kill all birds because they ate their crops. The result was an insect population out of control with very few natural predators. Guess what happened to the crops Fuck, they’re stupid
  20. I’d love to put a satellite tracker on the spaghetti limbed cunt. I’ll bet he’s crisscrossed SE Asia more times than the native Hirundininae
  21. Of the ten most polluting rivers in the world, 9 are in china. They’re responsible for over 50% of the plastics, heavy metals and other toxic shite that enters the oceans and pump out almost 30% of worlds CO2 If there’s any fucking justice, they’ll all start dropping dead because they live in a shite filled cesspit
  22. I’m on the look out for a couple of 18 year old Ukrainian girls who could suck a cricket ball through a hose pipe With the price of petrol, I’d put them to work siphoning fuel tanks
  23. Good point If his great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents hadn’t sold their children to a rival tribe as a consumable export items, he’d probably be high on drugs and booze with a smoking AK in his arms after a murder and rape spree in his west African paradise
  24. Lol That could be the tag line for the entire corner Good god she’s fucking awful
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