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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I think every cunt can see what a first class idiot billy boy is thanks to his pathetic attempt to goad someone clearly more intelligent than himself into making a fool of themselves. It gives us all a chuckle when know it alls try to be smart and are gunned down by roops, only the truly thick start even the most mundane of arguments with this harridan and hope to win. As for her comments of porky pies, lest we forget corbynista which didn't even warrant a slap on the wrist (no multis indeed...)? I suggest the hand holding clique of self proclaimed daddy's go back to the drawing board and hatch an original plan or perhaps continue to troll certain members after their every post and show what boring twats they are.
  2. You're bills mum and I claim my £3.65 in held back pocket money
  3. I just happened to be in Stratford on work (playing othello) and during the interval I legged it over to the CC rumble and found bill. As I was blacked up, the silly cunt dropped his pants and bent double hoping for a foot long black snake up the shitter. I prepared to strangle the ugly little cunt, and I mean ugly, but a wave of humanity swept over me and I began to take pity on the pathetic creature before me. I ended up taking him for a few pints and offering some great advice on how to be a better person. Expect a better bill on his return and less posts as I couldn't resist breaking his arm at the end of our bro date.
  4. I don't expect the nips or tiddlywinks give a fuck about the racist diatribe directed at them from this internationally renowned centre of cunting. Those poor little bastards are more than likely shitting a brick that North Korea will make to inevitable fuck up and fire a nuke the wrong way. Mayor of Hiroshima say "ahh what the fuck was that!"
  5. You're back bill, don't let it slip like last time.
  6. I haven't been paying close attention to your output of late billy, but I'm sure it's of high calibre if you've taken my excellent advice. I'll try and up my game to put you back on your place because frankly I'm feeling a little rattled verging on tears.
  7. I've not witnessed such homo hand holding than when minge and panzy buried the hatchet (euphemism for shit stabbing). You all need to up your respective games especially billiam, the useless cunt. Even Eduardo is eclipsing you tonight and he's thicker than the offspring of a traffic warden and a TV weather girl. I want you all dead
  8. Err, I think you're confusing me with someone else bill?
  9. Yes but the deranged nun ran a death cult which perpetuated poverty and convinced these poor cunts they were going to paradise. If that helped ease their suffering in the final moments then ok, but live their whole lives as a lie? India has approx 14 million human slaves, nuclear weapons and a space program.
  10. Getting lashed to a bed more like. Rohypnol in his Bacardi and coke so all the clientele can have a go.
  11. Bill you gormless idiot. You do have a vivid imagination more than likely based on personal experience and for that I feel sorry for you. Why you feel the need to stick up for Eduardo is puzzling as he's giving a pretty good account of himself, ultimately in a loosing cause, and should be congratulated on being able to show considerable self control, something you obviously can't do. I'd report you and suggest you be banished (maybe I have?) but I feel there's a good guy inside you trying to get out. Probably needs to be arse raped out of you by punkape and his cruel horse hung Nigerian pimps, but you'd thank them for it later. Keep trying bill, we're all rooting for you...
  12. Some Essex scrote has been sent down for trying to rob pony tailed beanpole "marksman" Andy Caroll of his cunting watch by pulling alongside his undoubtedly expensive car on his motorbike. Now this prick should have his thieving hands chopped off to stop him doing it again and is a cunt in his own right but not the biggest in this sorry tale. Said watch is reportedly worth £22,000! Fuck me silly, at that price I'd expect the bastard to be able to stop, reverse and forward time to the wearers advantage. If I ever meet Caroll I'm kicking him in the balls as hard as I can. That stunning blow will instantly tell him how despised he is for spending more on a fucking watch than many earn in a year. I want him and all his poncing footballist ilk dead.
  13. You've just copy and pasted what I said to you the other day! Rattled...
  14. Yes, I read about this yesterday and doubt that it was the lovely ms Bennetts name change or acting talent that has anything to do with her successI bet the Mongolians are still pissed right off from when john Wayne played genius khan..
  15. That's what everyone thinks of you, you bullshitting ponce. And not just here either.
  16. Fuck me, the biggest sack of shit bar none joins the fray. I thought I could smell your foul odour of kebab, special brew and horse spunk. Fuck off and mind your own business, side show Eddie and myself are having a grown up talk. Please kill yourself
  17. Withers is the goose fingerer here. If decs did it he could please 12 at a time thanks to his swamp dwelling ancestry, anyways he prefers fingering himself, or snakes. Same thing really lol fuck off
  18. Sub half marathon, silly me. Stick your red top up yer arse. Im warming to you Eduardo, warm like fresh sick.
  19. Well I wouldn't be able to run a sun 1:20 half marathon if I was an alchy would I you dopey turd, unless I'd run out of vodka, the nearest shop was 13 miles away and it closed in 1:21
  20. I hate you bill, you're the worst on here by miles. You come with a big wrap of being the daddy but you're about as funny as anal worts which turn into full blown cancer. Fuck right off
  21. What do you call an Asian chap with one leg? Tai Wan Shu I haven't had a beer for 3 weeks and won't be partaking until the end of October, you deaf cunt
  22. Nice one Eddie, not only are you a racist thicko but also happy to insult the disabled openly. I look forward to you having a go at amputees very soon you vile cunt
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