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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. I'd welcome back brony and the crumpet eating sheep if we could rid this place punkers and his tired rhetoric- even for a fucking week. If the wanker mods can cooler cunts who actually make decent, original, contributions that make punters laugh, just for being called a twat, the mildest of insults on a site called cunts corner then let spunkape get away with his crap if safe to assume he's one of them or is somehow beyond reproach. The majority are sick to fucking death of the poof. Ban the cunt.
  2. I'm going to vomit. Punkape cuddling up to his pen pals in the all paedo wing of broadmoor once a month on visiting day. Is there no end to the vile sickness this cock smoking, priest lovin' ragging poof gets up to?
  3. Oil tanker overturns in Pakistan so the natives gather round to nick the leaking fuel, calling their relatives to got their arses down there with the kitchen pots as well. Despite the police trying to keep the thieving vultures away from this extremely dangerous hazard, some dopey cunt lights a fag, incinerating over a 100s instantly.
  4. Goose shit stirrer, but you're correct. I still have faith in the sheep shagger when he's finished his latest big money deal.
  5. Herpes has rotted his brain. Combine that with the rancid spunk in his colon and it's easy to see his body is more infected filth than human explaining his belief in god, golf and that paedos just need a cuddle.
  6. Small minded cunts will believe anything they read especially if they can't read
  7. Punkers needs his Gary glitter LPs remastered as they're stuck together with a combo of spunk and shit! Maybe the Thai dwelling cunt could do it in person if we all chipped in?
  8. Punkers wishes he could have met the kray brothers being that they were a pair of shit stabbing rough un's who would have knocked seven bells of shit out of the snivelling little cunt before and after a good back scuttling. Very similar to the treatment he gets from his dusky skinned pimps on a nightly basis, the fucking poof.
  9. I'd say set the cunt on fire and chuck his crispy corpse into the North Sea. Then jail the cunts parents for not instiling wrong from right into the little shite, just sayin'
  10. I reckon something nasty is stuck up the twats twat due to a particularly bad time of the month. Either that or he's just seen comrade cor-bin at glasto and is intent on expunging the fascist cunts who elected the last 3 governments from our shores, the twat. If I stick to the paedo/serial killer/nonce/convicted violent scumbag sympathising narrative, I reckon I'll be ok.
  11. Steady on Eric, you're on thin ice with this vitriolic insult. Better to stand up for the rights of convicted child rapists as that's completely acceptable
  12. You cunning motherfucker baws, you bloody well no what I meen.
  13. And handing over all those Jews to the Hun knowing full well it was a one way trip to zyklon b.
  14. Great work cunt for brains. This pathetic attempt, again, to goad someone into accusing you of being a nonce and paedo sympitiser won't work. You're the one who fell for that trick so don't assume others are as pig shit thick as you. I suggest you abandon this vile trolling behavoir or your next visit to the cooler will be immanent or maybe permanent. Actually, carry on you fucking poof!
  15. What the flying fuck? Drugs, booze, brain tumour or all 3 combined?
  16. It'll take at least 50 years for the bograts to not have the weight of history dragging them down, when all the horrible cunts from all sides are rotting in the ground. In many ways the awful shit that went on over the water has been put into context by the length ISIS types will go to when behaving like spoilt little babies. If only the gloves could come off to sort them out properly like they did at times in NI perhaps we could stamp it out and they'd probably respect us more if we stopped being a bunch of PC, human rights gaylords. To defeat a brutal ideology at times you have to match their brutality and more.
  17. Punkers is off to is old chums imaginary pad in France to watch the race again this year. He particularly likes hanging around before the off to see those fit lads squeezing into their tight shorts. And the inherent gayness of many froggy men of course, the fucking poofter!
  18. I agree, although the TDF is a great spectacle, it's rotten to the core. All the former dopers now run the teams or work in the sport somehow so the cheating is endemic-it's the only way to win and get over the mountains at the speed they do. Get caught and it's a 2 year ban, pathetic, it should be life, a bit like punkers should get, the vile poof
  19. I'm talking "push" bikes you demented old cunt. There's nothing like jumping on a super stiff piece of carbon fibre...
  20. Moisturising is the sign of a real man gobby. I apply it morning and night in a vein attempt to look less haggard and to my ball bag and gooch after a sweaty run or bike ride. I'm sure you lube up the bat cave in this hot weather?. Chaffeing of the cunt is a cunt.
  21. Norway's a beautiful country; forests, fresh air, beautiful women and big fuck off holes in the ice which are great for skiing into!
  22. I've got a couple or spare ones cockfingers "laid" for me so save your stools. You can just pop it in beasties gob and be done.
  23. Goose stepping geese, dressed up in black SS clobber for the sexual gratification of your pot bellied Hun clients? Good god alive man, I know euros are a liberal bunch but you have to draw the line somewhere! Can you put them in Lycra for manky?
  24. I think our Cor-bin-sista isn't fit to lick the piss off abbottosauros's beef curtains although I'm sure he'd love to have a crack at it, pun intended. The web footed, ditch dwelling, East Anglian council tea boy!
  25. Please tell me you knew this without searching it out? There's spunk in yer eye withers you dopey cunt! Get your own house and cross dressing bus drivers in order before queering lads over here. Hang your head in shame, indeed.
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