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Stubby Pecker

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Everything posted by Stubby Pecker

  1. There's more likelihood of punkers refusing a foot long dusky cock or 6 to gobble that these cunts getting a nuke, and even if they do they haven't got the means to launch it without being discovered immediately and it being shot down. As for causing Armageddon it won't be in the same league as the real ones like what we got or the yanks planet destroying fuckers. Let them get on with it and keep up the pressure on the chinks to reign them in. Now, biological weapons, especially ones that affect selected races ie whiteys, that's what we should worry about.
  2. Never mind that bollocks mank, how's your shed doing in the weather? Bet it pongs a bit and those cunt spiders must be getting bigger and meaner daily?
  3. I agree; their system seems a socialist utopia, the living embodiment off a commie paradise where all actions strengthen the state to the detriment of their imperialistic enemy's! However, the western lies so propagated by our inherently corrupt media are nothing compared to those told about the beautiful Eastern Eden of Norfolk. They would have us believe the place in a windswept featureless plain with only slurry filled ditches to break up the monotonous arable mono culture and that the natives are a pack of mutant fen monkeys with big ears and 6 fingers from century's of inbreeding. Don't believe the untruths about gibbering village idiots, incest and the soporific atmosphere, it's a lovely place and I knew a good chap over that way but, alas, he was incarcerated wrongly, bummed half to death and hasn't been the same since.
  4. Sounds logical but won't work. The entire population has had 60 years of indoctrination that they are the greatest, strongest most prosperous country on earth and that all others are a hive of poverty and corruption. These fuckers no nothing else than what they're told and are ready to take up arms immediately if their leaders say so. The only reason this state exists is because of the backing of china. There's no way they want a free Korea, a huge US military base, on their border and secretly they must be in absolute awe of the slavish control they have over the people. This can't last forever as eventually China will become more open and the people will realise the moral wrongs of supporting such an awful neighbour. But of course they'll have to pick up the tab for sorting the place out when the system crumbles unless Kim wants to go down in a mushroom cloud of glory. Ricks already up for taking in a few dozen refugees and feeding them up on lentil and quinoa veggie burgers, the poor cunts.
  5. Eugeine Bouchard-best thing ever to come out of Canada!
  6. Bollocks, you get the 'orn if 80 year old Mavis next door hangs or bloomers out. Try this...
  7. Shits 'n giggles, couldn't happen to a nice more charismatic scotchman. Tennis is for poof and irons. Sorry I meant men's tennis...
  8. Don't take my "crackpot solution" too seriously Ricky boy. I'm sure when the whole rotten lot comes crashing down you'll happily welcome a dozen refugees into your home. Don't worry, from generations of malnutrition and indoctrination that it's good to eat only one meal a day, they'll be a stunted 4 foot 2.
  9. Poor old punkers, this must hit a nerve. However, it's just a pathetic attempt to goad someone to fuck up and call him a nonce or worse. Fortunately not many here are as pig shit thick as him. He'll probably nonce another member, just like last time, the fucking poof.
  10. US prisoner held in North Korea is sent home brain dead and kicks the bucket days later. This poor cunt apparently stole a propaganda poster, which as of his companions say is bullshit, "confessed" and got 15 years hard labour. The slanty eyed Stalinists say he was given a sleeping pill then got botulism and fell into a coma. Yank doctors say there's no sign of botulism more likely brain damage caused by the blood supply to the brain being cut due to cardiac arrest. Basically he was fitted up, as a pawn, and the torture went wrong or they just decided to kill him horribly to make a point. North Korea will eventually fall to pieces and the world will hear some shameful things and have millions of brainwashed simpletons to deal with. The most humane thing to do is incinerate the whole country and residents.
  11. Cops shoot a stupid cunt who was wearing an explosive belt-I hope they shot his balls off. I'm more shocked by the unshaven nature of the Belgium soldiers being filmed guarding the site.
  12. The same as when a few dozen cunts get their sheds flooded here. 300 have recently died in Sri Lanka with 1000s homeless. Maybe the EU could cough up or rehouse them?
  13. I've seen first hand the utter ineptitude of the French "fighting machine". When it gets tough they send in the Legionaries who lack the inherent cowardice of all froggies. Hang your head in shame......indeed
  14. Quite a promotion from lowly Marine. First job would be to sink the French fleet. Again. Vichy scum, indeed.
  15. This is on the same level as the cunting through song thread you dominated for so long. Much of my knowledge of depraved arse bandit ways is derived from this and of course the vile shit punkers PMs me in a sick and vain at attempt to queer me up.
  16. Good try, now fuck off and bang out to your Gary glitter records
  17. Yes, because it gets you all excited you fucking poof! Have you volunteered at an oncology centre yet to make up for your cuntish behaviour?
  18. I don't want to be near the cunt when he "spits his venom" ie a pathetic dribble of diseased spunk or a cum splatted fart
  19. And you've just posted about Panama hats the badge that says I'm a cunt and a secret shit stabber. Make the most of your final hours here.
  20. Yes, sad news Rolf is still alive I know, however, I understand the tags you've put with this nom but please refrain from telling us your preferred hole of choice, giving and receiving
  21. Shut up you blithering fucking idiot. Not only are you a poof but also a racist shitcunt with a fucking short memory, the inability to learn any lessons from history or put recent events into an intelligent context regarding today's world, geopolitics and religions. Might I suggest swallowing a couple of dishwasher tablets and washing it down with a pint of bleach? Failing that, fuck off.
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