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Everything posted by cuntspotter

  1. I think you make an interesting point. What you describe is the impediment to having the required clear and balanced investigation into these reports. Free from the hyperventilating outrage of bandwagon jumpers. I have no doubt that incidents have occurred that have been handled badly or not at all. But the suggestion is that this is endemic and countrywide.. that there is a societal blind spot that allows these thing to happen unopposed. We shall see. It needs to be investigated. Let’s find out.
  2. Why hasn’t anyone else thought of that?
  3. So it ought! Especially if poor old Ojuswaylo was the donor. It wouldn’t have happened without his contribution. Dr Philip Bleiberg was very grateful!
  4. The jeans just below the buttocks...isn’t that Alexander McQueen?
  5. Very interesting indeed, I agree.
  6. I think that some of that is about to change. Schools are finding themselves in the position where they will have to address the problem of Dwayne and chums who hang out in the stairwell and target girls. I wonder how people scoffing at this might respond if their daughter came home and said she had been cornered and forcibly “felt up “ by a gang of teenage boys, laughed at , spat on and threatened with physical violence, only to find that when they took their complaint to the school they were told that it couldn’t be investigated and that maybe their girl should go somewhere else if she doesn’t fit in? I think you would blow a fucking gasket! This stuff goes on (and worse) every day in schools around the country. Some areas are worse than others.
  7. And that is right. The issue is about concensuality.
  8. I think that we will find that you are wrong about this.
  9. Ah.. that lovely Dr Shipman.
  10. Plus....they are not allowed to eat bacon. It simply can’t be right.
  11. If I was one of Gods chosen people I’d expect history to have treated me a little better.
  12. Quite so. So it is with gender, sexuality, race, religion, colour and a multiplicity of other variables. People are cunts because of their piss poor attitudes, stupidity , mean spiritedness and general overall cuntishness.
  13. I think you’ve summed it up fairly well. Do you not know what else goes on in schools? Ask your daughters and grand daughters... if they are old enough.
  14. It will be interesting to see how far it goes. This is aimed squarely at what is being called “Rape Culture” that is purported to exist in many schools up and down the country and the prevailing abusive attitudes that many teenage boys have toward women in general. The finger is being pointed at freely available porn , misogyny and useless sexist fathers as the culture medium . As a father of daughters I can see mileage in this.
  15. We are not that good.
  16. I went to a “tea in the Park” some years ago.... they came on stage and every one, I mean everyone sang out the song in time with them. It was very impressive to see it happening. I bet they loved it!
  17. I don’t like any kind of golf. It’s a game to play, not watch.
  18. I thought someone here said he wasn’t really gay? (Looks like one to me)
  19. ...... and the Baltic and Portugal..
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