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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. Could be worse, I could be a northern property tycoon with at least 20 properties in the rental market, just think I could sell all my portfolio and have hundreds of pounds.
  2. I would rather be a paki than a Northerner.
  3. It's spelt Oprah, and watching that american shit ,drinking special brew with your hand up your Scottish boyfriend kilt is something to be ashamed of, homo.
  4. That cunts wig married miss world, nice going.
  5. True snatch, but he could have donated his fee, wankers are now signing a book of condolence, who are these cunts ?, probably the same people who queued up to sign princess Diana book. These professional sad cunts need shooting.
  6. Admittedly I am drunk, but what the fuck is bill on about ?
  7. Wogan was paid 800k a year for his RADIO 2 breakfast show, however he was the only celeb that charged for children in need, £1300.00 per hour,
  8. I know why you don't wash your minge, it's full of bacteria - it's the only culture you have.
  9. Prof B you're so fake, Punkape is jealous.
  10. Joined a lodge through peer pressure from a client, a old established lodge from Freemasons hall, managed to leave within 6 months as the piss head who introduced me fell foul of the lodge for general drunkenness, I protested at his public berating and used this as an excuse to leave. The lodge was mainly old men holding back from the bar waiting for newer members to approach and buy their drinks, or small business owners pushing their wares.
  11. Come on spot, you live in wales and are surrounded by the welsh, inspiration everywhere. Noms should be going down faster than a fat dog on lino.
  12. Eddie

    Bunch of migrants

    Jess Phillips, Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, compared the organised assaults on women by gangs of migrants, to the atmosphere in Britain’s second city on a night out. Ridiculous statement, over 800 women reported getting attacked on new years eve in Germany. These dirty fucking immigrants believed it was OK to touch , grope and rape women as the women had drunk alcohol and wore a skirt. In the shit holes these cunts have scurried away from, women may well be 2nd class under Islamic law, and as it's a religious law their views are not going to change when they turn up in Europe, and that is the problem. It does not alter the mind set a jot that the immigrants are now handed cartoons explaining that unwanted touching is not allowed. The gulf in culture is too big for this experiment to work. This labour politician should be condemning the attacks not attempting to compare attacks in the uk. Total cunt.
  13. Eddie

    The Zika virus

    i can explain that, you live in Wales.
  14. Eddie

    Bunch of migrants

    Sweden are kicking 80,000 immigrants out as almost half have failed asylum claims. The real shock is only half
  15. Don't you just hate delusional cunts...
  16. Shame, I was warming to BS mk2.
  17. As an estate agent ( unskilled labour ) you should embrace you working class social standing. Maybe form a union, fight for a decent pay structure rather than minimum wage. Please don't be fooled by the people at the top, you are most definitely working class.
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