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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. You're making a number of Freudian slips with your posts lately, Spunky. It's now clear to me that you are raving homosexualist (continual references to shit stabbers), have little or no money (continual references to class and wealth) and have AIDS (your latest favourite). All in all you really are a fucking dreadful creature.
  2. Typical fucking Frog - can't take any criticism. Vivre, you fucking cunt.
  3. Technically speaking it's a body transplant, since the head is the person.
  4. There goes Walter again - now daydreaming about meeting presidents. Stupid cunt.
  5. He's got a penis tattooed over his mangina.
  6. You're stupidity is seemingly limitless. Stating the bleeding obvious? Explain why this nom is obvious, and also why you feel it an inappropriate subject for CC. I can only assume you've taken offence as it doesn't mention your favourite subject, you shit stabbing little turd.
  7. I am quite capable of remembering what was going on in a TV programme prior to an advert break, and so don't need a fucking summary before the show continues. Then there's the "coming up after the break" shit too, just in case the viewer is too impatient to wait and see. Americunt shows are the worst offenders - by the time you take out the ad breaks, the coming up after the break shit and the recaps, a supposedly hour long show contains about half an hour of original content.
  8. Ape™️

    Taxi drivers

    I always thought you'd be more at home with the "daylight come and me wanna suck cock" version, you dreadful poof.
  9. Ape™️

    Taxi drivers

    Fuck off you snivelling little cum guzzler.
  10. Fascinating. Your use of bold italics to emphasise the word shithole really packs a punch. The stereotype I was referring to was the use of Range Rovers for the supermarket run. Are you drunk?
  11. Don't forget tennis elbow and gout. Stupid fucking cunt.
  12. Ah, I see. Quite a stereotype you're painting there. Surely some of the brats will have Android tablets? The fist / elbow shit is pure fiction. Cunt.
  13. Ape™️

    Taxi drivers

    You sound like Frank to me.
  14. That's a fucking terrible thing to say. You take that back right now, you nasty little turd.
  15. I'd prefer it if the Range Rover, instead of crashing into a hedge near his northern mud hut, crashed into his northern mud hut and killed all those within. Ideally Punkape would be at the wheel, with a belly full of fine claret and golfers spunk.
  16. And so it begins in earnest. Strictly Come Fucking Dancing - all the way to Cuntsmas. I'm off to the garage to drill holes in my face with my DeWalt - 18V naturally.
  17. I watched in utter disbelief tonight as some stupid spacker a few cars in front just sat stationary, unable to proceed due to only having around three foot clearance either side of her (no surprises there) stupid little car. Despite numerous cunts, myself included, sounding their horns, the idiot would not move until the delivery cunt van driver causing the "obstruction" moved off. Punkape doesn't have such problems with his Range Rover since it's a cardboard cutout he holds next to him as he walks / staggers to the off-licence each night for a four pack of Kestrel and a peperamini hot.
  18. Ape™️

    Taxi drivers

    An excellent retort. Good work Bill.
  19. Fucking hell Pansyspacker, you're very vocal today - have you been snorting harpic again?
  20. I like to think that Punkape is infinitely and endlessly fucking stupid.
  21. The only reason the stupid cunt is drinking Malbec is that it was on special offer. He doesn't buy wine to enjoy the grape - he buys it purely to get pissed.
  22. Two Boeing 767's hit the towers at high speed. This is a fact. How does this fact constitute part of a conspiracy theory? The pedantry over units is of no interest to me. Prick.
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