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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. The level of detail? Care to explain this detail I apparently included? I just thought I made a generalisation that the idiots think it was done deliberately. Fucking spacker.
  2. Errr did I say anywhere I actually read it, Mr thickie? Christ you're a fucking dope.
  3. Ok, well I'll await your expert opinion on why the towers collapsed then, other than the small matter of the passenger aircraft that crashed into them.
  4. Err perhaps you can't comprehend basic English, but my comments quite clearly stated that I don't believe any of these conspiracy theories, you thick fucking turd.
  5. Why can't these cunts just accept that when an object weighing around 200 tons hits a building at 200-300 mph, and then becomes an inferno, it's going to cause some extremely severe damage? Some of the utter fucking nonsense that pops up on social media ranting on about the twin towers being deliberately brought down is truly staggering. Fucking idiots.
  6. Another of your brilliant Welsh noms eh? More evidence, as if it were needed, that you're a complete fucking idiot.
  7. Ape™️


    Sherry - that has to be a euphemism. Fucking faggot. Lol.
  8. Ape™️

    Luton Airport

    It's highly unlikely I'd ever agree with you on any subject - even the colour of orange juice. Stupid, stupid cunt.
  9. Ape™️

    Luton Airport

    This is one of the (many) unfortunate side effects of him being a complete fucking prick.
  10. He's really something special - like a perfect storm that combines stupidity, bigotry, homosexuality, idiocy and spastication, to produce the biggest fucking wanker in the known universe.
  11. I like to think of him more as a Macclesfield mong, since people generally associate Cheshire with money and class - neither of which old spunky has.
  12. It costs them money to take your money by card. Use cash in future you dopey cunt.
  13. I made a right fucking twat out myself? Sorry, but I can't see it. Now you, on the other hand, are making a right fucking twat of yourself 24/7.
  14. Yes, I have amazing powers of deduction. Shame you haven't, as if you did you'd have deduced I was taking the piss out of you, and wouldn't have felt it necessary to make this moronic reply.
  15. Yes, it was really something special - special needs, that is.
  16. Does IKTC cleverly select (utterly shit) noms to enable him to berate the Welsh, and consequently Bubba? Or is he just a fucking spastic?
  17. Why would I call you the name of a supermarket, you magnificent spastic dunce?
  18. Indeed, and the title is conveniently ambiguous.
  19. It wouldn't surprise me if Punkape were involved in scouting of some description, the fucking faggot.
  20. What makes a grown man wish to become a scout leader? Surely they don't enjoy the company of young boys? Or perhaps they do. Fucking strange cunts.
  21. No, this rarely happens to you because you're a nasty, lying little cunt who is despised by all. Even habitual users of the word would falter in your presence. lol.
  22. The sooner someone rips out your CPU and shoves it up your gaping arse, the better.
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