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Everything posted by Ape™️

  1. Ape™️


    I've just been listening to Severe Punishment by Wu Tang Clan......fucking great track although it does try to kick my bass drivers out the window when played loud.
  2. From the nom critic supreme, comes this pile of shit. What were you thinking Frank, you fucking idiot?
  3. Ape™️


    I look ruddy depressed? If you are, as I suspect, looking at my avatar and personifying it, then I'm not depressed, I'm smelling my finger. Why? Because I R Baboon.
  4. Ape™️


    Well, the chances of you ever saying something smart are pretty slim I'd say, mint sauce. Also, please do yourself a favour and avoid sounding like an American in your posts, as this makes you look even more of a cunt.
  5. He had me convinced right up until the bit about the watery poo coming out, as this is obviously bullshit.
  6. Trying to understand why anyone would buy a Citroen Cactus. Fucking dreadful looking car.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Fook me that cactus is revolting...

      Are those pads for picking it up when it rolls over onto its ski's?

      PS.. Bad naming.. the pricks are on the inside... trololol..!!

    3. Ape™️


      Good call with the Multipla, they are revolting. However, I raise you a Ssanyong Musso......

  7. Ape™️


    To see Chris Martin slowly fed through an industrial thickness planer would bring me unimaginable pleasure.
  8. That double lol is such a stupid fucking cunt thing to do. If this idiot is also Cum Monkey, he is bound to let it slip eventually.
  9. Ape™️

    Brenda Leyland

    They were Gruff weren't they, those Billy Goats?
  10. Don't bother messaging me again idiot. Whatever you want to say, say it on the forum.
  11. Oh fuck, the sheep has started drinking again.
  12. What the fuck is going on with the quoting mechanism tonight?
  13. It's a little known fact he was a secret bogier.
  14. Do stupid cunt dyke Americans have great teeth too?
  15. I take great pleasure in parking my old motor really close to the two parking space wankers (generally BMW OR Audi).
  16. Don't worry too much Scotters, I drive a fast approaching 12 year old year old Peugeot 406. Old is good!
  17. We have to wait for him to put his trademark double LOL at the end of a invariably unfunny post, just to be 100% sure........
  18. I was at a traffic light controlled crossroads tonight, in the right hand lane waiting to turn right. In the left hand lane a Q7 "Land Barge" appears, the left lane being the one you get in when you either want to go left or straight on. So, the driver, who is by default a fucking cunt, as soon as the light turn green, boots it away and turns right across the front of my car as I'm also turning right. Fucking idiot almost took the front of my wife's two week old car. He went hammering off, through a populated 30 mile per hour zone, like a bat out of hell. Why can't cunts like this either a). get caught in the act by the police or . just crash and die horribly? Cunts like this epitomise the type of special needs fucktards that buy these absurd vehicles.
  19. Ape™️

    Urban foxes

    My neighbour feeds a pair of the fuckers and it's not unusual to find fox shit on our drive. Dirty horrible bastard things.
  20. My Mrs is on the Cava too, but unfortunately also watching Strictly Go Fuck Yourself. I'm off to the garage to drill holes in my face with an 18V DeWalt, as its preferable to enduring the Strictly garbage.
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