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Everything posted by Witheredscrote

  1. No doubt subsidised by buying shit 'own brand' products from Tesco.
  2. I can live with that, it doesn't effect me. I never go into big cities, and loathe crowds. France is a big country. As for border controls, don't need them. I can get in the car and drive up and have a pint with Gong, turn right and have another one with Snatch, head south and hopefully run Frank off the road in The Lot.
  3. Witheredscrote


    I am certainly not embracing your naturism.
  4. You cannot expect too much from an adult with learning difficulties. Playing with electric toys at his age indeed..... lol
  5. Yes, I saw that. Who would have thought that my saying Zyklon B and razor wire would cause the soppy wet cunt so much angst
  6. The wrong uns are certainly winning of late Snatchers, I've had a shit week of canvassing, and then Marine goes and loses this evening. Bang goes the job she promised me, I was looking forward to being her South Western coordinator. Deleted
  7. Oh, really back with a big bang I see. How fucking original. P.M. Terry Tibbs, he will feed you a few good lines and make you funny again. Cunt
  8. Unfuckinforgivable remarks, the way you are going on you will have no friends. When you are really old like me, and alone, people will say ' Here comes that miserable old cunt Neil, wheeling his enlarged prostate on a sack barrow'
  9. Surely his biggest gaff was when he asked Ape if he shopped at Waitrose.....lol
  10. Wrong. Mongs have greater intelligence than this thick soak.
  11. I would love to offer the cunt some assistance Ape, but I am fresh out of a piece of 4"x2" with a nail in the end of it.
  12. How very fuckin dare you. That is the last time I try to help get one of your usual shit noms 'off the ground', fuck off you no stairs cunt.
  13. It is a shame Frank is dead, the skinny cunt obviously had bulimia
  14. The Telegraph has reported this morning that Liz has called an emergency meeting of her entire staff including those from Balmoral. They say it is very serious. I am not one to speculate, but could it be his Duckship Phil the Greek on his way out? One of her corgis has shit in the fireplace? Has Punkape choked to death on a fish bone at her dining table?
  15. Great shame that it wasn't Tesco that got nommed. We wouldn't be able to keep up with all the comments from Ape, defending them. Half their profit was from the sale of own brand beans..... lol
  16. Agreed. I live in a left wing part of France, all the French here that I speak to are decrying Le Pen, but at the same time voicing their concerns about Macron. I had a beer with our Maire earlier today and his words 'A lot of people will vote for Le Pen and deny doing so, it will be a very close result. A bit like Brexit'
  17. So that is Wales excluded then. R.I.P. Bubba
  18. Witheredscrote

    Mrs McCann

    Very good, I never knew Terry was a Pakistani ( happy Rick? )
  19. When I have to return to the U.K, which thank God is very rarely, I shop at Waitrose. That way I avoid having to mix with oiks.
  20. When it comes to all the other cunts on here, I say Sod 'em all.
  21. It would take a giant pumpkin to fill your cavity. lol
  22. I see God as more of a cigar man
  23. Your dining table would look distressed if I visited. I would slam your head into it at least 20 times, you annoying waste of oxygen.
  24. Cunt, I nearly choked on my whisky. It wouldn't be his own urine, he would ask Bill Beaumont for some.
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