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Posts posted by Witheredscrote

  1. 1 hour ago, Frank said:

    The Major has to be the most idiotic poster the site has ever seen. The deluded gimp seems to think that disappearing for two years - after being totally destroyed by yours truly - entitles him to a free rein. @Major Cunt don’t you fucking dare. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

    Has anyone else been contacted by a "Lilla Rossi" about a (fictitious) order for goods unspecified?

    I assume that my email has appeared on a list somwhere and they want me to open the attachment or reply.

    The English text was worse, even, than some posts here. It seems like a proper old fashioned scam; real early 2000s stuff.  It made me feel all nostalgic for a moment,

    That poor prince from Nigeria may soon reappear.

    No, but I have received several emails from 'Up_Amazon.BR' saying my order for a shrunken head has been damaged in transit. 

  3. I sincerely hope this nom does not degenerate into mocking the sadly departed Bernard.

    For example, if Frank and Eddie were to die whilst gobbling each other, at 140 mph, in Rookarse's McLaren, I wouldn't knock them. No Sirree, not me.

  4. 5 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Withers, attempting to sell lumber fuel to an 80s population of phlegmatic Taffs reliant on cheap coal was almost as fucking stupid as your soap start up in the slums of Marseille.

    If I ever catch you offering financial tips on here again I'll come down on you like a tonne of fucking Scots pine.


    I understand that after a few weeks living in Canada, you're now an expert on lumber finance.  

    Have you managed to defrost the wife's minge yet?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Withers I’ve been down to Whistable today, bloody packed out in the harbour. I treated myself to a piece of shit painting from an old bint in the sheds. It’s never going up on the wall, charity shop donation next week. I must stop trying to fill the void by spending money on shit I don’t need. How do you bring happiness to your bankrupt life? 

    Collecting the rental income from gullible leaseholders via an offshore company. Regarding trying to stop spending money on shit you don't need, my advice is to divorce her.

    • Like 1
  6. On 03/05/2024 at 21:19, Frank said:

    I’m afraid the Ape has a valid point, elc. For all of his faults and thickness, Raasters doesn’t leave me stone fucking cold like you and Harold. You might not be fully aware, but when I turn on a fellow member, they can pretty much consider their days numbered. 

    vapid works better.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

    Some people are well suited to the Cunts Corner environment. They take the time to understand the way of things, and how to conduct themselves. They also understand the way others behave, and how the things they say are often designed solely to elicit a response from the recipient. Generally speaking, this arrangement has worked well for many years, and the regular posters exchange sarcastic, inappropriate and often offensive comments in good humour: they’re being cunts to each other.

    However, there appears to be a breed of newcomer to these hallowed halls that seem hell bent on turning The Corner into a place where they can engage in unhindered, supposedly serious political debate, and really don’t know how to react to the inevitable sarcasm and ridicule their pseudo-intellectual drivel attracts. Fucking idiots, the pair of them.

    lol LOL fuck off.

    Pile of shit.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

    What do you think about the royal arms behind the back approach.   I find it helps me keep my balance and also stops my hands wandering in crowded situations. 


    6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    What do you think about the royal arms behind the back approach.   I find it helps me keep my balance and also stops my hands wandering in crowded situations. 

    Well that has always been a problem for Frank.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

    My teeth are more fucked than Roops' ginger growler but I'm waiting for the hospital to extract some after my dentist thought it wasn't worth his fucking time doing it for the NHS fee, so they referred me. That's twice now and it's only been 2 years - hopefully they're going to fall out any day now and I'll save myself multiples of £225. Stupid thing is I've got £25k to pay for implants but I think dentists are such robbing cunts (comparable to vets, estate agents and recruitment consultants) that I've decided to keep it in my bank account for as long as I can.

    CB, I'm in the U.K. next week. I would quite happily remove all you teeth gratis. Your brick, or mine?

  10. 1 hour ago, Frank said:

    I’d like to meet you, Neil. What do you say? I currently have two temporary ‘teeth’ in my gob whilst the gums heal in preparation for the implants. Budapest… a fraction of the cost and a fantastic experience. Let’s go together in June and share a room. I’ll fuck you in the face like there’s no tomorrow. Nuts in.  

    Not wishing to presume, but why on earth would Neil want to go anywhere with a flake like you?

    You absolute tit.

  11. 12 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


    I've noticed you pair cunts topping the leaderboard lately... which has clearly gone to your stupid heads, hasn't it? A failed musician Hermaphrodite and a failed half dead French 'Racing Driver' strutting round like own the fucking gaff... No, it's not on. 

    Considering you both eat the sweetcorns out each others shit, it would be no shock to discover the pair of you manipulating the leaderboard, if I could be bothered to check. 

    Give it a fucking rest and fuck off.

    @Frank,  OCR has a good point. I'm out.


  12. 1 minute ago, Eddie said:

    I’ve got loads on ‘the doc’ Roops has filled me in….

    he attends his therapy dressed as the queen mum waving little plastic union jack flags but only speaks in an Australian accent, his personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. 

    Thank you for that Ed. If the info came via Roops it must be true.  I can only assume that Doc is really getting into the roll, as many years ago I had tea with 'Old Mumsie' (as we knew her at Balmoral), and she smelt of herrings.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Regardless of what or who he is, he’ll do well to stay in my good graces. I’ll tell you exactly what’s happening here, Ed. Buckle in. 

    You might recall that poor Kate’s hospital notes were the subject of an attempted royal data breach back in January. Allegedly, unsavoury staff at The London Clinic published her medical records on the dark web. LCS, a retired, redundant, and homesick expat, peruses these sordid sites on a daily basis. He then relays the shit to all seven of us, as if he’s on the cusp of securing a groundbreaking exclusive. 

    The man is undeniably a tool. If, god forbid, it transpires the princess is no longer with us, or her entire being is made up of semen from a thousand black sailors cocks, not a single sensible soul would care in the slightest.

    Have you finished?

  14. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Sadia wall mounted water heaters. A big white cylinder with a swivelling chromed spout and a Bakelite tap on the front. 
     The landing toilet was a ‘Dauntless Rubberline’. A fucking great black rubber cistern mounted on iron brackets near the ceiling. I miss that sort of luxury.

    Living in Essex, I bet you fucking do.

  15. 2 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:


    The landlord was a Pakistani who wouldn't allow anyone to eat curry in the house as he hated the smell.

    He was being tactful, and liked curry, but couldn't stand the smell of your shit next morning.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    When I was 18 and moved into my first shithole, a bedsit, it had one big official meter downstairs and all the rooms had little 50p meters that the landlord emptied. Although the coin boxes all had the same key and one of the tenants had a copy. Put the 50p in the slot, catch it and put it back through. I didn’t feel guilty. The landlord was a Welsh Jew.

    Bubba's dad?

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